#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # use strict; use warnings; my $ompi_github_url = "https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi.git"; my $ompi_wiki_url = "git\@github.com:open-mpi/ompi.wiki.git"; my $tmpdir; #------------------------------------------------------------------ sub cleanup { chdir("/"); system("rm -rf $tmpdir") if (defined($tmpdir)); } sub mydie { cleanup(); die @_; } #------------------------------------------------------------------ $tmpdir = "/tmp/ompi-github-owners.$$"; system("rm -rf $tmpdir"); mkdir($tmpdir); mydie "Couldn't make $tmpdir" if (! -d $tmpdir); #------------------------------------------------------------------ chdir($tmpdir); my $ret = system("git clone $ompi_github_url"); mydie "Could not clone $ompi_github_url" if ($ret != 0); # Run the check-owner.pl script chdir("ompi"); $ret = system("./contrib/check-owner.pl"); #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write new ComponentOwners.md file with each of the *.md files found opendir(my $dh, ".") || mydie "Can't opendir ."; my @md_files = grep { /\.md$/ } readdir($dh); closedir($dh); open(OUT, ">ComponentOwners.md") || mydie "Can't write to ComponentOwners.md"; print OUT "Owners of each component in the Open MPI source tree, listed by project.\n"; foreach my $md (@md_files) { $md =~ m/([a-z]+)_mca/; my $project = $1; open(IN, $md) || mydie "Can't read $md file"; my $contents; $contents .= $_ while (<IN>); close(IN); print OUT " ## $project layer $contents"; } close(OUT); #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Checkout the OMPI wiki, update with the new ComponentOwners.md chdir($tmpdir); $ret = system("git clone $ompi_wiki_url"); mydie "Could not clone $ompi_wiki_url" if ($ret != 0); chdir("ompi.wiki"); system("cp $tmpdir/ompi/ComponentOwners.md ."); $ret = system("git commit ComponentOwners.md -m 'Automated update of ComponentOwners'"); $ret = $ret >> 8; if ($ret == 1) { print "--> No change, nothing to push\n"; } else { $ret = system("git push"); mydie "Could not git push" if ($ret != 0); } cleanup(); exit(0);