// -*- c++ -*- // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana // University Research and Technology // Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University // of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights // reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, // University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. // All rights reserved. // $COPYRIGHT$ // // Additional copyrights may follow // // $HEADER$ // // return codes OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int SUCCESS; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_BUFFER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_COUNT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_TYPE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_TAG ; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_COMM; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_RANK; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_REQUEST; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_ROOT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_GROUP; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_OP; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_TOPOLOGY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_DIMS; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_ARG; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_UNKNOWN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_TRUNCATE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_OTHER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_INTERN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_PENDING; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_IN_STATUS; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_LASTCODE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_BASE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_INFO_VALUE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_INFO_KEY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_INFO_NOKEY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_KEYVAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_NAME; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_NO_MEM; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_SERVICE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_SPAWN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ERR_WIN; // assorted constants OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const void* BOTTOM; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const void* IN_PLACE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int PROC_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ANY_SOURCE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ROOT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ANY_TAG; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int UNDEFINED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int BSEND_OVERHEAD; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int KEYVAL_INVALID; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ORDER_C; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int ORDER_FORTRAN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int DISTRIBUTE_BLOCK; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int DISTRIBUTE_CYCLIC; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int DISTRIBUTE_NONE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int DISTRIBUTE_DFLT_DARG; // error-handling specifiers OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Errhandler ERRORS_ARE_FATAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Errhandler ERRORS_RETURN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Errhandler ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS; // typeclass definitions for MPI_Type_match_size OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int TYPECLASS_INTEGER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int TYPECLASS_REAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int TYPECLASS_COMPLEX; // maximum sizes for strings OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_ERROR_STRING; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_INFO_KEY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_INFO_VAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_PORT_NAME; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_OBJECT_NAME; // elementary datatypes (C / C++) OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype CHAR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype SHORT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype INT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LONG; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype SIGNED_CHAR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype UNSIGNED_CHAR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype UNSIGNED_SHORT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype UNSIGNED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype UNSIGNED_LONG; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype FLOAT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype DOUBLE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LONG_DOUBLE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype BYTE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype PACKED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype WCHAR; // datatypes for reductions functions (C / C++) OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype FLOAT_INT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype DOUBLE_INT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LONG_INT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype TWOINT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype SHORT_INT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LONG_DOUBLE_INT; // elementary datatype (Fortran) OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype INTEGER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype REAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype DOUBLE_PRECISION; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype F_COMPLEX; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LOGICAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype CHARACTER; // datatype for reduction functions (Fortran) OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype TWOREAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype TWODOUBLE_PRECISION; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype TWOINTEGER; // optional datatypes (Fortran) OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype INTEGER1; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype INTEGER2; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype INTEGER4; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype REAL2; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype REAL4; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype REAL8; // optional datatype (C / C++) OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LONG_LONG; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG; // c++ types OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype BOOL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype COMPLEX; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype DOUBLE_COMPLEX; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX; // special datatypes for contstruction of derived datatypes OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype UB; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype LB; // datatype decoding constants OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_NAMED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_DUP; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_VECTOR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_HVECTOR_INTEGER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_HVECTOR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_INDEXED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_HINDEXED_INTEGER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_HINDEXED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_INDEXED_BLOCK; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_STRUCT_INTEGER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_STRUCT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_SUBARRAY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_DARRAY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_F90_REAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_F90_COMPLEX; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_F90_INTEGER; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int COMBINER_RESIZED; // thread constants OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int THREAD_SINGLE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int THREAD_FUNNELED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int THREAD_SERIALIZED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int THREAD_MULTIPLE; // reserved communicators // JGS these can not be const because Set_errhandler is not const OMPI_DECLSPEC extern Intracomm COMM_WORLD; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern Intracomm COMM_SELF; // results of communicator and group comparisons OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int IDENT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int CONGRUENT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int SIMILAR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int UNEQUAL; // environmental inquiry keys OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int TAG_UB; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int HOST; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int IO; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int WTIME_IS_GLOBAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int APPNUM; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int LASTUSEDCODE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int UNIVERSE_SIZE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int WIN_BASE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int WIN_SIZE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int WIN_DISP_UNIT; // collective operations OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op MAX; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op MIN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op SUM; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op PROD; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op MAXLOC; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op MINLOC; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op BAND; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op BOR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op BXOR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op LAND; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op LOR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op LXOR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op REPLACE; // null handles OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Group GROUP_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Win WIN_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Info INFO_NULL; //OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Comm COMM_NULL; //OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const MPI_Comm COMM_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern Comm_Null COMM_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Datatype DATATYPE_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern Request REQUEST_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Op OP_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Errhandler ERRHANDLER_NULL; #if OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const File FILE_NULL; #endif // constants specifying empty or ignored input OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const char** ARGV_NULL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const char*** ARGVS_NULL; // empty group OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const Group GROUP_EMPTY; // topologies OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int GRAPH; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int CART; // MPI-2 IO OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_CREATE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_RDONLY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_WRONLY; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_RDWR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_UNIQUE_OPEN; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_EXCL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_APPEND; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_SEQUENTIAL; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int DISPLACEMENT_CURRENT; #if OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE && !defined(OMPI_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK) && OMPI_WANT_MPI_CXX_SEEK OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int SEEK_SET; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int SEEK_CUR; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int SEEK_END; #endif OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MAX_DATAREP_STRING; // one-sided constants OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_NOCHECK; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_NOPRECEDE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_NOPUT; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_NOSTORE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int MODE_NOSUCCEED; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int LOCK_EXCLUSIVE; OMPI_DECLSPEC extern const int LOCK_SHARED;