/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana * University Research and Technology * Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2017 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008-2018 University of Houston. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Inria. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "ompi/runtime/params.h" #include "ompi/communicator/communicator.h" #include "ompi/mca/pml/pml.h" #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/mca/fcoll/base/fcoll_base_coll_array.h" #include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor.h" #include "opal/datatype/opal_datatype.h" #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h" #include "ompi/info/info.h" #include "ompi/request/request.h" #include #include #include "io_ompio.h" int ompi_io_ompio_generate_current_file_view (struct ompio_file_t *fh, size_t max_data, struct iovec **f_iov, int *iov_count) { struct iovec *iov = NULL; size_t bytes_to_write; size_t sum_previous_counts = 0; int j, k; int block = 1; /* allocate an initial iovec, will grow if needed */ iov = (struct iovec *) calloc (OMPIO_IOVEC_INITIAL_SIZE, sizeof (struct iovec)); if (NULL == iov) { opal_output(1, "OUT OF MEMORY\n"); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } sum_previous_counts = fh->f_position_in_file_view; j = fh->f_index_in_file_view; bytes_to_write = max_data; k = 0; while (bytes_to_write) { ptrdiff_t disp; /* reallocate if needed */ if (OMPIO_IOVEC_INITIAL_SIZE*block <= k) { block ++; iov = (struct iovec *)realloc (iov, OMPIO_IOVEC_INITIAL_SIZE *block *sizeof(struct iovec)); if (NULL == iov) { opal_output(1, "OUT OF MEMORY\n"); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } } if (fh->f_decoded_iov[j].iov_len - (fh->f_total_bytes - sum_previous_counts) <= 0) { sum_previous_counts += fh->f_decoded_iov[j].iov_len; j = j + 1; if (j == (int)fh->f_iov_count) { j = 0; sum_previous_counts = 0; fh->f_offset += fh->f_view_extent; fh->f_position_in_file_view = sum_previous_counts; fh->f_index_in_file_view = j; fh->f_total_bytes = 0; } } disp = (ptrdiff_t)(fh->f_decoded_iov[j].iov_base) + (fh->f_total_bytes - sum_previous_counts); iov[k].iov_base = (IOVBASE_TYPE *)(intptr_t)(disp + fh->f_offset); if ((fh->f_decoded_iov[j].iov_len - (fh->f_total_bytes - sum_previous_counts)) >= bytes_to_write) { iov[k].iov_len = bytes_to_write; } else { iov[k].iov_len = fh->f_decoded_iov[j].iov_len - (fh->f_total_bytes - sum_previous_counts); } fh->f_total_bytes += iov[k].iov_len; bytes_to_write -= iov[k].iov_len; k = k + 1; } fh->f_position_in_file_view = sum_previous_counts; fh->f_index_in_file_view = j; *iov_count = k; *f_iov = iov; if (mca_io_ompio_record_offset_info){ int tot_entries=0, *recvcounts=NULL, *displs=NULL; mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t *per_process=NULL; mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t *all_process=NULL; int *sorted=NULL, *column_list=NULL, *values=NULL; int *row_index=NULL, i=0, l=0, m=0; int column_index=0, r_index=0; int blocklen[3] = {1, 1, 1}; ptrdiff_t d[3], base; ompi_datatype_t *types[3]; ompi_datatype_t *io_array_type=MPI_DATATYPE_NULL; int **adj_matrix=NULL; FILE *fp; recvcounts = (int *) malloc (fh->f_size * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == recvcounts){ return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } displs = (int *) malloc (fh->f_size * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == displs){ free(recvcounts); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } fh->f_comm->c_coll->coll_gather (&k, 1, MPI_INT, recvcounts, 1, MPI_INT, OMPIO_ROOT, fh->f_comm, fh->f_comm->c_coll->coll_gather_module); per_process = (mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t *) malloc (k * sizeof(mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t)); if (NULL == per_process){ opal_output(1,"Error while allocating per process!\n"); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } for (i=0;if_rank; } types[0] = &ompi_mpi_long.dt; types[1] = &ompi_mpi_long.dt; types[2] = &ompi_mpi_int.dt; d[0] = (ptrdiff_t)&per_process[0]; d[1] = (ptrdiff_t)&per_process[0].length; d[2] = (ptrdiff_t)&per_process[0].process_id; base = d[0]; for (i=0;i<3;i++){ d[i] -= base; } ompi_datatype_create_struct (3, blocklen, d, types, &io_array_type); ompi_datatype_commit (&io_array_type); if (OMPIO_ROOT == fh->f_rank){ tot_entries = recvcounts[0]; displs[0] = 0; for(i=1;if_size;i++){ displs[i] = displs[i-1] + recvcounts[i-1]; tot_entries += recvcounts[i]; } all_process = (mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t *) malloc (tot_entries * sizeof(mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t)); if (NULL == all_process){ opal_output(1,"Error while allocating per process!\n"); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } sorted = (int *) malloc (tot_entries * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == sorted){ opal_output(1,"Error while allocating per process!\n"); free(all_process); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } adj_matrix = (int **) malloc (fh->f_size * sizeof(int *)); if (NULL == adj_matrix) { opal_output(1,"Error while allocating per process!\n"); free(sorted); free(all_process); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } for (i=0;if_size;i++){ adj_matrix[i] = (int *) malloc (fh->f_size * sizeof (int )); if (NULL == adj_matrix[i]) { for (j=0; jf_size;i++){ for (j=0;jf_size;j++){ adj_matrix[i][j] = 0; } } } fh->f_comm->c_coll->coll_gatherv (per_process, k, io_array_type, all_process, recvcounts, displs, io_array_type, OMPIO_ROOT, fh->f_comm, fh->f_comm->c_coll->coll_gatherv_module); ompi_datatype_destroy(&io_array_type); if (OMPIO_ROOT == fh->f_rank){ ompi_io_ompio_sort_offlen(all_process, tot_entries, sorted); for (i=0;if_size; i++){ for (j=0; jf_size; j++){ if (adj_matrix[i][j] > 0){ m++; } } } fp = fopen("fileview_info.out", "w+"); if ( NULL == fp ) { for (i=0; if_size; i++) { free(adj_matrix[i]); } free(adj_matrix); free(sorted); free(all_process); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return MPI_ERR_OTHER; } fprintf(fp,"FILEVIEW\n"); column_list = (int *) malloc ( m * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == column_list){ opal_output(1,"Error while allocating column list\n"); fclose(fp); for (i=0; if_size; i++) { free(adj_matrix[i]); } free(adj_matrix); free(sorted); free(all_process); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } values = (int *) malloc ( m * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == values){ opal_output(1,"Error while allocating values list\n"); fclose(fp); for (i=0; if_size; i++) { free(adj_matrix[i]); } free(adj_matrix); free(column_list); free(sorted); free(all_process); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } row_index = (int *) malloc ((fh->f_size + 1) * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == row_index){ opal_output(1,"Error while allocating row_index list\n"); fclose(fp); for (i=0; if_size; i++) { free(adj_matrix[i]); } free(adj_matrix); free(values); free(column_list); free(sorted); free(all_process); free(per_process); free(recvcounts); free(displs); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } fprintf(fp,"%d %d\n", m, fh->f_size+1); column_index = 0; r_index = 1; row_index[0] = r_index; for (i=0; if_size; i++){ for (j=0; jf_size; j++){ if (adj_matrix[i][j] > 0){ values[column_index]= adj_matrix[i][j]; column_list[column_index]= j; fprintf(fp,"%d ", column_list[column_index]); column_index++; r_index++; } } row_index[i+1]= r_index; } fprintf(fp,"\n"); for (i=0; if_size + 1); i++){ fprintf(fp, "%d ", row_index[i]); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); if (NULL != recvcounts){ free(recvcounts); recvcounts = NULL; } if (NULL != displs){ free(displs); displs = NULL; } if (NULL != sorted){ free(sorted); sorted = NULL; } if (NULL != per_process){ free(per_process); per_process = NULL; } if (NULL != all_process){ free(all_process); all_process = NULL; } free(column_list); free(values); if (NULL != row_index){ free(row_index); row_index = NULL; } if (NULL != adj_matrix){ for (i=0;if_size;i++){ free(adj_matrix[i]); } free(adj_matrix); adj_matrix = NULL; } } } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_io_ompio_sort_offlen (mca_io_ompio_offlen_array_t *io_array, int num_entries, int *sorted){ int i = 0; int j = 0; int left = 0; int right = 0; int largest = 0; int heap_size = num_entries - 1; int temp = 0; unsigned char done = 0; int* temp_arr = NULL; temp_arr = (int*)malloc(num_entries*sizeof(int)); if (NULL == temp_arr) { opal_output (1, "OUT OF MEMORY\n"); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } temp_arr[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < num_entries; ++i) { temp_arr[i] = i; } /* num_entries can be a large no. so NO RECURSION */ for (i = num_entries/2-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) { done = 0; j = i; largest = j; while (!done) { left = j*2+1; right = j*2+2; if ((left <= heap_size) && (io_array[temp_arr[left]].offset > io_array[temp_arr[j]].offset)) { largest = left; } else { largest = j; } if ((right <= heap_size) && (io_array[temp_arr[right]].offset > io_array[temp_arr[largest]].offset)) { largest = right; } if (largest != j) { temp = temp_arr[largest]; temp_arr[largest] = temp_arr[j]; temp_arr[j] = temp; j = largest; } else { done = 1; } } } for (i = num_entries-1; i >=1; --i) { temp = temp_arr[0]; temp_arr[0] = temp_arr[i]; temp_arr[i] = temp; heap_size--; done = 0; j = 0; largest = j; while (!done) { left = j*2+1; right = j*2+2; if ((left <= heap_size) && (io_array[temp_arr[left]].offset > io_array[temp_arr[j]].offset)) { largest = left; } else { largest = j; } if ((right <= heap_size) && (io_array[temp_arr[right]].offset > io_array[temp_arr[largest]].offset)) { largest = right; } if (largest != j) { temp = temp_arr[largest]; temp_arr[largest] = temp_arr[j]; temp_arr[j] = temp; j = largest; } else { done = 1; } } sorted[i] = temp_arr[i]; } sorted[0] = temp_arr[0]; if (NULL != temp_arr) { free(temp_arr); temp_arr = NULL; } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int mca_io_ompio_get_mca_parameter_value ( char *mca_parameter_name, int name_length ) { if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "verbose_info_parsing", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_verbose_info_parsing; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "num_aggregators", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_num_aggregators; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "bytes_per_agg", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_bytes_per_agg; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "overwrite_amode", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_overwrite_amode; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "cycle_buffer_size", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_cycle_buffer_size; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "max_aggregators_ratio", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_max_aggregators_ratio; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "aggregators_cutoff_threshold", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_aggregators_cutoff_threshold; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "grouping_option", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_grouping_option; } else if ( !strncmp ( mca_parameter_name, "coll_timing_info", name_length )) { return mca_io_ompio_coll_timing_info; } else { opal_output (1, "Error in mca_io_ompio_get_mca_parameter_value: unknown parameter name"); } /* Using here OMPI_ERROR_MAX instead of OMPI_ERROR, since -1 (which is OMPI_ERROR) ** is a valid value for some mca parameters, indicating that the user did not set ** that parameter value */ return OMPI_ERR_MAX; }