/* * Copyright (C) Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2001-2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "ompi/mca/osc/osc.h" #include "ompi/mca/osc/base/base.h" #include "ompi/mca/osc/base/osc_base_obj_convert.h" #include "opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h" #include "osc_ucx.h" OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(ompi_osc_ucx_lock_t, opal_object_t, NULL, NULL); static inline int start_shared(ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module, int target) { uint64_t result_value = -1; uint64_t remote_addr = (module->state_addrs)[target] + OSC_UCX_STATE_LOCK_OFFSET; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; while (true) { ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_fetch(module->state_mem, UCP_ATOMIC_FETCH_OP_FADD, 1, target, &result_value, sizeof(result_value), remote_addr); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } assert((int64_t)result_value >= 0); if (result_value >= TARGET_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) { ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_post(module->state_mem, UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_ADD, (-1), target, sizeof(uint64_t), remote_addr); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } } else { break; } ucp_worker_progress(mca_osc_ucx_component.wpool->dflt_worker); } return ret; } static inline int end_shared(ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module, int target) { uint64_t remote_addr = (module->state_addrs)[target] + OSC_UCX_STATE_LOCK_OFFSET; return opal_common_ucx_wpmem_post(module->state_mem, UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_ADD, (-1), target, sizeof(uint64_t), remote_addr); } static inline int start_exclusive(ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module, int target) { uint64_t result_value = -1; uint64_t remote_addr = (module->state_addrs)[target] + OSC_UCX_STATE_LOCK_OFFSET; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; for (;;) { ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_cmpswp(module->state_mem, TARGET_LOCK_UNLOCKED, TARGET_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, target, &result_value, sizeof(result_value), remote_addr); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } if (result_value == TARGET_LOCK_UNLOCKED) { return OMPI_SUCCESS; } ucp_worker_progress(mca_osc_ucx_component.wpool->dflt_worker); } } static inline int end_exclusive(ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module, int target) { uint64_t remote_addr = (module->state_addrs)[target] + OSC_UCX_STATE_LOCK_OFFSET; return opal_common_ucx_wpmem_post(module->state_mem, UCP_ATOMIC_POST_OP_ADD, -((int64_t)TARGET_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE), target, sizeof(uint64_t), remote_addr); } int ompi_osc_ucx_lock(int lock_type, int target, int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *)win->w_osc_module; ompi_osc_ucx_lock_t *lock = NULL; ompi_osc_ucx_epoch_t original_epoch = module->epoch_type.access; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->no_locks) { OSC_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "attempted to lock with no_locks set"); return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } if (module->lock_count == 0) { if (module->epoch_type.access != NONE_EPOCH && module->epoch_type.access != FENCE_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } } else { ompi_osc_ucx_lock_t *item = NULL; assert(module->epoch_type.access == PASSIVE_EPOCH); opal_hash_table_get_value_uint32(&module->outstanding_locks, (uint32_t) target, (void **) &item); if (item != NULL) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } } module->epoch_type.access = PASSIVE_EPOCH; module->lock_count++; assert(module->lock_count <= ompi_comm_size(module->comm)); lock = OBJ_NEW(ompi_osc_ucx_lock_t); lock->target_rank = target; if ((assert & MPI_MODE_NOCHECK) == 0) { lock->is_nocheck = false; if (lock_type == MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) { ret = start_exclusive(module, target); lock->type = LOCK_EXCLUSIVE; } else { ret = start_shared(module, target); lock->type = LOCK_SHARED; } } else { lock->is_nocheck = true; } if (ret == OMPI_SUCCESS) { opal_hash_table_set_value_uint32(&module->outstanding_locks, (uint32_t)target, (void *)lock); } else { OBJ_RELEASE(lock); module->epoch_type.access = original_epoch; } return ret; } int ompi_osc_ucx_unlock(int target, struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *)win->w_osc_module; ompi_osc_ucx_lock_t *lock = NULL; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } opal_hash_table_get_value_uint32(&module->outstanding_locks, (uint32_t) target, (void **) &lock); if (lock == NULL) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } opal_hash_table_remove_value_uint32(&module->outstanding_locks, (uint32_t)target); ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_flush(module->mem, OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SCOPE_EP, target); if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (lock->is_nocheck == false) { if (lock->type == LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) { ret = end_exclusive(module, target); } else { ret = end_shared(module, target); } } OBJ_RELEASE(lock); module->lock_count--; assert(module->lock_count >= 0); if (module->lock_count == 0) { module->epoch_type.access = NONE_EPOCH; } return ret; } int ompi_osc_ucx_lock_all(int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t*) win->w_osc_module; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->no_locks) { OSC_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "attempted to lock with no_locks set"); return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } if (module->epoch_type.access != NONE_EPOCH && module->epoch_type.access != FENCE_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } module->epoch_type.access = PASSIVE_ALL_EPOCH; if (0 == (assert & MPI_MODE_NOCHECK)) { int i, comm_size; module->lock_all_is_nocheck = false; comm_size = ompi_comm_size(module->comm); for (i = 0; i < comm_size; i++) { ret = start_shared(module, i); if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) { int j; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { end_shared(module, j); } return ret; } } } else { module->lock_all_is_nocheck = true; } assert(OMPI_SUCCESS == ret); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_osc_ucx_unlock_all(struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t*)win->w_osc_module; int comm_size = ompi_comm_size(module->comm); int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_ALL_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } assert(module->lock_count == 0); ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_flush(module->mem, OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SCOPE_WORKER, 0); if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (!module->lock_all_is_nocheck) { int i; for (i = 0; i < comm_size; i++) { ret |= end_shared(module, i); } } module->epoch_type.access = NONE_EPOCH; return ret; } int ompi_osc_ucx_sync(struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *)win->w_osc_module; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_EPOCH && module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_ALL_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } opal_atomic_mb(); ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_fence(module->mem); if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) { OSC_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "opal_common_ucx_mem_fence failed: %d", ret); } return ret; } int ompi_osc_ucx_flush(int target, struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t*) win->w_osc_module; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_EPOCH && module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_ALL_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_flush(module->mem, OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SCOPE_EP, target); if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return ret; } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_osc_ucx_flush_all(struct ompi_win_t *win) { ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *module = (ompi_osc_ucx_module_t *)win->w_osc_module; int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS; if (module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_EPOCH && module->epoch_type.access != PASSIVE_ALL_EPOCH) { return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC; } ret = opal_common_ucx_wpmem_flush(module->mem, OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SCOPE_WORKER, 0); if (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return ret; } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_osc_ucx_flush_local(int target, struct ompi_win_t *win) { /* TODO: currently euqals to ompi_osc_ucx_flush, should find a way * to implement local completion */ return ompi_osc_ucx_flush(target, win); } int ompi_osc_ucx_flush_local_all(struct ompi_win_t *win) { /* TODO: currently euqals to ompi_osc_ucx_flush_all, should find a way * to implement local completion */ return ompi_osc_ucx_flush_all(win); }