 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
 *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow

 * @file
 * Setup the predefined attributes in MPI.
 * A number of pre-defined attributes are created here, most of which
 * are exactly what one would expect, but there are a few exceptions
 * -- so they're documented here.
 * Predefined attributes are integer-valued or address-valued (per
 * MPI-2; see section 4.12.7, keeping in mind that Example 4.13 is
 * totally wrong -- see src/attribute/attribute.h for a lengthy
 * explanation of this).  
 * The only address-valued attribute is MPI_WIN_BASE.  We treat it as
 * if it were set from C.  All other attributes are integer-valued.
 * We treat them as if they were set from Fortran MPI-1 (i.e.,
 * MPI_ATTR_PUT) or Fortran MPI-2 (i.e., MPI_xxx_ATTR_SET).  Most
 * attributes are MPI-1 integer-valued, meaning that they are the size
 * MPI-2 integer-valued, meaning that they are the size of MPI_Aint
 * MPI_TAG_UB is set to a fixed upper limit.
 * MPI_HOST is set to MPI_PROC_NULL (per MPI-1, see 7.1.1, p192).
 * MPI_IO is set to MPI_ANY_SOURCE.  We may need to revist this.
 * MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL is set to 0 (a conservative answer).
 * MPI_APPNUM is set as the result of a GPR subscription.
 * MPI_LASTUSEDCODE is set to an initial value and is reset every time
 * MPI_ADD_ERROR_CLASS is invoked.  Its copy function is set to
 * MPI_COMM_NULL_COPY_FN, meaning that *only* MPI_COMM_WORLD will have
 * this attribute value.  As such, we only have to update
 * MPI_COMM_WORLD when this value changes (i.e., since this is an
 * integer-valued attribute, we have to update this attribute on every
 * communicator -- using NULL_COPY_FN ensures that only MPI_COMM_WORLD
 * has this attribute value set).
 * MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE is set as the result of a GPR subscription.
 * MPI_WIN_BASE is an address-valued attribute, and is set directly
 * integer-valued attributes, *BUT* at least the MPI_WIN_SIZE is an
 * MPI_Aint, so in terms of consistency, both should be the same --
 * hence, we treat them as MPI-2 Fortran integer-valued attributes.
 * All three of these atrributes have NULL_COPY_FN copy functions; it
 * doesn't make sense to copy them to new windows (because they're
 * values specific and unique to each window) -- especially when
 * WIN_CREATE will explicitly set them on new windows anyway.
 * These are not supported yet, but are included here for consistency:
 * and MPI_IMPI_HOST_COLOR are integer-valued attributes.

#include "ompi_config.h"

#include "mpi.h"

#include "attribute/attribute.h"

#include "errhandler/errclass.h"
#include "communicator/communicator.h"
#include "util/proc_info.h"
#include "util/sys_info.h"
#include "mca/ns/ns.h"
#include "mca/gpr/gpr.h"
#include "mca/errmgr/errmgr.h"
#include "mca/schema/schema.h"

 * Private functions
static int create_comm(int target_keyval, bool want_inherit);
/* JMS for when we implement windows */
static int create_win(int target_keyval);
static int set_f(int keyval, MPI_Fint value);

int ompi_attr_create_predefined(void)
    int rc, ret;
    orte_gpr_trigger_t trig, *trig1;
    orte_gpr_value_t value, *values;
    orte_gpr_subscription_t sub, *sub1;
    orte_jobid_t job;
    /* Create all the keyvals */

       strictly adheres to the order in mpi.h.  If you change the
       order here, you must change the order in mpi.h as well! */
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_TAG_UB, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_HOST, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_IO, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_APPNUM, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_LASTUSEDCODE, false)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE, true)) ||
        /* JMS for when we implement windows */
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_win(MPI_WIN_BASE)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_win(MPI_WIN_SIZE)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_win(MPI_WIN_DISP_UNIT)) ||
#if 0
        /* JMS For when we implement IMPI */
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_IMPI_CLIENT_SIZE, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_IMPI_CLIENT_COLOR, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_IMPI_HOST_SIZE, true)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = create_comm(MPI_IMPI_HOST_COLOR, true)) ||
        0) {
        return ret;

    /* Set default values for everything except APPNUM.  Set UNIVERSE
       size to comm_world size.  It might grow later, it might not
       (tiggers are not fired in all environments.  In environments
       where triggers aren't set, there won't be COMM_SPAWN, so APPNUM
       probably isn't a big deal. */

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set_f(MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_TAG_UB_VALUE)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set_f(MPI_HOST, MPI_PROC_NULL)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set_f(MPI_IO, MPI_ANY_SOURCE)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set_f(MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL, 0)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set_f(MPI_LASTUSEDCODE, 
                                     ompi_errclass_lastused)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set_f(MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE,
                                    ompi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD))) ||
#if 0
        /* JMS For when we implement IMPI */
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set(MPI_IMPI_CLIENT_SIZE,
                                   &attr_impi_client_size)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set(MPI_IMPI_CLIENT_COLOR, 
                                   &attr_impi_client_color)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set(MPI_IMPI_HOST_SIZE,
                                   &attr_impi_host_size)) ||
        OMPI_SUCCESS != (ret = set(MPI_IMPI_HOST_COLOR, 
                                   &attr_impi_host_color)) ||
        0) {
        return ret;

    /* Now that those are all created, setup the trigger to get the
       UNIVERSE_SIZE and APPNUM values once everyone has passed
       stg1. */

    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_ns.get_jobid(&job, orte_process_info.my_name))) {
        return rc;
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&sub, orte_gpr_subscription_t);
    /* indicate that this is a standard subscription. This indicates that the
     * subscription will be common to all processes. Thus, the resulting data
     * can be consolidated into a process-independent message and broadcast
     * to all processes
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_schema.get_std_subscription_name(&(sub.name),
                         OMPI_ATTRIBUTE_SUBSCRIPTION, job))) {
        return rc;
    /* send data when trigger fires, then delete -
     * no need for further notifications
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&value, orte_gpr_value_t);
    values = &value;
    sub.values = &values;
    sub.cnt = 1;
    value.addr_mode = ORTE_GPR_TOKENS_OR | ORTE_GPR_KEYS_OR;
    value.segment = strdup(ORTE_NODE_SEGMENT);
    if (NULL == value.segment) {
        sub.values = NULL;
        return ORTE_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    value.tokens = NULL; /* wildcard - look at all containers */
    value.num_tokens = 0;
    value.cnt = 1;
    value.keyvals = (orte_gpr_keyval_t**)malloc(sizeof(orte_gpr_keyval_t*));
    if (NULL == value.keyvals) {
        sub.values = NULL;
        return ORTE_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    value.keyvals[0] = OBJ_NEW(orte_gpr_keyval_t);
    if (NULL == value.keyvals[0]) {
        sub.values = NULL;
        return ORTE_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    value.keyvals[0]->key = strdup(ORTE_NODE_SLOTS_KEY);
    if (NULL == value.keyvals[0]->key) {
        sub.values = NULL;
        return ORTE_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    sub.cbfunc = ompi_attr_create_predefined_callback;
    sub.user_tag = NULL;
    /* setup the trigger information */
    OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&trig, orte_gpr_trigger_t);
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_schema.get_std_trigger_name(&(trig.name),
                                    ORTE_STG1_TRIGGER, job))) {
        sub.values = NULL;
        return rc;

    /* this is an ORTE-standard trigger that is defined by the ORTE resource manager
     * when the job was launched - therefore, we don't need to provide any additional
     * info
    /* do the subscription */
    sub1 = ⊂
    trig1 = &trig;
    rc = orte_gpr.subscribe(1, &sub1, 1, &trig1);
    if(ORTE_SUCCESS != rc) {
        opal_output(0, "ompi_attr_create_predefined: subscribe failed");
        sub.values = NULL;
        return OMPI_ERROR;
    sub.values = NULL;
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;

void ompi_attr_create_predefined_callback(
    orte_gpr_notify_data_t *data,
    void *cbdata)
    size_t i, j, k;
    orte_gpr_keyval_t **keyval;
    orte_gpr_value_t **value;
    orte_jobid_t job;
    unsigned int universe_size = 0;

    /* Set some default values */

    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != orte_ns.get_jobid(&job, orte_process_info.my_name)) {

    /* Per conversation between Jeff, Edgar, and Ralph - this needs to
     * be fixed to properly determine the appnum.  Ignore errors here;
     * there's no way to propagate the error up, so just try to keep
     * going.
    set_f(MPI_APPNUM, (MPI_Fint) job);

    /* Query the gpr to find out how many CPUs there will be.
       This will only return a non-empty list in a persistent
       universe.  If we don't have a persistent universe, then just
       default to the size of MPI_COMM_WORLD. 

       JMS: I think we need more here -- there are cases where you
       wouldn't have a persistent universe but still may have a
       comm_size(COMM_WORLD) != UNIVERSE_SIZE.  For example, say you
       reserve 8 CPUs in a batch environment and then run ./master,
       where the master is supposed to SPAWN the other processes.
       Perhaps need some integration with the LLM here...?  [shrug] */

    /* RHC: Needed to change this code so it wouldn't issue a gpr.get
     * during the compound command phase of mpi_init. Since all you need
     * is to have the data prior to dtypes etc., and since this function
     * is called right before we send the compound command, I've changed
     * it to a subscription and a callback function. This allows you to
     * get the data AFTER the compound command executes. Nothing else
     * happens in-between anyway, so this shouldn't cause a problem.

    if (0 == data->cnt) {  /* no data returned */
        universe_size = ompi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    } else {
        value = (orte_gpr_value_t**)(data->values)->addr;
        for (i=0, k=0; k < data->cnt &&
                       i < (data->values)->size; i++) {
            if (NULL != value[i]) {
                if (0 < value[i]->cnt) {  /* make sure some data was returned here */
                    keyval = value[i]->keyvals;
                    for (j=0; j < value[i]->cnt; j++) {
                        /* make sure we don't get confused - all slot counts
                         * are in size_t fields
                        if (ORTE_SIZE == keyval[j]->type) {
                            /* Process slot count */
                            universe_size += keyval[j]->value.size;

    /* Same as above -- ignore errors here because there's nothing we
       can do if there's any error anyway */

    set_f(MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE, universe_size);

static int create_comm(int target_keyval, bool want_inherit)
    int err;
    int keyval;
    ompi_attribute_fn_ptr_union_t copy;
    ompi_attribute_fn_ptr_union_t del;

    keyval = -1;
    copy.attr_communicator_copy_fn = 
        want_inherit ? MPI_COMM_DUP_FN : MPI_COMM_NULL_COPY_FN;
    del.attr_communicator_delete_fn = MPI_COMM_NULL_DELETE_FN;
    err = ompi_attr_create_keyval(COMM_ATTR, copy, del,
                                  &keyval, NULL, OMPI_KEYVAL_PREDEFINED);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) {
        return err;
    if (target_keyval != keyval) {
        return OMPI_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;

/* JMS for when we implement windows */
static int create_win(int target_keyval)
    int err;
    int keyval;
    ompi_attribute_fn_ptr_union_t copy;
    ompi_attribute_fn_ptr_union_t del;

    keyval = -1;
    copy.attr_win_copy_fn = MPI_WIN_NULL_COPY_FN;
    del.attr_win_delete_fn = MPI_WIN_NULL_DELETE_FN;
    err = ompi_attr_create_keyval(WIN_ATTR, copy, del,
                                  &keyval, NULL, OMPI_KEYVAL_PREDEFINED);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) {
        return err;
    if (target_keyval != keyval) {
        return OMPI_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;

static int set_f(int keyval, MPI_Fint value)
    return ompi_attr_set_fortran_mpi1(COMM_ATTR, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                                      keyval, value, 
                                      true, true);