/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 The University of Tennessee and The University * of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights * reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include "opal/class/opal_bitmap.h" #include "opal/util/output.h" #include "ompi/mca/btl/btl.h" #include "btl_elan.h" #include "btl_elan_frag.h" #include "btl_elan_proc.h" #include "btl_elan_endpoint.h" #include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor.h" #include "ompi/mca/btl/base/base.h" #include #include "elan/elan.h" #include "opal/util/os_path.h" #include "opal/util/opal_environ.h" #include "orte/util/proc_info.h" /** * */ extern char** environ; /** * Reduce function that compute the MAX over an array of integers. */ static void __reduce_max_fn( void *vin, void* vinout, int* count, void* handle ) { int *in = (int*)vin, *inout = (int*)vinout; int i; for( i = 0; i < (*count); i++ ) { if( in[i] > inout[i] ) inout[i] = in[i]; } } /** * PML->BTL notification of change in the process list. * * @param btl (IN) * @param nprocs (IN) Number of processes * @param procs (IN) Set of processes * @param peers (OUT) Set of (optional) peer addressing info. * @param peers (IN/OUT) Set of processes that are reachable via this BTL. * @return OMPI_SUCCESS or error status on failure. * */ static int mca_btl_elan_add_procs( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, size_t nprocs, struct ompi_proc_t **ompi_procs, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t** peers, opal_bitmap_t* reachable ) { mca_btl_elan_module_t* elan_btl = (mca_btl_elan_module_t*)btl; int i, j, rc; char* filename; FILE* file; ELAN_BASE* base; filename = opal_os_path( false, orte_process_info.proc_session_dir, "ELAN_ID", NULL ); file = fopen( filename, "w" ); fprintf( file, "%s %d\n", ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_hostname, elan_btl->elan_position ); for(i = 0; i < (int)nprocs; i++) { struct ompi_proc_t* ompi_proc = ompi_procs[i]; mca_btl_elan_proc_t* elan_proc; mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* elan_endpoint; /* Don't use Elan for local communications */ if( ompi_proc_local_proc == ompi_proc ) continue; if(NULL == (elan_proc = mca_btl_elan_proc_create(ompi_proc))) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } elan_endpoint = OBJ_NEW(mca_btl_elan_endpoint_t); if(NULL == elan_endpoint) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } elan_endpoint->endpoint_btl = elan_btl; OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&elan_proc->proc_lock); rc = mca_btl_elan_proc_insert(elan_proc, elan_endpoint); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&elan_proc->proc_lock); if( OMPI_SUCCESS != rc ) { OBJ_RELEASE(elan_endpoint); OBJ_RELEASE(elan_proc); continue; } for( j = 0; j < (int)elan_proc->proc_rail_count; j++ ) { fprintf( file, "%s %d\n", ompi_proc->proc_hostname, elan_proc->position_id_array[j] ); } opal_bitmap_set_bit(reachable, i); peers[i] = elan_endpoint; } fclose(file); /* Set the environment before firing up the Elan library */ opal_setenv( "LIBELAN_MACHINES_FILE", filename, true, &environ ); opal_setenv( "MPIRUN_ELANIDMAP_FILE", mca_btl_elan_component.elanidmap_file, false, &environ ); base = elan_baseInit(0); if( NULL == base ) return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; if( NULL == base->state ) { mca_btl_base_error_no_nics( "ELAN", "Quadrics" ); return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } elan_btl->base = base; elan_btl->elan_vp = base->state->vp; { unsigned int* vp_array = (unsigned int*)calloc( nprocs, sizeof(unsigned int) ); /* Set my position in the array with the Elan vp */ vp_array[(int)ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_name.vpid] = elan_btl->elan_vp; /* Do a reduce with the previously defined MAX function. The outcome will be * that at each process vpid index we will have their Elan vp. With this Elan * vp we can therefore communicate with the process. */ elan_reduce( base->allGroup, vp_array, vp_array, sizeof(unsigned int), (int)nprocs, __reduce_max_fn, NULL, 0, 0, ELAN_REDUCE_COMMUTE | ELAN_RESULT_ALL | base->group_flags, 0); for(i = 0; i < (int)nprocs; i++) { if(NULL == peers[i]) continue; peers[i]->elan_vp = vp_array[(int)ompi_procs[i]->proc_name.vpid]; } free(vp_array); } /* Create the tport global queue */ if( (elan_btl->tport_queue = elan_gallocQueue(base, base->allGroup)) == NULL ) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } /* Create and initialize the tport */ if( !(elan_btl->tport = elan_tportInit(base->state, elan_btl->tport_queue, mca_btl_elan_component.elan_max_posted_recv, base->tport_smallmsg, mca_btl_elan_module.super.btl_eager_limit, base->tport_stripemsg, ELAN_POLL_EVENT, base->retryCount, &base->shm_key, base->shm_fifodepth, base->shm_fragsize, 0))) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } /* Create the receive queue */ if( (elan_btl->global_queue = elan_gallocQueue(base, base->allGroup)) == NULL ) { return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE; } mca_btl_elan_component.queue_max_size = elan_queueMaxSlotSize( base->state ) - sizeof(mca_btl_elan_hdr_t); elan_btl->rx_queue = elan_queueRxInit( base->state, /* ELAN_STATE *state */ elan_btl->global_queue, /* ELAN_QUEUE *queue */ mca_btl_elan_component.elan_max_posted_recv, /* int nSlots */ (int)mca_btl_elan_component.queue_max_size, /* int slotSize */ ELAN_RAIL_ALL, /* int rail */ 0 ); /* ELAN_FLAGS flags */ elan_btl->tx_queue = elan_queueTxInit( base->state, /* ELAN_STATE *state */ elan_btl->global_queue, /* ELAN_QUEUE *q */ ELAN_RAIL_ALL, /* int rail */ 0 ); /* ELAN_FLAGS flags */ for( i = 0; i < mca_btl_elan_component.elan_max_posted_recv; i++ ) { mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag; MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_EAGER(frag, rc ); if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag) ) { return OMPI_ERROR; } frag->segment.seg_addr.pval = (void*)(frag + 1); frag->base.des_dst = &(frag->segment); frag->base.des_dst_cnt = 1; frag->base.des_src = NULL; frag->base.des_src_cnt = 0; frag->type = MCA_BTL_ELAN_HDR_TYPE_RECV; frag->elan_event = elan_tportRxStart( elan_btl->tport, ELAN_TPORT_RXBUF | ELAN_TPORT_RXANY, 0, 0, 0, 0, frag->segment.seg_addr.pval, mca_btl_elan_module.super.btl_eager_limit ); opal_list_append( &(elan_btl->recv_list), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); } /* enable the network */ elan_enable_network( elan_btl->base->state ); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /** * PML->BTL notification of change in the process list. * * @param btl (IN) BTL instance * @param nproc (IN) Number of processes. * @param procs (IN) Set of processes. * @param peers (IN) Set of peer data structures. * @return Status indicating if cleanup was successful * */ static int mca_btl_elan_del_procs( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, size_t nprocs, struct ompi_proc_t **procs, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t ** endpoints ) { return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /** * Allocate a descriptor with a segment of the requested size. * Note that the BTL layer may choose to return a smaller size * if it cannot support the request. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param size (IN) Request segment size. */ static mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* mca_btl_elan_alloc( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* peer, uint8_t order, size_t size, uint32_t flags ) { mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag = NULL; ptrdiff_t hdr_skip = 0; int rc; if( size <= btl->btl_eager_limit ) { MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_EAGER(frag, rc); if( size <= mca_btl_elan_component.queue_max_size ) { /* This will be going over the queue */ hdr_skip = sizeof(mca_btl_elan_hdr_t); } } else if( size <= btl->btl_max_send_size ) { MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_MAX(frag, rc); } if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag) ) { return NULL; } frag->segment.seg_addr.pval = (void*)((char*)(frag + 1) + hdr_skip); frag->segment.seg_len = size; frag->base.des_src = &(frag->segment); frag->base.des_src_cnt = 1; frag->base.des_dst = NULL; frag->base.des_dst_cnt = 0; frag->base.des_flags = flags; frag->btl = (mca_btl_elan_module_t*)btl; frag->endpoint = peer; frag->base.order = MCA_BTL_NO_ORDER; return (mca_btl_base_descriptor_t*)frag; } /** * Return a segment allocated by this BTL. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param descriptor (IN) Allocated descriptor. */ static int mca_btl_elan_free( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* des ) { mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag = (mca_btl_elan_frag_t*)des; MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_RETURN(frag); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /** * Prepare a descriptor for send/rdma using the supplied * convertor. If the convertor references data that is contigous, * the descriptor may simply point to the user buffer. Otherwise, * this routine is responsible for allocating buffer space and * packing if required. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param endpoint (IN) BTL peer addressing * @param convertor (IN) Data type convertor * @param reserve (IN) Additional bytes requested by upper layer to precede user data * @param size (IN/OUT) Number of bytes to prepare (IN), number of bytes actually prepared (OUT) */ static mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* mca_btl_elan_prepare_src( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* endpoint, struct mca_mpool_base_registration_t* registration, struct opal_convertor_t* convertor, uint8_t order, size_t reserve, size_t* size, uint32_t flags) { mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag; struct iovec iov; uint32_t iov_count = 1; size_t max_data = *size, skip = 0; int rc; if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(max_data > UINT32_MAX) ) { max_data = (size_t)UINT32_MAX; } if( 0 != reserve ) { if( max_data + reserve <= btl->btl_eager_limit ) { MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_EAGER(frag, rc); if( (max_data + reserve) <= mca_btl_elan_component.queue_max_size ) { skip = sizeof(mca_btl_elan_hdr_t); } } else { MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_MAX(frag, rc); if( (max_data + reserve) > btl->btl_max_send_size ) { max_data = btl->btl_max_send_size - reserve; } } if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag) ) { return NULL; } frag->segment.seg_addr.pval = (void*)((unsigned char*)(frag + 1) + skip); iov.iov_len = max_data; iov.iov_base = (unsigned char*)frag->segment.seg_addr.pval + reserve; rc = opal_convertor_pack(convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data ); *size = max_data; if( rc < 0 ) { MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_RETURN(frag); return NULL; } frag->segment.seg_len = max_data + reserve; } else { /* this is a real RDMA operation */ MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_USER(frag, rc); if(OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag)) { return NULL; } frag->type = MCA_BTL_ELAN_HDR_TYPE_PUT; iov.iov_len = max_data; iov.iov_base = NULL; opal_convertor_pack(convertor, &iov, &iov_count, &max_data); *size = max_data; frag->segment.seg_addr.pval = iov.iov_base; frag->segment.seg_len = max_data; } frag->base.des_src = &(frag->segment); frag->base.des_src_cnt = 1; frag->base.order = MCA_BTL_NO_ORDER; frag->base.des_dst = NULL; frag->base.des_dst_cnt = 0; frag->base.des_flags = flags; return &frag->base; } /** * Prepare a descriptor for send/rdma using the supplied * convertor. If the convertor references data that is contigous, * the descriptor may simply point to the user buffer. Otherwise, * this routine is responsible for allocating buffer space and * packing if required. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param endpoint (IN) BTL peer addressing * @param convertor (IN) Data type convertor * @param reserve (IN) Additional bytes requested by upper layer to precede user data * @param size (IN/OUT) Number of bytes to prepare (IN), number of bytes actually prepared (OUT) */ static mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* mca_btl_elan_prepare_dst( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* endpoint, struct mca_mpool_base_registration_t* registration, struct opal_convertor_t* convertor, uint8_t order, size_t reserve, size_t* size, uint32_t flags ) { mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag; size_t origin, position = *size; int rc; if( OPAL_UNLIKELY((*size) > UINT32_MAX) ) { *size = (size_t)UINT32_MAX; } MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_ALLOC_USER(frag, rc); if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag) ) { return NULL; } opal_convertor_get_current_pointer( convertor, (void**)&(frag->segment.seg_addr.pval) ); origin = convertor->bConverted; position += origin; opal_convertor_set_position( convertor, &position ); *size = position - origin; frag->segment.seg_len = *size; frag->base.des_src = NULL; frag->base.des_src_cnt = 0; frag->base.des_flags = flags; frag->base.des_dst = &(frag->segment); frag->base.des_dst_cnt = 1; frag->base.order = MCA_BTL_NO_ORDER; return &frag->base; } /** * Initiate an asynchronous send. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param endpoint (IN) BTL addressing information * @param descriptor (IN) Description of the data to be transfered * @param tag (IN) The tag value used to notify the peer. */ static int mca_btl_elan_send( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* endpoint, struct mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* descriptor, mca_btl_base_tag_t tag ) { mca_btl_elan_module_t* elan_btl = (mca_btl_elan_module_t*) btl; mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag = (mca_btl_elan_frag_t*)descriptor; mca_btl_elan_hdr_t* elan_hdr = (mca_btl_elan_hdr_t*)(frag+1); int send_len; frag->btl = elan_btl; frag->endpoint = endpoint; frag->tag = tag; frag->type = MCA_BTL_ELAN_HDR_TYPE_SEND; if( frag->segment.seg_len <= mca_btl_elan_component.queue_max_size ) { elan_hdr->tag = (int)tag; elan_hdr->length = (int)frag->segment.seg_len; send_len = frag->segment.seg_len + sizeof(mca_btl_elan_hdr_t); frag->elan_event = elan_queueTx( elan_btl->tx_queue, endpoint->elan_vp, (void*)elan_hdr, send_len, ELAN_RAIL_ALL ); if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag->elan_event) ) { opal_output( 0, "elan_queueTx failed for destination %d\n", endpoint->elan_vp ); return OMPI_ERROR; } } else { frag->elan_event = elan_tportTxStart( elan_btl->tport, 0, endpoint->elan_vp, elan_btl->elan_vp, frag->tag, (void*)elan_hdr, frag->segment.seg_len ); if( OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag->elan_event) ) { opal_output( 0, "elan_tportTxStart failed for destination %d\n", endpoint->elan_vp ); return OMPI_ERROR; } } if( elan_poll( frag->elan_event, 0 ) ) { int btl_ownership = (frag->base.des_flags & MCA_BTL_DES_FLAGS_BTL_OWNERSHIP ); frag->base.des_cbfunc( &(elan_btl->super), frag->endpoint, &(frag->base), OMPI_SUCCESS ); if( btl_ownership ) { MCA_BTL_ELAN_FRAG_RETURN(frag); } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /* Add the fragment to the pending send list */ OPAL_THREAD_LOCK( &elan_btl->elan_lock ); opal_list_append( &(elan_btl->send_list), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK( &elan_btl->elan_lock ); return OMPI_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY; } /** * Initiate an asynchronous put. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param endpoint (IN) BTL addressing information * @param descriptor (IN) Description of the data to be transferred */ static int mca_btl_elan_put( mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* endpoint, mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* des ) { mca_btl_elan_module_t* elan_btl = (mca_btl_elan_module_t*) btl; mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag = (mca_btl_elan_frag_t*) des; int peer = endpoint->elan_vp; mca_btl_base_segment_t* src = des->des_src; mca_btl_base_segment_t* dst = des->des_dst; unsigned char* src_addr = (unsigned char*)src->seg_addr.pval; size_t src_len = src->seg_len; unsigned char* dst_addr = (unsigned char*)ompi_ptr_ltop(dst->seg_addr.lval); frag->endpoint = endpoint; frag->btl = elan_btl; frag->type = MCA_BTL_ELAN_HDR_TYPE_PUT; frag->elan_event = elan_put(elan_btl->base->state, src_addr, dst_addr, src_len, peer); /* Add the fragment to the pending RDMA list */ OPAL_THREAD_LOCK( &elan_btl->elan_lock ); opal_list_append( &(elan_btl->rdma_list), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK( &elan_btl->elan_lock ); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } /** * Initiate an asynchronous get. * * @param btl (IN) BTL module * @param endpoint (IN) BTL addressing information * @param descriptor (IN) Description of the data to be transferred * */ static int mca_btl_elan_get( mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* endpoint, mca_btl_base_descriptor_t* des ) { mca_btl_elan_module_t* elan_btl = (mca_btl_elan_module_t*) btl; mca_btl_elan_frag_t* frag = (mca_btl_elan_frag_t*) des; int peer = endpoint->elan_vp; mca_btl_base_segment_t* src = des->des_src; mca_btl_base_segment_t* dst = des->des_dst; unsigned char* src_addr = (unsigned char*)src->seg_addr.pval; size_t src_len = src->seg_len; unsigned char* dst_addr = (unsigned char*)dst->seg_addr.lval; frag->endpoint = endpoint; frag->btl = elan_btl; frag->type = MCA_BTL_ELAN_HDR_TYPE_GET; opal_output( 0, "elan_get( remote %p, local %p, length %d, peer %d )\n", (void*)src_addr, (void*)dst_addr, (int)src_len, peer ); frag->elan_event = elan_get(elan_btl->base->state, src_addr, dst_addr, src_len, peer); /* Add the fragment to the pending RDMA list */ OPAL_THREAD_LOCK( &elan_btl->elan_lock ); opal_list_append( &(elan_btl->rdma_list), (opal_list_item_t*)frag ); OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK( &elan_btl->elan_lock ); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } int mca_btl_elan_finalize( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl ) { mca_btl_elan_module_t* elan_btl = (mca_btl_elan_module_t*) btl; int i, num_btls; /* First find the correct BTL in the list attached to the component */ num_btls = mca_btl_elan_component.elan_num_btls; for( i = 0; i < num_btls; i++ ) { if( elan_btl == mca_btl_elan_component.elan_btls[i] ) { /* disable the network */ elan_disable_network( elan_btl->base->state ); /* Remove it from the list attached to the component */ if( i == (num_btls-1) ) { mca_btl_elan_component.elan_btls[i] = NULL; } else { mca_btl_elan_component.elan_btls[i] = mca_btl_elan_component.elan_btls[num_btls-1]; } mca_btl_elan_component.elan_num_btls--; /* Cancel all posted receives */ /* Release the internal structures */ OBJ_DESTRUCT(&elan_btl->recv_list); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&elan_btl->send_list); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&elan_btl->rdma_list); OBJ_DESTRUCT(&elan_btl->elan_lock); /* The BTL is clean, remove it */ free(elan_btl); return OMPI_SUCCESS; } } /* This BTL is not present in the list attached to the communicator */ return OMPI_ERROR; } int mca_btl_elan_ft_event(int state) { if(OPAL_CRS_CHECKPOINT == state) { ; } else if(OPAL_CRS_CONTINUE == state) { ; } else if(OPAL_CRS_RESTART == state) { ; } else if(OPAL_CRS_TERM == state ) { ; } else { ; } return OMPI_SUCCESS; } static void mca_btl_elan_dump( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t* endpoint, int verbose ) { } static int mca_btl_elan_register_error( struct mca_btl_base_module_t* btl, mca_btl_base_module_error_cb_fn_t cbfunc ) { return OMPI_SUCCESS; } mca_btl_elan_module_t mca_btl_elan_module = { { &mca_btl_elan_component.super, 0, /* max size of first fragment */ 0, /* min send fragment size */ 0, /* max send fragment size */ 0, /* btl_rdma_pipeline_offset */ 0, /* btl_rdma_pipeline_frag_size */ 0, /* btl_min_rdma_pipeline_size */ 0, /* exclusivity */ 0, /* latency */ 0, /* bandwidth */ 0, /* flags */ 0, /* segment size */ mca_btl_elan_add_procs, mca_btl_elan_del_procs, NULL, /* btl_register */ mca_btl_elan_finalize, mca_btl_elan_alloc, mca_btl_elan_free, mca_btl_elan_prepare_src, mca_btl_elan_prepare_dst, mca_btl_elan_send, NULL, /* send immediate */ mca_btl_elan_put, mca_btl_elan_get, mca_btl_elan_dump, NULL, /* mpool */ mca_btl_elan_register_error, /* register error cb */ mca_btl_elan_ft_event /* mca_btl_elan_ft_event*/ } };