# -*- cmake-script -*- # # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # ###################################################################### # # OMPI_MICROSOFT_COMPILER # # Keep all the Windows checks in one place. # # USAGE: # OMPI_MICROSOFT_COMPILER() # ###################################################################### MACRO(OMPI_MICROSOFT_COMPILER) IF(NOT MICROSOFT_CHECK_DONE) MESSAGE( STATUS "Start Microsoft specific detection....") # search for Microsoft VC tools SET(VC_BIN_PATH ${VC_BIN_PATH} "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN" "$ENV{VS90COMNTOOLS}../../VC/bin" "$ENV{VS80COMNTOOLS}../../VC/bin" ) # If we are using one of the Microsoft compilers check that we are # able to include windows.h. Most of the types that follow are defined # in this file. If we check for it here it will get included in the # default list of header files. FIND_PROGRAM(CL_EXE cl PATHS ${VC_BIN_PATH}) # set the default include path for VC GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(CL_EXE_PATH "${CL_EXE}" PATH) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(VC_INCLUDE_PATH "${CL_EXE_PATH}/../include" ABSOLUTE CACHE) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(VC_LIB_PATH "${CL_EXE_PATH}/../lib" ABSOLUTE CACHE) # the dumpbin path will be checked again when the f77 support is needed. FIND_PROGRAM(DUMPBIN_EXE dumpbin PATHS ${VC_BIN_PATH}) # WHEN running dumpbin, it also needs the "Common7/IDE" directory in the # PATH. It will already be in the PATH if being run from a Visual Studio # command prompt. Add it to the PATH here in case we are running from a # different command prompt. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(DUMPBIN_EXE_DIR "${DUMPBIN_EXE}" PATH) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(DUMPBIN_EXE_DLLS_DIR "${DUMPBIN_EXE_DIR}/../../Common7/IDE" ABSOLUTE) IF(EXISTS "${DUMPBIN_EXE_DLLS_DIR}") # only add to the path if it is not already in the path IF(NOT "$ENV{PATH}" MATCHES "${DUMPBIN_EXE_DLLS_DIR}") SET(ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH};${DUMPBIN_EXE_DLLS_DIR}") ENDIF(NOT "$ENV{PATH}" MATCHES "${DUMPBIN_EXE_DLLS_DIR}") ENDIF(EXISTS "${DUMPBIN_EXE_DLLS_DIR}") FILE(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/cl_test.c "int main() {return 0;}") TRY_COMPILE(CL_EXE_OK ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/cl_test.c) IF(CL_EXE_OK) MESSAGE( STATUS "Found Microsoft compiler: ${CL_EXE}.") CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(windows.h HAVE_WINDOWS_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(winsock2.h HAVE_WINSOCK2_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(wdm.h HAVE_WDM_H) # The atomic functions are defined in a very unuasual manner. # Some of them are intrinsic defined in windows.h others are # exported by kernel32.dll. If we force the usage of TRY_RUN # here we will check for both in same time: compilation and run. PROJECT(FOO) # path of foo test programs SET (FOO_SOURCE_DIR ${OpenMPI_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeTests) FOREACH(FUNCTION Exchange ExchangeAcquire ExchangeRelease Exchange64) MESSAGE( STATUS "Checking for InterlockedCompare${FUNCTION}...") IF(FUNCTION STREQUAL "Exchange64") SET(64BITS_TYPE "LONGLONG" CACHE INTERNAL "64bits type longlong") ELSE(FUNCTION STREQUAL "Exchange64") SET(64BITS_TYPE "LONG" CACHE INTERNAL "64bits type long") ENDIF(FUNCTION STREQUAL "Exchange64") STRING(TOUPPER ${FUNCTION} FUNCTION_NAME) FILE(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/InterlockedCompare${FUNCTION}_test.c "#include \n" "int main() {\n" " ${64BITS_TYPE} dest = 0, exchange = 1, comperand = 0;\n" " SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);\n" " InterlockedCompare${FUNCTION}( &dest, exchange, comperand );\n" " return (int)dest;\n" " }\n") TRY_RUN (HAVE_INTERLOCKEDCOMPARE${FUNCTION_NAME} COMPILE_RESULT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/InterlockedCompare${FUNCTION}_test.c") IF(HAVE_INTERLOCKEDCOMPARE${FUNCTION_NAME} STREQUAL "FAILED_TO_RUN" OR COMPILE_RESULT EQUAL FALSE) SET (HAVE_INTERLOCKEDCOMPARE${FUNCTION_NAME} 0 CACHE INTERNAL "HAVE_INTERLOCKEDCOMPARE${FUNCTION_NAME}") MESSAGE( STATUS "Checking for InterlockedCompare${FUNCTION}...failed") ELSE(HAVE_INTERLOCKEDCOMPARE${FUNCTION_NAME} STREQUAL "FAILED_TO_RUN" OR COMPILE_RESULT EQUAL FALSE) MESSAGE( STATUS "Checking for InterlockedCompare${FUNCTION}...done") ENDIF(HAVE_INTERLOCKEDCOMPARE${FUNCTION_NAME} STREQUAL "FAILED_TO_RUN" OR COMPILE_RESULT EQUAL FALSE) ENDFOREACH(${FUNCTION}) INCLUDE(check_c_type_exists) CHECK_C_TYPE_EXISTS(socklen_t SOCKLEN_T "#include \n" "#include \n") CHECK_C_TYPE_EXISTS("struct sockaddr_in" STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN "#include \n" "#include \n") ELSE(CL_EXE_OK) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "No working Microsoft compiler found. Please check if Visual Studio VC is correctly installed.") ENDIF(CL_EXE_OK) SET(MICROSOFT_CHECK_DONE TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "Microsoft check finished.") ENDIF(NOT MICROSOFT_CHECK_DONE) ENDMACRO(OMPI_MICROSOFT_COMPILER)