#compdef mpirun orterun mpiexec oshrun # -*- shell-script -*- # Completion script for Open MPI's mpirun command v1.0.1 # # Copyright (c) 2013 Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights # reserved. # # If completion is not already set up, follow the instructions in section # 20.2 of the zsh completion documentation found here: # http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Completion-System.html # # Rename this to _mpirun a place it into any directory in your $fpath. If # needed, you can add another directory to $fpath (I use ~/.zsh/completion) # by adding the following line to ~/.zshrc before the call to compinit: # # fpath=(/path/to/completion/scripts $fpath) local mca_variable_names mca_variable_values mca_component_names _generate_mca_variable_names_zsh() { local excl=$1 TMP_IFS=$IFS IFS=" " mca_variable_names=($(ompi_info -a --parsable | perl -e ' my %values, %help, @uniq; while (<>) { if (/^mca:/) { chop; @tmp = split(":"); $values{$tmp[4]} = 1; if ($tmp[5] eq "help") { $help{$tmp[4]} = $tmp[6]; $help{$tmp[4]} =~ s/:/\\:/g; } } } for $exclude (split(" ", "'"$excl"'")) { delete $values{$exclude}; } for $key (sort(keys %values)) { print $key; if ($help{$key} ne "") { print ":$help{$key}"; } print "\n"; }' 2> /dev/null)) IFS=$TMP_IFS } _generate_mca_variable_values_zsh() { mca_variable_values=($(ompi_info -a --parsable | grep ":$1:" | perl -e ' my @values; while (<>) { chop; @tmp = split(":"); if ($tmp[5] eq "enumerator") { $values[++$#values] = $tmp[7]; $values[++$#values] = $tmp[8]; } } print join(" ", @values);' 2> /dev/null)) } # given a framework (type) name print a list of components _generate_mca_component_names() { # components are printed by default (-a is not needed) mca_component_names=($(ompi_info --parsable | grep "mca:$1:" | perl -e ' my %values; while (<>) { if (/^mca:/) { @tmp = split(":"); $values{$tmp[2]} = 1; } } @uniq = keys %values; print join(" ", sort(@uniq));')) } # remove items from $1 that are also in $2. lists must be sorted _set_remove () { comm -23 <(echo $1 | sort | tr " " "\n") <(echo $2 | sort | tr " " "\n") 2>/dev/null } # Complete colon separated paths _complete_path() { compset -P '*:' compset -S ':*' _default -r '\-\n\t /:' "$@" } # Complete comma separated paths _complete_path_comma() { compset -P '*,' compset -S ',*' _default -r '\-\n\t /,' "$@" } # Complete files for --report-uri and --report-pid _report_file() { local expl fds fds=('-:stdout' '+:stderr') # Complete files _files "$@" # Complete special files (+, -) _describe -t fds "file descriptors" fds } # find mca parameters specified on the command line (prevent duplicates) _find_mca_parameters() { for ((i = 1 ; i < CURRENT ; i++)) ; do # mca parameters appear after an -mca, --mca, -gmca, or --gmca option if test ${words[$i]##*[-g]} = "mca" -a $i -lt $((CURRENT-1)) ; then echo ${words[$i+1]} fi done } _mpirun() { local state curcontext="$curcontext" expl cur parameter available_components already_specified values typeset -A opt_args setopt localoptions extendedglob _arguments -a \ '(-am --am)'{-am,--am}'[Aggregate MCA parameter set file list]:mca variable set file list:_complete_path' \ '(- *)'{-app,--app}'[Provide an appfile; ignore all other command line options]:app file:_files' \ '(-bind-to --bind-to)'{-bind-to,--bind-to}'[Policy for binding processes (default: none)]:binding policy:(none hwthread core socket numa board)' \ '(-bind-to --bind-to --bind-to-socket -bind-to-socket --bind-to-core -bind-to-core)'{-bind-to-core,--bind-to-core}'[Bind processes to cores]' \ '(-bind-to --bind-to --bind-to-socket -bind-to-socket --bind-to-core -bind-to-core)'{-bind-to-socket,--bind-to-socket}'[Bind processes to sockets]' \ '(-bynode --bynode -byslot --byslot)'{-bynode,--bynode}'[Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by node]' \ '(-bynode --bynode -byslot --byslot)'{-byslot,--byslot}'[Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by slot]' \ '*'{-c,-n,--n,-np,--np}'[Number of processes to run]:Number of processes:_guard "[[\:digit\:]]#" "process count"' \ '(-cf --cartofile)'{-cf,--cartofile}'[Provide a cartography file]:Carto file:_files' \ '(-cpu-set --cpu-set)'{-cpu-set,--cpu-set}'[Comma-separated list of ranges specifying logical cpus allocated to this job (default: none)]:CPU Set:' \ '(-cpus-per-rank --cpus-per-rank -cpus-per-proc --cpus-per-proc)'{-cpus-per-proc,--cpus-per-proc,-cpus-per-rank,--cpus-per-rank}'[Number of cpus to use for each process (default: 1)]:CPUs per proc:_guard "[[\:digit\:]]#" "number"' \ '(-d -debug-level --debug-level)'{-d,-debug-devel,--debug-devel}'[Enable debugging of OpenRTE]' \ '(-debug --debug -tv --tv)'{-debug,--debug,-tv,--tv}'[Invoke the user-level debugger indicated by the orte_base_user_debugger MCA parameter]' \ '(-debug-daemons --debug-daemons -debug-daemons-file --debug-daemons-file)'{-debug-daemons,--debug-daemons}'[Enable debugging of any OpenRTE daemons used by this application]' \ '(-debug-daemons --debug-daemons -debug-daemons-file --debug-daemons-file)'{-debug-daemons-file,--debug-daemons-file}'[Enable debugging of any OpenRTE daemons used by this application, storing output in files]' \ '(-debugger --debugger)'{-debugger,--debugger}'[Sequence of debuggers to search for when "--debug" is used]:Debuggers:' \ '(-default-hostfile --default-hostfile)'{-default-hostfile,--default-hostfile}'[Provide a default hostfile]:Default hostfile:_files' \ '(-disable-recovery --disable-recovery)'{-disable-recovery,--disable-recovery}'[Disable recovery (resets all recovery options to off)]' \ '(-display-allocation --display-allocation -display-devel-allocation --display-devel-allocation)'{-display-allocation,--display-allocation}'[Display the allocation being used by this job]' \ '(-display-allocation --display-allocation -display-devel-allocation --display-devel-allocation)'{-display-devel-allocation,--display-devel-allocation}'[Display a detailed list (mostly intended for developers) of the allocation being used by this job]' \ '(-display-devel-map --display-devel-map)'{-display-devel-map,--display-devel-map}'[Display a detailed process map (mostly intended for developers) just before launch]' \ '(-display-diffable-map --display-diffable-map -display-map --display-map)'{-display-diffable-map,--display-diffable-map}'[Display a diffable process map (mostly intended for developers) just before launch]' \ '(-display-map --display-map -display-diffable-map --display-diffable-map)'{-display-map,--display-map}'[Display the process map just before launch]' \ '(-display-topo --display-topo)'{-display-topo,--display-topo}'[Display the topology as part of the process map (mostly intended for developers) just before launch]' \ '(-do-not-launch --do-not-launch)'{-do-not-launch,--do-not-launch}'[Perform all necessary operations to prepare to launch the application, but do not actually launch it]' \ '(-do-not-resolve --do-not-resolve)'{-do-not-resolve,--do-not-resolve}'[Do not attempt to resolve interfaces]' \ '(-enable-recovery --enable-recovery)'{-enable-recovery,--enable-recovery}'[Enable recovery from process failure (default: disabled)]' \ '*'{-gmca,--gmca}'[Pass global MCA parameters that are applicable to all contexts (arg0 is the parameter name; arg1 is the parameter value)]:mca variable name:->mca_variable_name:mca variable value:->mca_variable_value' \ '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[Help message]' \ '*'{-H,-host,--host}'[List of hosts to invoke processes on]:hostnames:' \ '(-hetero-apps --hetero-apps)'{-hetero-apps,--hetero-apps}'[Indicates that multiple app_contexts are being provided that are a mix of 32/64 bit binaries]' \ '(-hetero-nodes --hetero-nodes)'{-hetero-nodes,--hetero-nodes}'[Nodes in cluster may differ in topology, so send the topology back from each node (default: false)]' \ '(-index-argv-by-rank --index-argv-by-rank)'{-index-argv-by-rank,--index-argv-by-rank}'[Uniquely index argv\[0\] for each process using its rank]' \ {-launch-agent,--launch-agent}'[Command used to start processes on remote nodes (default: orted)]:launch agent:_files' \ '(-leave-session-attached --leave-session-attached)'{-leave-session-attached,--leave-session-attached}'[Enable debugging of OpenRTE]' \ '(-hostfile --hostfile -machinefile --machinefile)'{-hostfile,--hostfile,-machinefile,--machinefile}'[Provide a hostfile]:hostfile:_files' \ '(-map-by --map-by)'{-map-by,--map-by}'[Mapping Policy (default: slot)]:mapping:(slot hwthread core socket numa board node)' \ '(-max-restarts --max-restarts)'{-max-restarts,--max-restarts}'[Max number of times to restart a failed process]:max restarts:_guard "[[\:digit\:]]#" "number"' \ '(-max-vm-size --max-vm-size)'{-max-vm-size,--max-vm-size}'[Number of processes to run]:max vm size:_guard "[[\:digit\:]]#" "number"' \ '*'{-mca,--mca}'[Pass context-specific MCA parameters; they are considered global if --gmca is not used and only one context is specified (arg0 is the parameter name; arg1 is the parameter value)]:mca variable name:->mca_variable_name:mca variable value:->mca_variable_value' \ '(-nolocal --nolocal)'{-nolocal,--nolocal}'[Do not run any MPI applications on the local node]' \ '(-oversubscribe --oversubscribe -nooversubscribe --nooversubscribe)'{-nooversubscribe,--nooversubscribe}'[Nodes are not to be oversubscribed, even if the system supports such operation]' \ '(-noprefix --noprefix)'{-noprefix,--noprefix}'[Disable automatic --prefix behavior]' \ '(-novm --novm)'{-novm,--novm}'[Execute without creating an allocation-spanning virtual machine (only start daemons on nodes hosting application procs)]' \ '(-N -npernode --npernode -npersocket --npersocket)'{-N,-npernode,--npernode}'[Launch n processes per node on all allocated nodes]:npernode:_guard "[[\:digit\:]]#" "number"' \ '(-npernode --npernode -npersocket --npersocket)'{-npersocket,--npersocket}'[Launch n processes per socket on all allocated nodes]:npersocket:_guard "[[\:digit\:]]#" "number"' \ '(-ompi-server --ompi-server)'{-ompi-server,--ompi-server}'[Specify the URI of the Open MPI server, or the name of the file (specified as file:filename) that contains that info]:server uri:' \ '(-output-filename --output-filename)'{-output-filename,--output-filename}'[Redirect output from application processes into filename.rank]:filename:' \ '(-output-proctable --output-proctable)'{-output-proctable,--output-proctable}'[Output the debugger proctable after launch]' \ '(-oversubscribe --oversubscribe -nooversubscribe --nooversubscribe)'{-oversubscribe,--oversubscribe}'[Nodes are allowed to be oversubscribed, even on a managed system]' \ '(-path --path)'{-path,--path}'[PATH to be used to look for executables to start processes]:path:_files -/' \ '(-bynode --bynode -pernode --pernode)'{-pernode,--pernode}'[Launch one process per available node]' \ '(-ppr --ppr)'{-ppr,--ppr}'[Comma-separated list of number of processes on a given resource type (default: none)]:ppr:' \ '(-prefix --prefix)'{-prefix,--prefix}'[Prefix where Open MPI is installed on remote nodes]:ompi prefix:_files -/' \ '(-preload-files --preload-files)'{-preload-files,--preload-files}'[Preload the comma separated list of files to the remote machines current working directory before starting the remote process.]:preload files:_complete_path_comma' \ '(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Suppress helpful messages]' \ '(-rank-by --rank-by)'{-rank-by,--rank-by}'[Ranking Policy (default: slot)]:ranking policy:(slot hwthread core socket numa board node)' \ '(-report-bindings --report-bindings)'{-report-bindings,--report-bindings}'[Whether to report process bindings to stderr]' \ '(-report-child-jobs-separately --report-child-jobs-separately)'{-report-child-jobs-separately,--report-child-jobs-separately}'[Return the exit status of the primary job only]' \ '(-report-events --report-events)'{-report-events,--report-events}'[Report events to a tool listening at the specified URI]:URI:' \ '(-report-pid --report-pid)'{-report-pid,--report-pid}'[Printout pid on stdout (-), stderr (+), or a file (anything else)]:report file:_report_file' \ '(-report-uri --report-uri)'{-report-uri,--report-uri}'[Printout URI on stdout (-), stderr (+), or a file (anything else)]:report file:_report_file' \ '(-rf --rankfile)'{-rf,--rankfile}'[Provide a rankfile file]:rank file:_files' \ '(-s --preload-binary)'{-s,--preload-binary}'[Preload the binary on the remote machine before starting the remote process.]' \ '(-server-wait-time --server-wait-time)'{-server-wait-time,--server-wait-time}'[Time in seconds to wait for ompi-server (default: 10 sec)]:time in sec:' \ '(-wd --wd -wdir --wdir -set-cwd-to-session-dir --set-cwd-to-session-dir)'{-set-cwd-to-session-dir,--set-cwd-to-session-dir}'[Set the working directory of the started processes to their session directory]' \ '(-show-progress --show-progress)'{-show-progress,--show-progress}'[Output a brief periodic report on launch progress]' \ '(-slot-list --slot-list)'{-slot-list,--slot-list}'[List of processor IDs to bind processes to (default: NULL)]:slot list:]' \ '(-staged --staged)'{-staged,--staged}'[Used staged execution if inadequate resources are present (cannot support MPI jobs)]' \ '(-stdin --stdin)'{-stdin,--stdin}'[Specify procs to receive stdin \[rank, all, none\] (default: 0, indicating rank 0)]:rank list:' \ '(-tag-output --tag-output)'{-tag-output,--tag-output}'[Tag all output with \[job,rank\]]' \ '(-timestamp-output --timestamp-output)'{-timestamp-output,--timestamp-output}'[Timestamp all application process output]' \ '(-use-hwthread-cpus --use-hwthread-cpus)'{-use-hwthread-cpus,--use-hwthread-cpus}'[Use hardware threads as independent cpus]' \ '(-use-regexp --use-regexp)'{-use-regexp,--use-regexp}'[Use regular expressions for launch]' \ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Be verbose]' \ '(- *)'{-V,--version}'[Print version and exit]' \ '(-wait-for-server --wait-for-server)'{-wait-for-server,--wait-for-server}'[If ompi-server is not already running, wait until it is detected (default: false)]' \ '(-wd --wd -wdir --wdir -set-cwd-to-session-dir --set-cwd-to-session-dir)'{-wdir,--wdir,-wd,--wd}'[Set the working directory of the started processes]:working directory:_files -/' \ '*-x[Export an environment variable, optionally specifying a value (e.g., "-x foo" exports the environment variable foo and takes its value from the current environment; "-x foo=bar" exports the environment variable name foo and sets its value to "bar" in the started processes)]:environment variable:compadd ${(k)parameters[(R)*export*]}' \ '(-xml --xml -xml-file --xml-file)'{-xml,--xml}'[Provide all output in XML format]' \ '(-xml --xml -xml-file --xml-file)'{-xml-file,--xml-file}'[Provide all output in XML format to the specified file]:xml output file:' \ '(-xterm --xterm)'{-xterm,--xterm}'[Create a new xterm window and display output from the specified ranks there]:rank list:' \ '*::->files' && return 0 cur=${words[CURRENT]} case $state in mca_variable_name) already_specified=($(_find_mca_parameters)) _generate_mca_variable_names_zsh "${already_specified[*]}" _describe -t mca_variable_names 'mca variable name' mca_variable_names ;; mca_variable_value) parameter=${words[CURRENT - 1]} if test "${parameter#_}" = "${parameter}" ; then _generate_mca_component_names $parameter available_components=($(_set_remove "${mca_component_names[*]}" "$(echo $cur | tr ',' '\n')")) compset -P '*,' compset -S ',*' _describe -t available_components 'available components' available_components else _generate_mca_variable_values_zsh $parameter _describe -t mca_variable_values 'mca variable value' mca_variable_values fi ;; *) _files "$@" ;; esac return 0 } _mpirun "$@"