/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights * reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #ifndef MCA_BCOL_basesmuma_EXPORT_H #define MCA_BCOL_basesmuma_EXPORT_H #include "ompi_config.h" #include "ompi/mca/bcol/bcol.h" #include "ompi/mca/bcol/base/base.h" #include "ompi/mca/mpool/mpool.h" #include "ompi/request/request.h" #include "ompi/proc/proc.h" #include "ompi/patterns/net/netpatterns.h" #include "opal/mca/mca.h" #include "opal/util/arch.h" #include "opal/util/argv.h" #include "opal/datatype/opal_datatype.h" #include "opal/util/output.h" #include "bcol_basesmuma_smcm.h" BEGIN_C_DECLS struct list_data_t { opal_list_item_t super; void *data; }; typedef struct list_data_t list_data_t; OBJ_CLASS_DECLARATION(list_data_t); /* * Macro's for manipulating the 64 bit shared memory control bits. * The 64 bit field is devided into 4 bit fields * * | 48-63: src | 32-47: index | 16-31: flag | 0-15: sequence number | * * Only the low 16 bits of the sequence number will be put in the header * space. We will use the fact that the use of the shared buffers is * synchronous, and get the upper 48 bits from the local process space. */ #define BASESMUMA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 128 #define SHIFT_UP << #define SHIFT_DOWN >> #define SEQ_WIDTH 16 #define SEQ_BASE 0 #define FIELD_SEQ_MASK ( ( 1 SHIFT_UP SEQ_WIDTH ) - 1 ) #define INPLACE_SEQ_MASK ( (int64_t)FIELD_SEQ_MASK SHIFT_UP SEQ_BASE) #define FLAG_WIDTH 16 #define FLAG_BASE 16 #define FIELD_FLAG_MASK ( ( 1 SHIFT_UP FLAG_WIDTH ) - 1 ) #define INPLACE_FLAG_MASK ( (int64_t)FIELD_FLAG_MASK SHIFT_UP FLAG_BASE) #define INDX_WIDTH 16 #define INDX_BASE 32 #define FIELD_INDX_MASK ( ( 1 SHIFT_UP INDX_WIDTH ) - 1 ) #define INPLACE_INDX_MASK ( (int64_t)FIELD_INDX_MASK SHIFT_UP INDX_BASE) #define SRC_WIDTH 16 #define SRC_BASE 48 #define FIELD_SRC_MASK ( ( 1 SHIFT_UP SRC_WIDTH ) - 1 ) #define INPLACE_SRC_MASK ( (int64_t)FIELD_SRC_MASK SHIFT_UP SRC_BASE) /*int64_t INPLACE_SRC_MASK= ((int64_t)FIELD_SRC_MASK SHIFT_UP SRC_BASE); */ #define EXTRACT_FLAG(INPUT, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_TYPE, FIELD_BASE, FIELD_MASK) \ OUTPUT = (OUTPUT_TYPE) ( (INPUT SHIFT_DOWN FIELD_BASE ) & FIELD_MASK ) #define STORE_FLAG(INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT_TYPE, OUTPUT_TYPE, FIELD_BASE, INPLACE_FIELD_MASK ) \ OUTPUT = \ ( \ /* 3 */ \ ( \ /* 2 */ \ ( \ /* 1 - shift the input field to the proper location */ \ (OUTPUT_TYPE)( \ ((OUTPUT_TYPE)((INPUT_TYPE) (INPUT))) \ SHIFT_UP FIELD_BASE ) \ /* mask off the extra bits */ \ & ((OUTPUT_TYPE)INPLACE_FIELD_MASK) \ ) \ /* store back to the OUTPUT field, w/o destroying other fields */ \ ) | OUTPUT \ ) /** * Structure to hold the basic shared memory bcoll component. */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t { /** Base coll component */ mca_bcol_base_component_2_0_0_t super; /* management data for collectives with no user data */ /** MCA parameter: number of memory banks */ int basesmuma_num_mem_banks; /** MCA parameter: number of regions per memory bank */ int basesmuma_num_regions_per_bank; /** MCA parameter: Number of simultaneous groups supported */ int n_groups_supported; /* management data for collectives with user data (ud) - the memory * is actually obtained at the ML level */ /** MCA paramenter: number of polling loops to run while waiting * for children or parent to complete their work */ int n_poll_loops; /* mpool size */ size_t mpool_size; /* mpool inited - will use this to test whether or not the * shared memory has been inited */ bool mpool_inited; /* shared memory control buffer - the control structures reside * in shared memory */ bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *sm_ctl_structs; /* shared memory payload buffer */ bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *sm_payload_structs; /* * list of shared memory control structures */ opal_list_t ctl_structures; /** opal list in which the list of peers that I am "connected" to is stored */ opal_list_t sm_connections_list; /* opal list in which the list of payload peers that I am "connected" to * is stored */ opal_list_t sm_payload_connections_list; /* * list of non-blocking admin barriers to progress */ opal_mutex_t nb_admin_barriers_mutex; opal_list_t nb_admin_barriers; /* * order of fan-in tree */ int radix_fanin; /* * order of fan-out tree */ int radix_fanout; /* * Order of read tree */ int radix_read_tree; /* * order of reduction fan-out tree */ int order_reduction_tree; /* * K-nomial tree radix */ int k_nomial_radix; /* * K-ary scatter tree radix */ int scatter_kary_radix; /* * number of polling loops */ int num_to_probe; /* * Portals addressing info * void*: because wanted to keep portal library dependencies * as local as possible */ void *portals_info; bool portals_init; /* * verbosity level */ int verbose; /* * control file name base string */ char *clt_base_fname; /* * data file name base string */ char *payload_base_fname; /* * shared memory scratch space. This is mapped at the end of the * segement of memory holding the control structures. */ char *my_scratch_shared_memory; /* * size of scratch memory */ size_t my_scratch_shared_memory_size; /* the offset will be the same for all ranks */ size_t scratch_offset_from_base_ctl_file; }; static inline int mca_bcol_basesmuma_err(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list list; int ret; va_start(list, fmt); ret = vfprintf(stderr, fmt, list); va_end(list); return ret; } #if OPAL_ENABLE_DEBUG #define BASESMUMA_VERBOSE(level, args) \ do { \ if(mca_bcol_basesmuma_component.verbose >= level) { \ mca_bcol_basesmuma_err("[%s]%s[%s:%d:%s] BCOL-BASESMUMA ", \ ompi_process_info.nodename, \ OMPI_NAME_PRINT(OMPI_PROC_MY_NAME), \ __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); \ mca_bcol_basesmuma_err args; \ mca_bcol_basesmuma_err("\n"); \ } \ } while(0) #else #define BASESMUMA_VERBOSE(level, args) #endif /** * Convenience typedef */ typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t; #if 0 /* * Implemented function index list */ /* barrier */ enum{ FANIN_FAN_OUT_BARRIER_FN, RECURSIVE_DOUBLING_BARRIER_FN, N_BARRIER_FNS }; /* reduce */ enum{ FANIN_REDUCE_FN, REDUCE_SCATTER_GATHER_FN, N_REDUCE_FNS }; enum{ SHORT_DATA_FN_REDUCE, LONG_DATA_FN_REDUCE, N_REDUCE_FNS_USED }; /* all-reduce */ enum{ FANIN_FANOUT_ALLREDUCE_FN, REDUCE_SCATTER_ALLGATHER_FN, N_ALLREDUCE_FNS }; enum{ SHORT_DATA_FN_ALLREDUCE, LONG_DATA_FN_ALLREDUCE, N_ALLREDUCE_FNS_USED }; /* enum for node type */ enum{ ROOT_NODE, LEAF_NODE, INTERIOR_NODE }; /* * N-order tree node description */ struct tree_node_t { /* my rank within the group */ int my_rank; /* my node type - root, leaf, or interior */ int my_node_type; /* number of nodes in the tree */ int tree_size; /* number of parents (0/1) */ int n_parents; /* number of children */ int n_children; /* parent rank within the group */ int parent_rank; /* chidren ranks within the group */ int *children_ranks; }; typedef struct tree_node_t tree_node_t; /* * Pair-wise data exchange */ /* enum for node type */ enum{ EXCHANGE_NODE, EXTRA_NODE }; struct pair_exchange_node_t { /* my rank within the group */ int my_rank; /* number of nodes this node will exchange data with */ int n_exchanges; /* ranks of nodes involved in data exchnge */ int *rank_exchanges; /* number of extra sources of data - outside largest power of 2 in * this group */ int n_extra_sources; /* rank of the extra source */ int rank_extra_source; /* number of tags needed per stripe */ int n_tags; /* log 2 of largest full power of 2 for this node set */ int log_2; /* largest power of 2 that fits in this group */ int n_largest_pow_2; /* node type */ int node_type; }; typedef struct pair_exchange_node_t pair_exchange_node_t; #endif /* * descriptor for managing the admin nonblocking barrier routine. * This is an sm internal routine, and assumes only 1 outstanding * nb-barrier collective call per block. */ /* forward declarations */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t; struct sm_buffer_mgmt; struct sm_nbbar_desc_t { /* make sure we can put this on a list */ opal_list_item_t super; /* phase of the collective operation - needed to know how to continue * progressing the nb-barrier */ int collective_phase; /* iteration to continue at */ int recursive_dbl_iteration; /* pointer to the collective module this is associated with */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_module; /* pointer to payload/control structs buffers */ struct sm_buffer_mgmt *coll_buff; /* pool index */ int pool_index; /* pointer to the mca_bcol_base_memory_block_desc_t structure * that is actually managing this registration. * This is meaningful when these control structures * are used in conjunction with the user payload * data that is allocated at the ml level. */ void *ml_memory_block_descriptor; }; typedef struct sm_nbbar_desc_t sm_nbbar_desc_t; /* * Barrier request objects */ /* shared memory data strucutures */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_request_process_shared_mem_t { volatile uint64_t coll_index; /* flag used to indicate the status of this memory region */ volatile uint64_t flag; volatile uint64_t index; /* pading */ /* Note: need to change this so it takes less memory */ char padding[BASESMUMA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-3*sizeof(uint64_t)]; }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_request_process_shared_mem_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_request_process_shared_mem_t; /* enum for phase at which the nb barrier is in */ enum{ NB_BARRIER_INACTIVE, /* fan-in/fan-out */ NB_BARRIER_FAN_IN, NB_BARRIER_FAN_OUT, /* recursive doubling */ NB_PRE_PHASE, NB_RECURSIVE_DOUBLING, NB_POST_PHASE, /* done and not started are the same for all practicle * purposes, as the init funtion always sets this flag */ NB_BARRIER_DONE }; /* forward declartion */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t; struct mca_basesmuma_ctrl_4_hdl_t { int fd; bool status; volatile char buf[128]; /*volatile char buf[OPAL_PATH_MAX];*/ }; typedef struct mca_basesmuma_ctrl_4_hdl_t mca_basesmuma_ctrl_4_hdl_t; /* control segment for shared memory */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t { /* collective identifier */ volatile int64_t sequence_number; volatile int64_t flag; volatile int64_t index; volatile int64_t offset; volatile int64_t offset_zip; /* used for non-blocking algorithms */ int status; int active_requests; int iteration; int *src_ptr; int start; /* process private data */ int starting_flag_value; /* experiment for large data colls */ int n_sends; int length; /* hdl framework control structure*/ /* no need to pad at this level anymore */ volatile int64_t data_hdl; volatile mca_basesmuma_ctrl_4_hdl_t hdl_ctrl; #ifdef __PORTALS_AVAIL__ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_portal_buf_addr_t portals_buf_addr; #endif /* padding */ /*char padding[BASESMUMA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-4*sizeof(uint64_t)-3*sizeof(int)];*/ char padding[BASESMUMA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-6*sizeof(int64_t)-5*sizeof(int)]; }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t; #define SM_BCOLS_MAX 2 /* enum for signaling flag bank, when * adding to this list, please keep * it alphabetical */ enum { ALLGATHER_FLAG, ALLREDUCE_FLAG, BARRIER_FANIN_FLAG, BARRIER_FANOUT_FLAG, BARRIER_RKING_FLAG, BCAST_FLAG, GATHER_FLAG, REDUCE_FLAG, NUM_SIGNAL_FLAGS }; /* control region for colls with user data - shared memory */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t { /* collective identifier */ volatile int64_t sequence_number; volatile int8_t flags[NUM_SIGNAL_FLAGS][SM_BCOLS_MAX]; volatile int32_t src; /* src of bcast data for unknown root, bcol id for known root */ /* starting flag - hierarchies */ int8_t starting_flag_value[SM_BCOLS_MAX]; int8_t ready_flag; /* Manju: Cached array of receive buffer offsets * * This array stores the receive buffer offsets (rbuf_offsets) of data buffer. * In general, we assume that sbuf_offset and rbuf_offset of * processes invoking the collective primitive is same. This is * true when the order in which processes invoke their hierarchies are * same. * * For some algorithms (like broadcast, reduce) we split the ML buffer * and use first half as * source and second half as receive buffer. We swap these buffers for * each change when we change levels i.e., if first half is source for * level 1, in the level 2 of hierarchy it becomes the receive buffer. * For reduce algorithm, each process can invoke hierarchies * (primitives) in different order. For example, process 1 might have level 1 as SM * and level 2 as p2p, and process 2 might have different order where its * level 1 is p2p and level 2 SM. In this case, if in basesmuma reduce * algorithm, if parent assumes its rbuf_offset as child's rbuf_offset * it is wrong. So we cache rbuf_offset of each process so * it could be accessed by processes to obtain the data. */ volatile int32_t roffsets[SM_BCOLS_MAX]; /* Manju Start: Experimental ctl fields and should be removed later; * This is used for lmsg reduce for testing * during transition to HDL primitives */ #if 0 int lmsg_reduce_snd_completes; /* There can be atmost 20 ranks in the subgroup. Since this * only for testing this should be good enough */ int lmsg_reduce_peers[20]; int lmsg_reduce_send_offsets[20]; /* End: Experimental ctl fields */ /* no need to pad at this level anymore */ volatile int64_t data_hdl; #endif }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t; /* data needed for large messages */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_large_msg_t { /* scatter allgather data */ uint64_t offset; uint64_t n_sends; uint64_t length; /* portals data */ }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_large_msg_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_large_msg_t; /* payload struct */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t { /* base pointer to shared memory control structure */ mca_bcol_basesmuma_header_t *ctl_struct; void *payload; }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t; /* memory bank memory management structure */ struct mem_bank_management_t { /* generation counter */ uint64_t bank_gen_counter; /* descriptor for the non-blocking barrier. This is * used to manage this bank of memory. */ sm_nbbar_desc_t nb_barrier_desc; /* the number of buffers that are not in use, and are * available. The assumption is that the buffers are * recycled all at once, so are available for re-use * until all buffers have been made available for re-use. */ volatile int available_buffers; /* * number of buffers freed */ volatile int n_buffs_freed; /* mutex to ensure atomic recycling of resrouces */ opal_mutex_t mutex; /* number of buffers being managed */ int number_of_buffers; /* shared memory control structures */ int index_shared_mem_ctl_structs; }; typedef struct mem_bank_management_t mem_bank_management_t; /* data structure for shared buffers */ struct sm_buffer_mgmt { /* number of buffers per process */ int number_of_buffs; /* size of group */ int size_of_group; /* number of memory banks */ int num_mem_banks; /* number of buffers per memory bank */ int num_buffs_per_mem_bank; /* log base 2 of num_buffs_per_mem_bank */ int log2_num_buffs_per_mem_bank; /* log base 2 total number of buffers */ int log2_number_of_buffs; /* mask - masks off the bits corresponding to buffer index */ int mask; /* control buffers - these point to regions in shared memory */ /* leading dimension is the group size - all pointers for a given * set of buffers appear consecutively in this array */ volatile void **ctl_buffs; /* management data for the control structures - * one per bank of control structures - Will be used for * the payload buffers as well. */ mem_bank_management_t *ctl_buffs_mgmt; /* data buffers - these point to regions in shared memory */ /* leading dimension is the group size - all pointers for a given * set of buffers appear consecutively in this array */ volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_payload_t *data_buffs; }; typedef struct sm_buffer_mgmt sm_buffer_mgmt; struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_coll_buff_desc_t { void *data_addr; uint64_t bank_index; uint64_t buffer_index; int active_requests; ompi_request_t **requests; int data_src; int radix_mask; int radix_mask_pow; int iteration; int status; /* this is for testing */ int tag; volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t **ctl_structs; volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t *my_ctl_pointer; volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t *parent_ctl_pointer; volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t *extra_partner_ctl_pointer; }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_coll_buff_desc_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_coll_buff_desc_t; struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_local_mlmem_desc_t { uint32_t bank_index_for_release; struct mca_bcol_base_memory_block_desc_t *ml_mem_desc; uint32_t num_banks; uint32_t num_buffers_per_bank; uint32_t size_buffer; uint32_t *bank_release_counter; /* * Number of descriptors allocated is equivalent to number of ml buffers * (number of banks * number of buffers per bank) */ mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_coll_buff_desc_t *nb_coll_desc; }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_local_mlmem_desc_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_local_mlmem_desc_t; #ifdef __PORTALS_AVAIL__ #define MAX_SM_GROUP_SIZE 32 struct portals_scatter_allgather_nb_bcast_state_t { /* local variables */ uint64_t length; int my_rank, src, matched; int src_list[MAX_SM_GROUP_SIZE]; int group_size; int64_t ready_flag; int pow_2, pow_2_levels; int src_list_index; uint64_t fragment_size; /* user buffer size */ /* Input argument variables */ void *my_userbuf; int64_t sequence_number; /* Extra source variables */ bool secondary_root; int partner , extra_partner; /* Scatter Allgather offsets */ uint64_t local_sg_offset , global_sg_offset , partner_offset ; /* Portals messaging relevant variables */ /* * ptl_handle_eq_t allgather_eq_h; */ ptl_handle_eq_t read_eq; ptl_event_t allgather_event; bool msg_posted; /* OMPI module and component variables */ mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *cs; struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *bcol_module; /* Control structure and payload variables */ volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t **ctl_structs; volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t *my_ctl_pointer; volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t *parent_ctl_pointer; /* scatter source */ volatile mca_bcol_basesmuma_ctl_struct_t *extra_partner_ctl_pointer; /* scatter source */ int phase; }; typedef struct portals_scatter_allgather_nb_bcast_state_t sg_state_t; #endif #define SM_ARRAY_INDEX(LEAD_DIM,BUF_INDEX,PROC_INDEX) \ ((LEAD_DIM)*(BUF_INDEX)+(PROC_INDEX)) /* debug */ #define BARRIER_BANK_LIST_SIZE 32 /* end debug */ struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t { /* base structure */ mca_bcol_base_module_t super; /* free list item with the control structures used for * the no user data collective operations */ list_data_t *no_userdata_ctl; /* free list item with the control structures used for * the with user data collective operations */ list_data_t *userdata_ctl; /* * information on sm control backing files for the subgroup * associated with this module. */ bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t **ctl_backing_files_info; /* * information on sm payload backing files for the subgroup * associated with this module. */ bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t **payload_backing_files_info; /* * buffers for the collective that do not involve user data - * barrier, fanin, fanout. */ sm_buffer_mgmt colls_no_user_data; /* * buffers for the collective with user data. */ sm_buffer_mgmt colls_with_user_data; /* recursive-doubling tree node */ netpatterns_pair_exchange_node_t recursive_doubling_tree; /* k-nomial gather/allgather tree */ netpatterns_k_exchange_node_t knomial_allgather_tree; /* fanin tree node - root is rank 0 */ netpatterns_tree_node_t fanin_node; /* fanout tree node - root is rank 0 */ netpatterns_tree_node_t fanout_node; /* index of blocking barrier memory region to use */ int index_blocking_barrier_memory_bank; /* comm to shared memory map */ int *comm_to_sm_map; /* reduction fanout tree */ netpatterns_tree_node_t* reduction_tree; /* broadcast fanout tree */ netpatterns_tree_node_t* fanout_read_tree; /* scatter - k-ary tree */ int scatter_kary_radix; netpatterns_tree_node_t *scatter_kary_tree; /* Knomial exchange tree */ /* Currently used for only large message reduce */ netpatterns_k_exchange_node_t knomial_exchange_tree; /* sequence number offset - want to make sure that we start * id'ing collectives with id 0, so we can have simple * resource management. */ int64_t squence_number_offset; /* basesmuma specific header size into ml buffer * was calculated at ml level - it is the sum of * all headers from all bcols and then aligned to * whatever alignment was requested */ uint32_t total_header_size; /* list of possible sources */ int *src_list; /* Number of possible sources */ int src_size; /* smallest power of k that is smaller * than or equal in size to the uma group */ int pow_k_levels; /* size of power-of-k group */ int pow_k; /* smallest power of 2 that is smaller * than or equal to the smuma group size */ int pow_2_levels; /* size of power-of-2 group */ int pow_2; /* pointer to the shared memory scratch array of each * process in the group. */ void **shared_memory_scratch_space; /* * Caching information for re-entrant collectives */ mca_bcol_basesmuma_local_mlmem_desc_t ml_mem; /* * Cached offsets for lmsg reduce */ int **reduce_offsets; /*XXX: * Starting to explore the beauty of zero-copy for large message */ struct mca_hdl_base_module_t **hdl_module; #ifdef __PORTALS_AVAIL__ /* * Store state for NB blocking functions */ sg_state_t sg_state; #endif }; typedef struct mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t; OBJ_CLASS_DECLARATION(mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t); /* shared memory specific arguments for the bcol registration function */ typedef struct bcol_basesmuma_registration_data_t { char *file_name; /* filename for payload */ void *base_addr; /* base address to be mapped */ size_t size; /* size of memory block to be "registered" */ size_t size_ctl_structure; size_t data_seg_alignment; bcol_basesmuma_smcm_mmap_t *sm_mmap; /* shared memory map struct */ mca_bcol_base_release_buff_fn_t buff_release_cb; /* buffer release call back */ } bcol_basesmuma_registration_data_t; enum { BUFFER_AVAILABLE, STARTED, FANIN, FANOUT }; /* enum used for non-blocking large * message bcast */ enum { INIT, START, NOT_STARTED, SCATTER, ALLGATHER, EXTRA_RANK, PROBE, SCATTER_ROOT_WAIT, SCATTER_EXTRA_ROOT_WAIT, SCATTER_PARENT_WAIT, FINISHED }; /** * Global component instance */ OMPI_MODULE_DECLSPEC extern mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t mca_bcol_basesmuma_component; /* * coll module functions */ /* query to see if the component is available for use, and can * satisfy the thread and progress requirements */ int mca_bcol_basesmuma_init_query(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads); /* query to see if the module is available for use on the given * communicator, and if so, what it's priority is. */ mca_bcol_base_module_t ** mca_bcol_basesmuma_comm_query(mca_sbgp_base_module_t *module, int *num_modules); /* shared memory specific memory registration function - this will be passed into the mpool */ int mca_bcol_basesmuma_register_sm(void *context_data, void *base, size_t size, void **reg); /* shared memory specific memory deregistration function - also needed by the mpool */ int mca_bcol_basesmuma_deregister_sm(void *context_data, void *reg); /* setup the new k_nomial tree for collectives */ int bcol_basesmuma_setup_knomial_tree(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* allocate the memory pool for the shared memory control structures */ int mca_bcol_basesmuma_allocate_pool_memory(mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *component); /* initialize the internal scratch buffers and control structs that will be used by the module */ int base_bcol_basesmuma_setup_library_buffers( mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_module, mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *cs); /* shared memory recursive doubling initialization */ int bcol_basesmuma_rd_barrier_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *module); /* shared memory recusive double barrier */ int bcol_basesmuma_recursive_double_barrier(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* shared memory fanin */ int bcol_basesmuma_fanin_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* shared memory fanout */ int bcol_basesmuma_fanout_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* shared memory recursive k-ing non-blocking barrier */ int bcol_basesmuma_barrier_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* Shared memory broadcast */ int bcol_basesmuma_bcast_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); int bcol_basesmuma_bcast(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* Shared memory non-blocking broadcast */ int bcol_basesmuma_bcast_k_nomial_anyroot(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_bcast_k_nomial_knownroot(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* Shared memory non-blocking broadcast - Large message anyroot */ int bcol_basesmuma_binary_scatter_allgather_segment(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); #if 0 /*FIXME: having fun here*/ int bcol_basesmuma_hdl_zerocopy_bcast(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); #endif int bcol_basesmuma_lmsg_bcast_k_nomial_anyroot(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_lmsg_scatter_allgather_portals_bcast(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_lmsg_scatter_allgather_portals_nb_bcast(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_lmsg_scatter_allgather_portals_nb_knownroot_bcast(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* * shared memory scatter */ int bcol_basesmuma_scatter_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* shared memory nonblocking scatter - known root */ int bcol_basesmuma_nb_scatter_k_array_knownroot( bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* shared memory non-blocking k-nomial barrier init */ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_barrier_init(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, struct mca_bcol_base_function_t *const_args); /* shared memory non-blocking k-nomial barrier progress */ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_barrier_progress(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, struct mca_bcol_base_function_t *const_args); /*shared memory non-blocking k-nomial allgather init */ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_allgather_init(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, struct mca_bcol_base_function_t *const_args); /* shared memory non-blocking k-nomial allgather progress */ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_allgather_progress(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, struct mca_bcol_base_function_t *const_args); /* shared memory allgather -- selection logic api */ int bcol_basesmuma_allgather_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* shared memory blocking k-nomial gather */ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_gather(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* shared memory non blocking k-nomial gather */ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_gather_init(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* shared memory non blocking k-nomial gather progress*/ int bcol_basesmuma_k_nomial_gather_progress(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* shared memory init */ int bcol_basesmuma_gather_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* allocate shared memory control memory */ int mca_bcol_basesmuma_allocate_sm_ctl_memory( mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *cs); /* Shared memory basesmuma reduce */ int bcol_basesmuma_reduce_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); int bcol_basesmuma_reduce_intra_fanin(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_reduce_intra_fanin_old(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_reduce_intra_reducescatter_gather(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count, struct ompi_datatype_t *dtype, struct ompi_op_t *op, int root, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, mca_coll_base_module_t *module); /* Shared memory basesmuma allreduce */ int bcol_basesmuma_allreduce_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); int bcol_basesmuma_allreduce_intra_fanin_fanout(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); int bcol_basesmuma_allreduce_intra_recursive_doubling(bcol_function_args_t *input_args, mca_bcol_base_function_t *c_input_args); /* initialize non-blocking barrier for recycling the memory buffers. * This is not a general purpose nb_barrier, and relies on the * fact that we will have only one outstanding nb-barrier per bank * at a time. */ int bcol_basesmuma_rd_nb_barrier_init_admin(sm_nbbar_desc_t *sm_desc); /* admin nonblocking barrier - progress function */ int bcol_basesmuma_rd_nb_barrier_progress_admin(sm_nbbar_desc_t *sm_desc); /* Memory syncronization registration function */ int bcol_basesmuma_memsync_init(mca_bcol_base_module_t *super); /* smcm allgather function used to exchange file offsets. */ int bcol_basesmuma_smcm_allgather_connection( mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_bcol_module, mca_sbgp_base_module_t *module, opal_list_t *peer_list, bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t ***backing_files, ompi_communicator_t *comm, bcol_basesmuma_smcm_file_t input, char *base_fname, bool map_all); /* clean up the backing files associated with a basesmuma bcol module */ int bcol_basesmuma_smcm_release_connections (mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_bcol_module, mca_sbgp_base_module_t *sbgp_module, opal_list_t *peer_list, bcol_basesmuma_smcm_proc_item_t ***back_files); /* * this function initializes the internal scratch buffers and control * structures that will be used by the module */ int base_bcol_masesmuma_setup_library_buffers( mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_bcol_module, mca_bcol_basesmuma_component_t *sm_bcol_component); /* get the index of the shared memory buffer to be used */ int bcol_basesmuma_get_buff_index( sm_buffer_mgmt * buff_block, uint64_t buff_id ); int bcol_basesmuma_free_buff( sm_buffer_mgmt * buff_block, uint64_t buff_id ); /* bank init which is used for shared memory optimization, fall back to * the bank init above if this causes problems */ int bcol_basesmuma_bank_init_opti(struct mca_bcol_base_memory_block_desc_t *payload_block, uint32_t data_offset, mca_bcol_base_module_t *bcol_module, void *reg_data); /* cleanup nb_coll_buff_desc */ void cleanup_nb_coll_buff_desc(mca_bcol_basesmuma_nb_coll_buff_desc_t **desc, uint32_t num_banks, uint32_t num_buffers_per_bank); /* used for shared memory offset exchange */ int base_bcol_basesmuma_exchange_offsets( mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *sm_bcol_module, void **result_array, uint64_t mem_offset, int loop_limit, int leading_dim); /* the progress function to be called from the opal progress function */ int bcol_basesmuma_progress(void); /* Macro for initializing my shared memory control structure */ #define BASESMUMA_HEADER_INIT(my_ctl_pointer,ready_flag, seqn, bcol_id) \ do{ \ int i,j; \ int8_t flag_offset = 0; \ /* setup resource recycling */ \ if( (my_ctl_pointer)->sequence_number < (seqn) ) { \ /* Signal arrival */ \ for( j = 0; j < SM_BCOLS_MAX; j++){ \ (my_ctl_pointer)->starting_flag_value[j]=0; \ for( i = 0; i < NUM_SIGNAL_FLAGS; i++){ \ (my_ctl_pointer)->flags[i][j] = -1; \ } \ } \ } \ /* increment the starting flag by one and return */ \ flag_offset = (my_ctl_pointer)->starting_flag_value[(bcol_id)]; \ (ready_flag) = flag_offset + 1; \ opal_atomic_wmb(); \ (my_ctl_pointer)->sequence_number = (seqn); \ }while(0) /* these are all the same, am using a single macro for all collectives */ #define IS_PEER_READY(peer, my_flag, my_sequence_number,flag_index, bcol_id) \ (((peer)->sequence_number == (my_sequence_number) && \ (peer)->flags[flag_index][bcol_id] >= (my_flag))? true : false ) #if 0 #define IS_AR_DATA_READY(peer, my_flag, my_sequence_number) \ (((peer)->sequence_number == (my_sequence_number) && \ (peer)->flags[ALLREDUCE_FLAG][bcol_id] >= (my_flag) \ )? true : false ) #define IS_GDATA_READY(peer, my_flag, my_sequence_number) \ (((peer)->sequence_number == (my_sequence_number) && \ (peer)->flags[GATHER_FLAG][bcol_id] == (my_flag) \ )? true : false ) #define IS_PEER_READY(peer, my_flag, flag_index, my_sequence_number) \ ((((volatile int64_t)(peer)->sequence_number > (my_sequence_number)) || \ (((volatile int64_t)(peer)->sequence_number == (my_sequence_number)) && \ ((peer)->flags[flag_index][bcol_id] == (my_flag))) \ )? true : false ) #define IS_ALLREDUCE_PEER_READY(peer, my_flag, my_sequence_number) \ ((((volatile int64_t)(peer)->sequence_number == (my_sequence_number)) && \ (((peer)->flags[ALLREDUCE_FLAG][bcol_id] == (my_flag))||((peer)->flags[ALLREDUCE_FLAG][bcol_id] == (my_flag) + 1)) \ )? true : false ) #endif #define IS_LAST_BCOL_FUNC(ml_args) \ ((((ml_args)->n_of_this_type_in_collective == \ (ml_args)->index_of_this_type_in_collective + 1 ) )? true : false) static inline __opal_attribute_always_inline__ size_t bcol_basesmuma_data_offset_calc( mca_bcol_basesmuma_module_t *basesmuma_module) { uint32_t offset = basesmuma_module->super.header_size; offset = ((offset + BCOL_HEAD_ALIGN - 1) / BCOL_HEAD_ALIGN) * BCOL_HEAD_ALIGN; return (size_t) offset; } END_C_DECLS #endif /* MCA_BCOL_basesmuma_EXPORT_H */