/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana * University Research and Technology * Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "mpi.h" #include "ompi/win/win.h" #include "ompi/errhandler/errhandler.h" #include "ompi/constants.h" #include "ompi/attribute/attribute.h" #include "ompi/group/group.h" #include "ompi/info/info.h" #include "ompi/mca/osc/base/base.h" #include "ompi/mca/osc/osc.h" #include "ompi/runtime/params.h" /* * Table for Fortran <-> C communicator handle conversion. Note that * these are not necessarily global. */ opal_pointer_array_t ompi_mpi_windows = {{0}}; ompi_predefined_win_t ompi_mpi_win_null = {{{0}}}; ompi_predefined_win_t *ompi_mpi_win_null_addr = &ompi_mpi_win_null; mca_base_var_enum_t *ompi_win_accumulate_ops = NULL; static mca_base_var_enum_value_t accumulate_ops_values[] = { {.value = OMPI_WIN_ACCUMULATE_OPS_SAME_OP_NO_OP, .string = "same_op_no_op",}, {.value = OMPI_WIN_ACCUMULATE_OPS_SAME_OP, .string = "same_op",}, {.value = -1, .string = NULL}, }; static void ompi_win_construct(ompi_win_t *win); static void ompi_win_destruct(ompi_win_t *win); OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(ompi_win_t, opal_object_t, ompi_win_construct, ompi_win_destruct); int ompi_win_init(void) { int ret; assert (sizeof (ompi_predefined_win_t) >= sizeof (ompi_win_t)); /* setup window Fortran array */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_windows, opal_pointer_array_t); if( OPAL_SUCCESS != opal_pointer_array_init(&ompi_mpi_windows, 0, OMPI_FORTRAN_HANDLE_MAX, 64) ) { return OMPI_ERROR; } /* Setup MPI_WIN_NULL */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_win_null.win, ompi_win_t); ompi_mpi_win_null.win.w_flags = OMPI_WIN_INVALID; ompi_mpi_win_null.win.w_group = &ompi_mpi_group_null.group; OBJ_RETAIN(&ompi_mpi_group_null); ompi_win_set_name(&ompi_mpi_win_null.win, "MPI_WIN_NULL"); opal_pointer_array_set_item(&ompi_mpi_windows, 0, &ompi_mpi_win_null.win); ret = mca_base_var_enum_create ("accumulate_ops", accumulate_ops_values, &ompi_win_accumulate_ops); if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static void ompi_win_dump (ompi_win_t *win) { opal_output(0, "Dumping information for window: %s\n", win->w_name); opal_output(0," Fortran window handle: %d, window size: %d\n", win->w_f_to_c_index, ompi_group_size (win->w_group)); } int ompi_win_finalize(void) { size_t size = opal_pointer_array_get_size (&ompi_mpi_windows); /* start at 1 to skip win null */ for (size_t i = 1 ; i < size ; ++i) { ompi_win_t *win = (ompi_win_t *) opal_pointer_array_get_item (&ompi_mpi_windows, i); if (NULL != win) { if (ompi_debug_show_handle_leaks && !ompi_win_invalid(win)){ opal_output(0,"WARNING: MPI_Win still allocated in MPI_Finalize\n"); ompi_win_dump (win); } ompi_win_free (win); } } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_win_null.win); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_windows); OBJ_RELEASE(ompi_win_accumulate_ops); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int alloc_window(struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_info_t *info, int flavor, ompi_win_t **win_out) { ompi_win_t *win; ompi_group_t *group; int acc_ops, flag, ret; /* create the object */ win = OBJ_NEW(ompi_win_t); if (NULL == win) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } ret = ompi_info_get_value_enum (info, "accumulate_ops", &acc_ops, OMPI_WIN_ACCUMULATE_OPS_SAME_OP_NO_OP, ompi_win_accumulate_ops, &flag); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } win->w_acc_ops = (ompi_win_accumulate_ops_t)acc_ops; win->w_flavor = flavor; /* setup data that is independent of osc component */ group = comm->c_local_group; OBJ_RETAIN(group); win->w_group = group; *win_out = win; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static int config_window(void *base, size_t size, int disp_unit, int flavor, int model, ompi_win_t *win) { int ret; ret = ompi_attr_set_c(WIN_ATTR, win, &win->w_keyhash, MPI_WIN_BASE, base, true); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) return ret; ret = ompi_attr_set_fortran_mpi2(WIN_ATTR, win, &win->w_keyhash, MPI_WIN_SIZE, size, true); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) return ret; ret = ompi_attr_set_fortran_mpi1(WIN_ATTR, win, &win->w_keyhash, MPI_WIN_DISP_UNIT, disp_unit, true); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) return ret; ret = ompi_attr_set_fortran_mpi1(WIN_ATTR, win, &win->w_keyhash, MPI_WIN_CREATE_FLAVOR, flavor, true); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) return ret; ret = ompi_attr_set_fortran_mpi1(WIN_ATTR, win, &win->w_keyhash, MPI_WIN_MODEL, model, true); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) return ret; win->w_f_to_c_index = opal_pointer_array_add(&ompi_mpi_windows, win); if (-1 == win->w_f_to_c_index) return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_create(void *base, size_t size, int disp_unit, ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_info_t *info, ompi_win_t** newwin) { ompi_win_t *win; int model; int ret; ret = alloc_window (comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_CREATE, &win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } ret = ompi_osc_base_select(win, &base, size, disp_unit, comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_CREATE, &model); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } ret = config_window(base, size, disp_unit, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_CREATE, model, win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } *newwin = win; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_allocate(size_t size, int disp_unit, ompi_info_t *info, ompi_communicator_t *comm, void *baseptr, ompi_win_t **newwin) { ompi_win_t *win; int model; int ret; void *base; ret = alloc_window (comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_ALLOCATE, &win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } ret = ompi_osc_base_select(win, &base, size, disp_unit, comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_ALLOCATE, &model); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } ret = config_window(base, size, disp_unit, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_ALLOCATE, model, win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } *((void**) baseptr) = base; *newwin = win; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_allocate_shared(size_t size, int disp_unit, ompi_info_t *info, ompi_communicator_t *comm, void *baseptr, ompi_win_t **newwin) { ompi_win_t *win; int model; int ret; void *base; ret = alloc_window (comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_SHARED, &win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } ret = ompi_osc_base_select(win, &base, size, disp_unit, comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_SHARED, &model); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } ret = config_window(base, size, disp_unit, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_SHARED, model, win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } *((void**) baseptr) = base; *newwin = win; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_create_dynamic(ompi_info_t *info, ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_win_t **newwin) { ompi_win_t *win; int model; int ret; ret = alloc_window (comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_DYNAMIC, &win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } ret = ompi_osc_base_select(win, MPI_BOTTOM, 0, 1, comm, info, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_DYNAMIC, &model); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } ret = config_window(MPI_BOTTOM, 0, 1, MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_DYNAMIC, model, win); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); return ret; } *newwin = win; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_free(ompi_win_t *win) { int ret = win->w_osc_module->osc_free(win); if (-1 != win->w_f_to_c_index) { opal_pointer_array_set_item(&ompi_mpi_windows, win->w_f_to_c_index, NULL); } if (OMPI_SUCCESS == ret) { OBJ_RELEASE(win); } return ret; } int ompi_win_set_name(ompi_win_t *win, const char *win_name) { OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&(win->w_lock)); memset(win->w_name, 0, MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME); strncpy(win->w_name, win_name, MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME); win->w_name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME - 1] = 0; OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&(win->w_lock)); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_get_name(ompi_win_t *win, char *win_name, int *length) { OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&(win->w_lock)); strncpy(win_name, win->w_name, MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME); *length = (int)strlen(win->w_name); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&(win->w_lock)); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int ompi_win_group(ompi_win_t *win, ompi_group_t **group) { OBJ_RETAIN(win->w_group); *group = win->w_group; return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static void ompi_win_construct(ompi_win_t *win) { OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&win->w_lock, opal_mutex_t); win->w_name[0] = '\0'; win->w_group = NULL; win->w_keyhash = NULL; win->w_f_to_c_index = 0; /* every new window defaults to MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (MPI-2 6.6.1, pg. 137) */ OBJ_RETAIN(&ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal.eh); win->error_handler = &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal.eh; win->errhandler_type = OMPI_ERRHANDLER_TYPE_WIN; win->w_flags = 0; win->w_osc_module = NULL; } static void ompi_win_destruct(ompi_win_t *win) { if (NULL != win->w_keyhash) { ompi_attr_delete_all(WIN_ATTR, win, win->w_keyhash); OBJ_RELEASE(win->w_keyhash); } if (NULL != win->error_handler) { OBJ_RELEASE(win->error_handler); } if (NULL != win->w_group) { OBJ_RELEASE(win->w_group); } OBJ_DESTRUCT(&win->w_lock); }