#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (c) 2015 Research Organization for Information Science # and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Subroutine to generate a bunch of Fortran declarations and symbols # use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $caps_arg; my $plain_arg; my $single_underscore_arg; my $double_underscore_arg; my $help_arg = 0; &Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("caps=i" => \$caps_arg, "plain=i" => \$plain_arg, "single=i" => \$single_underscore_arg, "double=i" => \$double_underscore_arg, "help|h" => \$help_arg); if ($help_arg || !$ok) { print "Usage: $0 [--caps|--plain|--single|--double] [--help]\n"; exit(1 - $ok); } my $file_c_constants_decl = "mpif-c-constants-decl.h"; my $file_c_constants = "mpif-c-constants.h"; my $file_f08_types = "mpif-f08-types.h"; # If we are not building fortran, then just make empty files if ($caps_arg + $plain_arg + $single_underscore_arg + $double_underscore_arg == 0) { system("touch $file_c_constants_decl"); system("touch $file_c_constants"); system("touch $file_f08_types"); exit(0); } ############################################################### # Declare a hash of all the Fortran sentinel values my $fortran; $fortran->{bottom} = { c_type => "int", c_name => "mpi_fortran_bottom", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_BOTTOM", }; $fortran->{in_place} = { c_type => "int", c_name => "mpi_fortran_in_place", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_IN_PLACE", }; $fortran->{unweighted} = { c_type => "int *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_unweighted", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_UNWEIGHTED", }; $fortran->{weights_empty} = { c_type => "int *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_weights_empty", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY", }; $fortran->{argv_null} = { c_type => "char *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_argv_null", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_ARGV_NULL", }; $fortran->{argvs_null} = { c_type => "char *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_argvs_null", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_ARGVS_NULL", }; $fortran->{errcodes_ignore} = { c_type => "int *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_errcodes_ignore", f_type => "integer", f_name => "MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE", }; $fortran->{status_ignore} = { c_type => "int *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_status_ignore", f_type => "type(MPI_STATUS)", f_name => "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE", }; $fortran->{statuses_ignore} = { c_type => "int *", c_name => "mpi_fortran_statuses_ignore", f_type => "type(MPI_STATUS)", f_name => "MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE(1)", }; ############################################################### sub mangle { my $name = shift; if ($plain_arg) { return $name; } elsif ($caps_arg) { return uc($name); } elsif ($single_underscore_arg) { return $name . "_"; } elsif ($double_underscore_arg) { return $name . "__"; } else { die "Unknown name mangling type"; } } sub gen_c_constants_decl { open(OUT, ">$file_c_constants_decl") || die "Can't write to $file_c_constants_decl"; print OUT "/* WARNING: This is a generated file! Edits will be lost! */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * \$COPYRIGHT\$ * * This file was generated by gen-mpi-mangling.pl */ /* Note that the rationale for the types of each of these variables is discussed in ompi/include/mpif-common.h. Do not change the types without also changing ompi/runtime/ompi_mpi_init.c and ompi/include/mpif-common.h. */\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$fortran}))) { my $f = $fortran->{$key}; my $m = mangle($f->{c_name}); print OUT "extern $f->{c_type} $m; #define OMPI_IS_FORTRAN_" . uc($key) . "(addr) \\ (addr == (void*) &$m)\n\n"; } close(OUT); } sub gen_c_constants { open(OUT, ">$file_c_constants") || die "Can't write to $file_c_constants"; print OUT "/* WARNING: This is a generated file! Edits will be lost! */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Research Organization for Information Science * and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * \$COPYRIGHT\$ * * This file was generated by gen-mpi-mangling.pl */\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$fortran}))) { my $f = $fortran->{$key}; my $m = mangle($f->{c_name}); print OUT "$f->{c_type} $m;\n"; } close (OUT); } sub gen_f08_types { open(OUT, ">$file_f08_types") || die "Can't write to $file_f08_types"; print OUT "! WARNING: This is a generated file! Edits will be lost! */ ! ! Copyright (c) 2015 Research Organization for Information Science ! and Technology (RIST). All rights reserved. ! Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ! \$COPYRIGHT\$ ! ! This file was generated by gen-mpi-mangling.pl !\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$fortran}))) { my $f = $fortran->{$key}; print OUT "$f->{f_type}, bind(C, name=\"".mangle($f->{c_name})."\") :: $f->{f_name}\n"; } close (OUT); } gen_c_constants_decl(); gen_c_constants(); gen_f08_types(); exit(0);