/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Inria. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #ifndef MCA_COMMON_MONITORING_H #define MCA_COMMON_MONITORING_H BEGIN_C_DECLS #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MCA_MONITORING_MAKE_VERSION \ MCA_BASE_MAKE_VERSION(component, OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION, OMPI_MINOR_VERSION, OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION) #define OPAL_MONITORING_VERBOSE(x, ...) \ OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((x, mca_common_monitoring_output_stream_id, __VA_ARGS__)) /* When built in debug mode, always display error messages */ #if OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG #define OPAL_MONITORING_PRINT_ERR(...) \ OPAL_MONITORING_VERBOSE(0, __VA_ARGS__) #else /* if( ! OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG ) */ #define OPAL_MONITORING_PRINT_ERR(...) \ OPAL_MONITORING_VERBOSE(1, __VA_ARGS__) #endif /* OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG */ #define OPAL_MONITORING_PRINT_WARN(...) \ OPAL_MONITORING_VERBOSE(5, __VA_ARGS__) #define OPAL_MONITORING_PRINT_INFO(...) \ OPAL_MONITORING_VERBOSE(10, __VA_ARGS__) extern int mca_common_monitoring_output_stream_id; extern int mca_common_monitoring_enabled; extern int mca_common_monitoring_current_state; extern opal_hash_table_t *common_monitoring_translation_ht; OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_register(void*pml_monitoring_component); OMPI_DECLSPEC int mca_common_monitoring_init( void ); OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_finalize( void ); OMPI_DECLSPEC int mca_common_monitoring_add_procs(struct ompi_proc_t **procs, size_t nprocs); /* Records PML communication */ OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_record_pml(int world_rank, size_t data_size, int tag); /* SEND corresponds to data emitted from the current proc to the given * one. RECV represents data emitted from the given proc to the * current one. */ enum mca_monitoring_osc_direction { SEND, RECV }; /* Records OSC communications. */ OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_record_osc(int world_rank, size_t data_size, enum mca_monitoring_osc_direction dir); /* Records COLL communications. */ OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_record_coll(int world_rank, size_t data_size); /* Translate the rank from the given communicator of a process to its rank in MPI_COMM_RANK. */ static inline int mca_common_monitoring_get_world_rank(int dst, struct ompi_communicator_t*comm, int*world_rank) { opal_process_name_t tmp; /* find the processor of the destination */ ompi_proc_t *proc = ompi_group_get_proc_ptr(comm->c_remote_group, dst, true); if( ompi_proc_is_sentinel(proc) ) { tmp = ompi_proc_sentinel_to_name((uintptr_t)proc); } else { tmp = proc->super.proc_name; } /* find its name*/ uint64_t rank, key = *((uint64_t*)&tmp); /** * If this fails the destination is not part of my MPI_COM_WORLD * Lookup its name in the rank hastable to get its MPI_COMM_WORLD rank */ int ret = opal_hash_table_get_value_uint64(common_monitoring_translation_ht, key, (void *)&rank); /* Use intermediate variable to avoid overwriting while looking up in the hashtbale. */ if( ret == OPAL_SUCCESS ) *world_rank = (int)rank; return ret; } /* Return the current status of the monitoring system 0 if off or the * seperation between internal tags and external tags is disabled. Any * other positive value if the segregation between point-to-point and * collective is enabled. */ static inline int mca_common_monitoring_filter( void ) { return 1 < mca_common_monitoring_current_state; } /* Collective operation monitoring */ struct mca_monitoring_coll_data_t; typedef struct mca_monitoring_coll_data_t mca_monitoring_coll_data_t; OMPI_DECLSPEC OBJ_CLASS_DECLARATION(mca_monitoring_coll_data_t); OMPI_DECLSPEC mca_monitoring_coll_data_t*mca_common_monitoring_coll_new(ompi_communicator_t*comm); OMPI_DECLSPEC int mca_common_monitoring_coll_cache_name(ompi_communicator_t*comm); OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_coll_release(mca_monitoring_coll_data_t*data); OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_coll_o2a(size_t size, mca_monitoring_coll_data_t*data); OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_coll_a2o(size_t size, mca_monitoring_coll_data_t*data); OMPI_DECLSPEC void mca_common_monitoring_coll_a2a(size_t size, mca_monitoring_coll_data_t*data); END_C_DECLS #endif /* MCA_COMMON_MONITORING_H */