#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana # University Research and Technology # Corporation. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University # of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights # reserved. # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, # University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # $COPYRIGHT$ # # Additional copyrights may follow # # $HEADER$ # use strict; use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; my $base_url = "https://www.open-mpi.org/~jsquyres/openmpi"; my $platform_file = "platforms.php"; my $ptl_file = "ptls.php"; my $pcm_file = "pcms.php"; my $submit_uri = "submit.php"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new({ env_proxy => 1 }); $ua->agent("Open MPI test reporter/1.0"); #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub download { my ($url, $file) = @_; # Delete previous and download the new unlink($file); my $uri = "$url/$file"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success()) { open(FILE, ">$file") || die("ERROR: Could not write to $file"); print FILE $res->content; close(FILE); } else { print "Error retrieving URL: $uri\n"; die $res->message; } # Find the fields and prompts in the config files my @prompts; my @fields; open CONFIG, $file || die "Can't open $file"; my $i = 0; while () { my $line = $_; chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^#PROMPTS/) { @prompts = split(/:/, substr($line, 9)); ++$i; } elsif ($line =~ /^#FIELDS/) { @fields = split(/:/, substr($line, 8)); ++$i; } last if ($i >= 2); } close CONFIG; die "Could not find list of prompts in file $file" if ($#prompts < 0); # Parse the rest of the config file into a hash my $output; open CONFIG, $file || die "Can't open downloaded $file"; while () { my $line = $_; chomp($line); if (length($line) > 0 && ! ($line =~ /^[ \t]+$/) && ! ($line =~ /^[ \t]*#/)) { my @vals = split(/:/, $line); # There are definitely better ways to do this, but I can't # quite figure out the exact right syntax, so I'm just # gonna punt for now. :-) if ($#vals == 0) { $output->{$vals[0]} = ""; } elsif ($#vals == 1) { $output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]} = ""; } elsif ($#vals == 2) { $output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]} = ""; } elsif ($#vals == 3) { $output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]} = "" } elsif ($#vals == 4) { $output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]}->{$vals[4]} = ""; } elsif ($#vals == 5) { $output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]}->{$vals[4]}->{$vals[5]} = ""; } elsif ($#vals == 6) { $output->{$vals[0]}->{$vals[1]}->{$vals[2]}->{$vals[3]}->{$vals[4]}->{$vals[5]}->{$vals[6]} = ""; } else { die "Tell Jeff to fix the syntax parser ($#vals fields found)"; } } } close CONFIG; # Return it (\@prompts, \@fields, $output); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Descend through the hash until we have a unique configuration sub do_menu { my ($prompts, $options) = @_; my $i; my $level = $options; my @config; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#$prompts; ++$i) { while (1) { my @keys = sort keys (%$level); if ($#keys == 0) { print "Assuming: $$prompts[$i] = $keys[0]\n\n"; push(@config, $keys[0]); $level = $level->{$keys[0]}; } else { for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#keys; ++$j) { printf("%d. %s\n", $j + 1, $keys[$j]); } print "\n$$prompts[$i] (1-" . ($#keys + 1) . "): "; my $input = ; print "\n"; chomp($input); if ($input < 1 || $input > $#keys + 1) { print "Please enter a valid selection\n"; next; } push(@config, $keys[$input - 1]); $level = $level->{$keys[$input - 1]}; } last; } } # Return it \@config; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_question { my ($q, $default, $check_func) = @_; my $input; while (1) { print "$q "; $input = ; chomp($input); if (length($input) == 0) { $input = $default; } if (&$check_func($input)) { last; } } $input; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_yn { my ($q, $default) = @_; my $input = do_question($q, $default, sub { my ($line) = @_; lc($line) eq "y" || lc($line) eq "n"; }); lc($input); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_int { my ($q, $default) = @_; do_question($q, $default, sub { my ($line) = @_; $line >= 0; }); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_compile { my $compile = do_yn("Did Open MPI compile successfully (Y/n)?", "y"); my $warnings = do_yn("Were there compiler warnings (Y/n)?", "y"); my $link = do_yn("Were you able to link MPI applications (Y/n)?", "y"); # Submit the results "type=compile&compile=$compile&warnings=$warnings&link=$link"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_mpi { my $intel_passed = 0; my $intel_failed = 0; my $mpich_passed = 0; my $mpich_failed = 0; my $ibm_passed = 0; my $ibm_failed = 0; our $ptl_prompts; our $ptls; my $ptl = do_menu($ptl_prompts, $ptls); $intel_passed = do_int("How many Intel tests PASSED? (0 = not run)", -1); $intel_failed = do_int("How many Intel tests failed?", -1) if ($intel_passed > 0); $mpich_passed = do_int("How many MPICH tests PASSED? (0 = not run)", -1); $mpich_failed = do_int("How many MPICH tests failed?", -1) if ($mpich_passed > 0); $ibm_passed = do_int("How many IBM tests PASSED? (0 = not run)", -1); $ibm_failed = do_int("How many IBM tests failed?", -1) if ($ibm_passed > 0); # Submit the results "type=mpi&ptl=$$ptl[0]&intel_passed=$intel_passed&intel_failed=$intel_failed&mpich_passed=$mpich_passed&mpich_failed=$mpich_failed&ibm_passed=$ibm_passed&ibm_failed=$ibm_failed"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub do_rte { our $pcm_prompts; our $pcms; my $pcm = do_menu($pcm_prompts, $pcms); my $hello = do_yn("Was MPI hello world run successfully (Y/n)", "y"); my $abort = do_yn("Was MPI abort world run successfully (Y/n)", "y"); my $spawn = do_yn("Was MPI spawn run successfully (Y/n)", "y"); # Submit the results "type=rte&pcm=$$pcm[0]&hello=$hello&abort=$abort&spawn=$spawn"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Download the files our ($platform_prompts, $platform_fields, $platforms) = download($base_url, $platform_file); our ($ptl_prompts, $ptl_fields, $ptls) = download($base_url, $ptl_file); our ($pcm_prompts, $pcm_fields, $pcms) = download($base_url, $pcm_file); # Traverse the platform choices my $platform = do_menu($platform_prompts, $platforms); # Common information for all test categories my $svn_r = do_int("What is the SVN revision number you are testing?", "-1"); print "\n"; open HOST, "hostname|"; my $hostname = ; chomp($hostname); close(HOST); my ($username) = getpwuid($<); print("-----------------------------------------------------\n\n"); print "SVN revision: $svn_r Hostname: $hostname Username: $username Configuration: " . join("/", @$platform) . "\n\n"; # Compile, PTL, or PCM? print("-----------------------------------------------------\n\n"); my $type = { "Compile" => "", "MPI" => "", "RTE" => "", }; my $type_prompts = [ "What kind of test are you reporting?" ]; my $test = do_menu($type_prompts, $type); # Process my $result; if ($$test[0] eq "Compile") { $result = do_compile(); } elsif ($$test[0] eq "MPI") { $result = do_mpi(); } elsif ($$test[0] eq "RTE") { $result = do_rte(); } else { die "Unknown test report type!"; } $result .= "&svn=$svn_r"; $result .= "&hostname=$hostname"; $result .= "&username=$username"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$platform_fields; ++$i) { $result .= "&platform_" . $$platform_fields[$i] . "=" . $$platform[$i]; } # Send back my $url = "$base_url/$submit_uri?$result"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url); $req->header(User_Agent => "OMPI test_submit"); $req->header(Content_Type => "text/html"); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success()) { my $content = $res->content; if ($content && $content =~ /SUCCESS/) { print "Results submitted successfully. Thanks!\n"; } else { print "FAILED SUBMIT!\n\n"; print "Response: " . $res->content . "\n"; } } else { print "FAILED SUBMIT!\n\n"; print $res->message; } # All done exit(0);