/* -*- C -*- * * $HEADER$ * * The most basic of MPI applications */ #include "orte_config.h" #include #include #include "opal/class/opal_list.h" #include "opal/class/opal_bitmap.h" #include "orte/util/proc_info.h" #include "orte/mca/routed/base/base.h" #include "orte/runtime/runtime.h" static int Radix; int down_search(int me, int num_procs, int *num_children, opal_list_t *children, opal_bitmap_t *relatives) { int i, peer, Sum, NInLevel, rc; orte_routed_tree_t *child; opal_bitmap_t *relations; /* compute how many procs are at my level */ Sum=1; NInLevel=1; while ( Sum < (me+1) ) { NInLevel *= Radix; Sum += NInLevel; } /* printf("\trank %d inlevel %d\n", me, NInLevel); */ /* our children start at our rank + num_in_level */ peer = me + NInLevel; for (i = 0; i < Radix; i++) { if (peer < num_procs) { child = OBJ_NEW(orte_routed_tree_t); child->vpid = peer; if (NULL != children) { /* printf("\t\tadding child rank %d\n", peer); */ /* this is a direct child - add it to my list */ opal_list_append(children, &child->super); (*num_children)++; /* setup the relatives bitmap */ opal_bitmap_init(&child->relatives, num_procs); /* point to the relatives */ relations = &child->relatives; } else { /* printf("\t\tsetting bit for rank %d\n", peer); */ /* we are recording someone's relatives - set the bit */ if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_bitmap_set_bit(relatives, peer))) { printf("\t\t\tbit not set!\n"); } /* point to this relations */ relations = relatives; } /* printf("\tdownsearching peer %d\n", peer); */ /* search for this child's relatives */ down_search(peer, num_procs, NULL, NULL, relations); } peer += NInLevel; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { opal_list_t children; opal_list_item_t *item; int num_children; orte_routed_tree_t *child; int j; int NProcs; int Level,Sum,NInLevel,Ii; int Parent,NInPrevLevel; if (3 != argc) { printf("usage: radix r x, where r=radix and x=number of procs\n"); exit(1); } orte_init(&argc, &argv, ORTE_PROC_NON_MPI); Radix = atoi(argv[1]); NProcs = atoi(argv[2]); for(Ii = 0 ; Ii < NProcs ; Ii++) { OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&children, opal_list_t); num_children = 0; Level=0; Sum=1; NInLevel=1; while ( Sum < (Ii+1) ) { Level++; NInLevel*=Radix; Sum+=NInLevel; } Sum-=NInLevel; NInPrevLevel=NInLevel/Radix; if( 0 == Ii ) { Parent=-1; } else { Parent=(Ii-Sum) % NInPrevLevel; Parent+=(Sum - NInPrevLevel); } fprintf(stderr," I am %d: Parent %d\n", Ii,Parent); /* compute children and relatives */ down_search(Ii, NProcs, &num_children, &children, NULL); while (NULL != (item = opal_list_remove_first(&children))) { child = (orte_routed_tree_t*)item; fprintf(stderr, "\tchild %d\n", child->vpid); for (j=0; j < NProcs; j++) { if (opal_bitmap_is_set_bit(&child->relatives, j)) { fprintf(stderr, "\t\trelation %d\n", j); } } OBJ_RELEASE(item); } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&children); } orte_finalize(); }