/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana * University Research and Technology * Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Mellanox Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "opal_config.h" #include #include #include "support.h" #include "opal/class/opal_object.h" #include "opal/class/opal_hash_table.h" #include "opal/runtime/opal.h" #include "opal/constants.h" static FILE *error_out=NULL; char *num_keys[] = { "0", "1234", "1234", "0", "5678", "5678", "1", "12450", "12450", "1", "45623", "45623", NULL }; char *str_keys[] = { "foo", "bar", "2", "this cow jumped over the moon", "this is another key", "this is another value", "key key", "value value", NULL }; char *perm_keys[] = { "abcdef", "abcdef", "bcdefa", "bcdefa", "cdefab", "cdefab", "defabc", "defabc", "efabcd", "efabcd", "fabcde", "fabcde", "badcfe", "badcfe", "badcef", "badcef", "abdcfe", "abdcfe", "bcdaef", "bcdaef", NULL }; /* * This data specifically knows about the April'2014 version of hash tables. * It inserts some keys. * It inserts some more with a capacity offset to generate collisions. * Then it checks the table via traversal. * Then... it removes a key and checks again (via traversal) * and removes another key and re-checks. */ static char* remove_keys[] = { "1", "A", "2", "B", "4", "D", "6", "F", "10", "J", NULL, /* insert as-is: ...AB.D.F...J... */ "2", "b", "4", "d", "5", "e", "3", "c", NULL, /* insert with capacity-offset: ...ABbDdFec.J... */ "ABbDdFecJ", /* traversal expectation */ "4", "ABbdeFcJ", /* remove D (...ABbdeFc..J...) then expected traversal */ "2", "AbcdeFJ", /* remove B (...AbcdeF...J...) then expected traversal */ NULL /* end removals and expectations */ }; typedef union { opal_process_name_t uvalue; void *vvalue; } value_t; static void validate_table(opal_proc_table_t *table, char *keys[]) { int j, ret; value_t value; for ( j = 0; keys[j]; j += 3) { opal_process_name_t key; key.jobid = atoi(keys[j]); key.vpid = atoi(keys[j+1]); ret = opal_proc_table_get_value(table, key, (void**) &value.uvalue); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) { test_failure("opal_proc_table_get_value failed"); } test_verify_str(keys[j+2], value.vvalue); } } #if 0 static void validate_remove_traversal(opal_hash_table_t * table, const char * expected_chars) { /* all values are single-character strings */ /* expected_chars are those single characters as a string */ const int debug = 0; /* turn this on if you want to see the details */ int rc, problems = 0; const char * expected_scanner = expected_chars; uint32_t key; void * raw_value; void * node; if (debug) { fprintf(stderr, "debug: expecting '%s' capacity is %d\n", expected_chars, (int) table->ht_capacity); } for (rc = opal_hash_table_get_first_key_uint32(table, &key, &raw_value, &node); OPAL_SUCCESS == rc; rc = opal_hash_table_get_next_key_uint32(table, &key, &raw_value, node, &node)) { const char * value = (const char *) raw_value; char expected, actual; if (debug) { fprintf(stderr, "key %d (probe at %d) value '%s' excpected_scanner '%s'\n", key, (int) (key%table->ht_capacity), value, expected_scanner); } if (1 != strlen(value)) { fprintf(stderr, "key %d's value '%s' is not a one-character string\n", key, value); problems += 1; continue; /* might as well be completely noisy */ } if ('\0' == *expected_scanner) { fprintf(stderr, "Found key %d value '%s' but not expected!\n", key, value); problems += 1; continue; } expected = *expected_scanner++; actual = *value; if (actual != expected) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%c' but got '%c'\n", expected, actual); problems += 1; continue; } } /* final checks */ if (OPAL_ERROR != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "table traversal did not end in OPAL_ERROR?!?\n"); problems += 1; } if ('\0' != *expected_scanner) { fprintf(stderr, "Still expecting more key/values: '%s'\n", expected_scanner); problems += 1; } /* resolution */ if (problems > 0) { fflush(stderr); test_failure("validate_remove_traversal"); } else { test_success(); } } #endif static void test_ptable(opal_proc_table_t *table) { int j; char *n1, *n2; char * v; int rc; opal_process_name_t key; fprintf(error_out, "\nTesting integer keys...\n"); for ( j = 0; num_keys[j]; j += 3) { opal_process_name_t key; key.jobid = atoi(num_keys[j]); key.vpid = atoi(num_keys[j+1]); opal_proc_table_set_value(table, key, num_keys[j+2]); } validate_table(table, num_keys); rc = opal_proc_table_get_first_key(table, &key, (void **)&v, (void **)&n1, (void **)&n2); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { fprintf(error_out, "*** FAILED opal_proc_table_get_first_key ***\n"); return ; } for (j=0; num_keys[j]; j+=3) { if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { fprintf(error_out, "*** FAILED opal_proc_table_get_next_key (%d) ***\n", j/3); } if (key.jobid != atoi(num_keys[j]) || key.vpid != atoi(num_keys[j+1]) || 0 != strcmp(num_keys[j+2], v)) { fprintf(error_out, "*** FAILED at %d, expected ((%s,%s),%s) got ((%d,%d),%s)\n", j/3, num_keys[j], num_keys[j+1], num_keys[j+2], key.jobid, key.vpid, v); } rc = opal_proc_table_get_next_key(table, &key, (void **)&v, n1, (void **)&n1, n2, (void **)&n2); } if (OPAL_SUCCESS == rc) { fprintf(error_out, "*** DID NOT FAIL last opal_proc_table_get_next_key %d\n", j/3); return; } #if 0 /* remove all values for next test */ opal_proc_table_remove_all(table); test_verify_int(0, opal_hash_table_get_size(table)); fprintf(error_out, "\nTesting removal and traversal...\n"); j = 0; char * str; while (NULL != (str = remove_keys[j++])) { opal_hash_table_set_value_uint32(table, atoi(str), remove_keys[j++]); } while (NULL != (str = remove_keys[j++])) { /* generate collisions */ opal_hash_table_set_value_uint32(table, atoi(str) + table->ht_capacity, remove_keys[j++]); } validate_remove_traversal(table, remove_keys[j++]); while (NULL != (str = remove_keys[j++])) { opal_hash_table_remove_value_uint32(table, atoi(str)); validate_remove_traversal(table, remove_keys[j++]); } /* remove all values for next test */ opal_hash_table_remove_all(table); test_verify_int(0, opal_hash_table_get_size(table)); #endif fprintf(error_out, "\n\n"); } static void test_dynamic(void) { opal_proc_table_t *table; table = OBJ_NEW(opal_proc_table_t); if ( NULL == table ) { fprintf(error_out, "Error: Unable to create hash table.\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(error_out, "Testing with dynamically created table...\n"); opal_proc_table_init(table, 2, 4); test_ptable(table); OBJ_RELEASE(table); } static void test_static(void) { opal_proc_table_t table; OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&table, opal_proc_table_t); opal_proc_table_init(&table, 8, 128); fprintf(error_out, "Testing with statically created table...\n"); test_ptable(&table); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&table); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; test_init("opal_proc_table_t"); rc = opal_init_util(&argc, &argv); test_verify_int(OPAL_SUCCESS, rc); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != rc) { test_finalize(); exit(1); } #ifdef STANDALONE error_out = stderr; #else error_out = fopen( "./opal_proc_table_test_out.txt", "w" ); if( error_out == NULL ) error_out = stderr; #endif test_dynamic(); test_static(); #ifndef STANDALONE fclose( error_out ); #endif opal_finalize_util (); return test_finalize(); }