# Copyright (c) 2007-2011 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # FILE(GLOB CXX_SOURCE_FILES "*.h" "*.c" "*.cc" "*.cpp") # skip the file interface sources if not wanted IF(NOT OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE) SET( TMP_SRC "" ) FOREACH ( FILENAME ${CXX_SOURCE_FILES}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(relname ${FILENAME} NAME) IF (NOT ${relname} MATCHES "file.*[ch]$") LIST(APPEND TMP_SRC ${FILENAME}) ENDIF (NOT ${relname} MATCHES "file.*[ch]$") ENDFOREACH(FILENAME) SET( CXX_SOURCE_FILES ${TMP_SRC}) ENDIF(NOT OMPI_PROVIDE_MPI_FILE_INTERFACE) ADD_LIBRARY (libmpi_cxx ${CXX_SOURCE_FILES}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (libmpi_cxx PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX PREFIX "" IMPORT_PREFIX "") # Set compile flags for this target IF (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(libmpi_cxx libmpi libopen-pal) # Need OMPI_BUILDING_CXX_BINDINGS_LIBRARY so that we can get the path # names correct inside the MPI C++ library. OMPI_SKIP_MPICXX is necessary # so that mpi.h doesn't include mpicxx.h through the incorrect pathname # in any of the C++ bindings .c files. Just use the define for this purpose # from user code. ADD_DEFINITIONS (-D_USRDLL -DOMPI_BUILDING -DOMPI_BUILDING_CXX_BINDINGS_LIBRARY=1 -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX=1 -DOMPI_IMPORTS -DOPAL_IMPORTS) ELSE (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ADD_DEFINITIONS (-D_LIB -DOMPI_BUILDING -DOMPI_BUILDING_CXX_BINDINGS_LIBRARY=1 -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX=1) ENDIF(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) INSTALL(TARGETS libmpi_cxx RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib) IF (OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD AND WINDOWS_VS) INSTALL(FILES ${OpenMPI_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/libmpi_cxx${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}.pdb DESTINATION bin) ENDIF (OMPI_DEBUG_BUILD AND WINDOWS_VS)