/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2007 Evergrid, Inc. All rights reserved. * * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "opal_config.h" #if HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif /* HAVE_FCNTL_H */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #include "opal/mca/mca.h" #include "opal/mca/base/base.h" #include "opal/constants.h" #include "opal/util/os_dirpath.h" #include "opal/util/output.h" #include "opal/util/argv.h" #include "opal/mca/crs/crs.h" #include "opal/mca/crs/base/base.h" /****************** * Local Functions ******************/ static int metadata_extract_next_token(FILE *file, char **token, char **value); static int opal_crs_base_metadata_open(FILE ** meta_data, char * location, char * mode); static char *last_metadata_file = NULL; static char **cleanup_file_argv = NULL; static char **cleanup_dir_argv = NULL; /****************** * Object stuff ******************/ static void opal_crs_base_construct(opal_crs_base_snapshot_t *snapshot) { snapshot->component_name = NULL; snapshot->reference_name = opal_crs_base_unique_snapshot_name(getpid()); snapshot->local_location = opal_crs_base_get_snapshot_directory(snapshot->reference_name); snapshot->remote_location = strdup(snapshot->local_location); snapshot->cold_start = false; } static void opal_crs_base_destruct( opal_crs_base_snapshot_t *snapshot) { if(NULL != snapshot->reference_name) { free(snapshot->reference_name); snapshot->reference_name = NULL; } if(NULL != snapshot->local_location) { free(snapshot->local_location); snapshot->local_location = NULL; } if(NULL != snapshot->remote_location) { free(snapshot->remote_location); snapshot->remote_location = NULL; } if(NULL != snapshot->component_name) { free(snapshot->component_name); snapshot->component_name = NULL; } } OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE(opal_crs_base_snapshot_t, opal_list_item_t, opal_crs_base_construct, opal_crs_base_destruct); /* * Utility functions */ char * opal_crs_base_unique_snapshot_name(pid_t pid) { char * loc_str = NULL; asprintf(&loc_str, "opal_snapshot_%d.ckpt", pid); return loc_str; } int opal_crs_base_metadata_read_token(char *snapshot_loc, char * token, char ***value) { int ret, exit_status = OPAL_SUCCESS; FILE * meta_data = NULL; char * loc_token = NULL; char * loc_value = NULL; int argc = 0; /* Dummy check */ if( NULL == token ) { goto cleanup; } /* * Open the metadata file */ if( OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_crs_base_metadata_open(&meta_data, snapshot_loc, "r")) ) { opal_output(opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs:base: opal_crs_base_metadata_read_token: Error: Unable to open the metadata file\n"); exit_status = ret; goto cleanup; } /* * Extract each token and make the records */ do { /* Get next token */ if( OPAL_SUCCESS != metadata_extract_next_token(meta_data, &loc_token, &loc_value) ) { break; } /* Check token to see if it matches */ if(0 == strncmp(token, loc_token, strlen(loc_token)) ) { opal_argv_append(&argc, value, loc_value); } } while(0 == feof(meta_data) ); cleanup: if(NULL != meta_data) { fclose(meta_data); meta_data = NULL; } return exit_status; } int opal_crs_base_metadata_write_token(char *snapshot_loc, char * token, char *value) { int ret, exit_status = OPAL_SUCCESS; FILE * meta_data = NULL; /* Dummy check */ if( NULL == token || NULL == value) { goto cleanup; } /* * Open the metadata file */ if( OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_crs_base_metadata_open(&meta_data, snapshot_loc, "a")) ) { opal_output(opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs:base: opal_crs_base_metadata_write_token: Error: Unable to open the metadata file\n"); exit_status = ret; goto cleanup; } fprintf(meta_data, "%s%s\n", token, value); cleanup: if(NULL != meta_data) { fclose(meta_data); meta_data = NULL; } return exit_status; } int opal_crs_base_extract_expected_component(char *snapshot_loc, char ** component_name, int *prev_pid) { char **pid_argv = NULL; char **name_argv = NULL; opal_crs_base_metadata_read_token(snapshot_loc, CRS_METADATA_PID, &pid_argv); if( NULL != pid_argv && NULL != pid_argv[0] ) { *prev_pid = atoi(pid_argv[0]); } else { opal_output(0, "Error: expected_component: PID information unavailable!"); } opal_crs_base_metadata_read_token(snapshot_loc, CRS_METADATA_COMP, &name_argv); if( NULL != name_argv && NULL != name_argv[0] ) { *component_name = strdup(name_argv[0]); } else { opal_output(0, "Error: expected_component: Component Name information unavailable!"); } if( NULL != pid_argv ) { opal_argv_free(pid_argv); pid_argv = NULL; } if( NULL != name_argv ) { opal_argv_free(name_argv); name_argv = NULL; } return OPAL_SUCCESS; } char * opal_crs_base_get_snapshot_directory(char *uniq_snapshot_name) { char * dir_name = NULL; asprintf(&dir_name, "%s/%s", opal_crs_base_snapshot_dir, uniq_snapshot_name); return dir_name; } int opal_crs_base_init_snapshot_directory(opal_crs_base_snapshot_t *snapshot) { int ret, exit_status = OPAL_SUCCESS; mode_t my_mode = S_IRWXU; char * pid_str = NULL; /* * Make the snapshot directory from the uniq_snapshot_name */ if(OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_os_dirpath_create(snapshot->local_location, my_mode)) ) { opal_output(opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs:base: init_snapshot_directory: Error: Unable to create directory (%s)\n", snapshot->local_location); exit_status = ret; goto cleanup; } /* * Initialize the metadata file at the top of that directory. * Add 'BASE' and 'PID' */ if( NULL != last_metadata_file ) { free(last_metadata_file); last_metadata_file = NULL; } last_metadata_file = strdup(snapshot->local_location); if( OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_crs_base_metadata_write_token(NULL, CRS_METADATA_BASE, "") ) ) { opal_output(opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs:base: init_snapshot_directory: Error: Unable to write BASE to the file (%s/%s)\n", snapshot->local_location, opal_crs_base_metadata_filename); exit_status = ret; goto cleanup; } asprintf(&pid_str, "%d", getpid()); if( OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_crs_base_metadata_write_token(NULL, CRS_METADATA_PID, pid_str) ) ) { opal_output(opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs:base: init_snapshot_directory: Error: Unable to write PID (%s) to the file (%s/%s)\n", pid_str, snapshot->local_location, opal_crs_base_metadata_filename); exit_status = ret; goto cleanup; } cleanup: if( NULL != pid_str) { free(pid_str); pid_str = NULL; } return OPAL_SUCCESS; } int opal_crs_base_cleanup_append(char* filename, bool is_dir) { if( NULL == filename ) { return OPAL_SUCCESS; } if( is_dir ) { opal_output_verbose(15, opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs: cleanup_append: Append Dir <%s>\n", filename); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cleanup_dir_argv, filename); } else { opal_output_verbose(15, opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs: cleanup_append: Append File <%s>\n", filename); opal_argv_append_nosize(&cleanup_file_argv, filename); } return OPAL_SUCCESS; } int opal_crs_base_cleanup_flush(void) { int argc, i; /* * Cleanup files first */ if( NULL != cleanup_file_argv ) { argc = opal_argv_count(cleanup_file_argv); for( i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { opal_output_verbose(15, opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs: cleanup_flush: Remove File <%s>\n", cleanup_file_argv[i]); unlink(cleanup_file_argv[i]); } opal_argv_free(cleanup_file_argv); cleanup_file_argv = NULL; } /* * Try to cleanup directories next */ if( NULL != cleanup_dir_argv ) { argc = opal_argv_count(cleanup_dir_argv); for( i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { opal_output_verbose(15, opal_crs_base_output, "opal:crs: cleanup_flush: Remove Dir <%s>\n", cleanup_dir_argv[i]); opal_os_dirpath_destroy(cleanup_dir_argv[i], true, NULL); } opal_argv_free(cleanup_dir_argv); cleanup_dir_argv = NULL; } return OPAL_SUCCESS; } char * opal_crs_base_state_str(opal_crs_state_type_t state) { char *str = NULL; switch(state) { case OPAL_CRS_CHECKPOINT: str = strdup("Checkpoint"); break; case OPAL_CRS_RESTART: str = strdup("Restart"); break; case OPAL_CRS_CONTINUE: str = strdup("Continue"); break; case OPAL_CRS_TERM: str = strdup("Terminate"); break; case OPAL_CRS_RUNNING: str = strdup("Running"); break; case OPAL_CRS_ERROR: str = strdup("Error"); break; default: str = strdup("Unknown"); break; } return str; } /****************** * Local Functions ******************/ static int opal_crs_base_metadata_open(FILE **meta_data, char * location, char * mode) { int exit_status = OPAL_SUCCESS; char * dir_name = NULL; if( NULL == location ) { if( NULL == last_metadata_file ) { opal_output(0, "Error: No metadata filename specified!"); exit_status = OPAL_ERROR; goto cleanup; } else { location = last_metadata_file; } } /* * Find the snapshot directory, read the metadata file */ asprintf(&dir_name, "%s/%s", location, opal_crs_base_metadata_filename); if (NULL == (*meta_data = fopen(dir_name, mode)) ) { exit_status = OPAL_ERROR; goto cleanup; } cleanup: if( NULL != dir_name ) { free(dir_name); dir_name = NULL; } return exit_status; } static int metadata_extract_next_token(FILE *file, char **token, char **value) { int exit_status = OPAL_SUCCESS; int max_len = 256; char * line = NULL; int line_len = 0; int c = 0, s = 0, v = 0; char *local_token = NULL; char *local_value = NULL; bool end_of_line = false; line = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * max_len); try_again: /* * If we are at the end of the file, then just return */ if(0 != feof(file) ) { exit_status = OPAL_ERROR; goto cleanup; } /* * Other wise grab the next token/value pair */ if (NULL == fgets(line, max_len, file) ) { exit_status = OPAL_ERROR; goto cleanup; } line_len = strlen(line); /* Strip off the new line if it it there */ if('\n' == line[line_len-1]) { line[line_len-1] = '\0'; line_len--; end_of_line = true; } else { end_of_line = false; } /* Ignore lines with just '#' too */ if(2 >= line_len) goto try_again; /* * Extract the token from the set */ for(c = 0; line[c] != ':' && c < line_len; ++c) { ; } c += 2; /* For the ' ' and the '\0' */ local_token = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (c + 1)); for(s = 0; s < c; ++s) { local_token[s] = line[s]; } local_token[s] = '\0'; *token = strdup(local_token); if( NULL != local_token) { free(local_token); local_token = NULL; } /* * Extract the value from the set */ local_value = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (line_len - c + 1)); for(v = 0, s = c; s < line_len; ++s, ++v) { local_value[v] = line[s]; } while(!end_of_line) { if (NULL == fgets(line, max_len, file) ) { exit_status = OPAL_ERROR; goto cleanup; } line_len = strlen(line); /* Strip off the new line if it it there */ if('\n' == line[line_len-1]) { line[line_len-1] = '\0'; line_len--; end_of_line = true; } else { end_of_line = false; } local_value = (char *)realloc(local_value, sizeof(char) * line_len); for(s = 0; s < line_len; ++s, ++v) { local_value[v] = line[s]; } } local_value[v] = '\0'; *value = strdup(local_value); cleanup: if( NULL != local_token) free(local_token); if( NULL != local_value) free(local_value); if( NULL != line) free(line); return exit_status; }