/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, * University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved. * $COPYRIGHT$ * * Additional copyrights may follow * * $HEADER$ */ #include "ompi_config.h" #include #include #include #include "support.h" #include "include/constants.h" #include "util/argv.h" static bool test1(void); static bool test2(void); static bool test3(void); static bool test4(void); static bool test5(void); static bool test6(void); static bool test7(void); static bool test8(void); static bool test9(void); static bool test10(void); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { test_init("ompi_argv_t"); if( test1() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test1 argv test failed"); if( test2() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test2 argv test failed"); if( test3() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test3 argv test failed"); if( test4() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test4 argv test failed"); if( test5() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test5 argv test failed"); if( test6() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test6 argv test failed"); if( test7() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test7 argv test failed"); if( test8() ) test_success(); else test_failure("test8 argv test failed"); if (test9()) { test_success(); } else { test_failure("test9 argv test failed"); } if (test10()) { test_success(); } else { test_failure("test10 argv test failed"); } /* All done */ test_finalize(); return 0; } static bool test1(void) { char *a[] = { "argv1", "argv2", "argv3", NULL }; char **argv = NULL; int i, j, argc = 28; /* Test basic functionality. Start with a NULL argv and add the contents of the a array. Set argc to be an initiall bogus number -- ompi_argv_add() should reset it back to zero after the first iteration. After adding the a[i], ensure that argv[0 - (i-1)] are the same as a[0 - (i-1)]. Also ensure that a[i + 1] == NULL and that argc is the proper value. */ for (i = 0; a[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (ompi_argv_append(&argc, &argv, a[i]) != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return false; } for (j = 0; j <= i; ++j) { if (strcmp(argv[j], a[j]) != 0) { return false; } } if (NULL != argv[i + 1]) { return false; } if (argc != i + 1) { return false; } } ompi_argv_free(argv); return true; } static bool test2(void) { int i, j; char **argv = NULL; int argc; char *a[] = { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", NULL }; char *b[4]; /* Similar test to above, but ensure that ompi_argv_add is actually *copying* the string by value, not by reference. So copy the a array into b, and then ompi_argv_add() from b. After that, scribble in the first character of the b[] string that we just added, and compare all entries in a to argv -- they should be identical (even though b is now corrupted). */ for (i = 0; a[i] != NULL; ++i) { b[i] = strdup(a[i]); } b[i] = NULL; for (i = 0; b[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (ompi_argv_append(&argc, &argv, b[i]) != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return false; } ++b[i][0]; for (j = 0; j <= i; ++j) { if (strcmp(argv[j], a[j]) != 0) { return false; } } if (NULL != argv[i + 1]) { return false; } if (argc != i + 1) { return false; } } ompi_argv_free(argv); for (i = 0; b[i] != NULL; ++i) { free(b[i]); } return true; } static bool test3(void) { int i; int argc; char **argv = NULL; char *a[] = { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", NULL }; char *b[4]; /* Try to free a null argv -- should be harmless (we'll seg fault if it's not!) */ ompi_argv_free(argv); /* Now add some stuff and try to free it. We'll seg fault if anything goes wrong. a is on the stack, so if it mistakenly tries to free it, we should get a seg fault. */ for (i = 0; a[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (ompi_argv_append(&argc, &argv, a[i]) != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return false; } } ompi_argv_free(argv); /* Do the same thing but guarantee that the copied array was from the heap and was freed before we call ompi_argv_free(). */ argc = 0; argv = NULL; for (i = 0; a[i] != NULL; ++i) { b[i] = strdup(a[i]); } b[i] = NULL; for (i = 0; b[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (ompi_argv_append(&argc, &argv, b[i]) != OMPI_SUCCESS) { return false; } } for (i = 0; b[i] != NULL; ++i) { free(b[i]); } ompi_argv_free(argv); /* All done */ return true; } static bool test4(void) { int i, count; char *a = strdup("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog a_really_long_argument_to_force_a_long_copy_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"); char **b; char *start; /* split a string into an argv, and compare it against the original string. Add double spaces into the string; ompi_argv_split() should skip them. */ b = ompi_argv_split(a, ' '); for (count = i = 1; i < strlen(a); ++i) { if (a[i] != ' ' && a[i - 1] == ' ') { ++count; } } for (i = 0; b[i] != NULL; ++i) { continue; } if (i != count) { return false; } /* now do the same thing and compare each token in b */ for (start = a, count = i = 0; i < strlen(a); ++i) { if (a[i] == ' ' && a[i - 1] != ' ') { a[i] = '\0'; if (strcmp(start, b[count]) != 0) { return false; } ++count; a[i] = ' '; } if (a[i] == ' ' && a[i + 1] != ' ') { start = a + i + 1; } } if (strcmp(start, b[count]) != 0) { return false; } /* all done */ ompi_argv_free(b); free(a); return true; } static bool test5(void) { char *a[] = { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", NULL }; return (ompi_argv_count(NULL) == 0 && ompi_argv_count(a) == 3); } static bool test6(void) { char *a = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog a_really_long_argument_to_force_a_long_copy_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; char **b; char *c; /* split the string above and then join it -- the joined version should be just like the original */ b = ompi_argv_split(a, ' '); c = ompi_argv_join(b, ' '); if (strcmp(a, c) != 0) { return false; } /* All done */ free(c); ompi_argv_free(b); return true; } static bool test7(void) { char *a[] = { "a", "b", "c", NULL }; size_t a_len = (1 + 1 + sizeof(char *)) * 3 + sizeof(char **); /* check a NULL pointer first -- should return 0 */ if (ompi_argv_len(NULL) != (size_t) 0) { return false; } /* now check a real string */ /* size should be (sizeof(char **) + (sizeof(char) + sizeof('\0') + sizeof(char*)) * 3) */ if (ompi_argv_len(a) != a_len) { return false; } /* All done */ return true; } static bool test8(void) { char *a[] = { "aaa", "bbbbbbbb", "cccccccccc", NULL }; int i; char **b; /* bozo case */ if (NULL != ompi_argv_copy(NULL)) { return false; } /* dup the a array and compare it (array length, contents, etc.) */ b = ompi_argv_copy(a); if (ompi_argv_count(a) != ompi_argv_count(b)) { return false; } for (i = 0; a[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (0 != strcmp(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } /* All done */ ompi_argv_free(b); return true; } static bool test9(void) { char **a = NULL; int argc; /* bozo cases */ if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(NULL, 0, 0)) { return false; } a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "foo"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 7, 1) || 1 != ompi_argv_count(a)) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "foo"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 0, 0) || 1 != ompi_argv_count(a)) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* now some real tests */ /* delete 1 off the top */ a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "a"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "b"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "c"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "d"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "e"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "f"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 0, 1) || 5 != ompi_argv_count(a) || 0 != strcmp(a[0], "b") || 0 != strcmp(a[1], "c") || 0 != strcmp(a[2], "d") || 0 != strcmp(a[3], "e") || 0 != strcmp(a[4], "f")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* delete 2 off the top */ a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "a"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "b"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "c"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "d"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "e"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "f"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 0, 2) || 4 != ompi_argv_count(a) || 0 != strcmp(a[0], "c") || 0 != strcmp(a[1], "d") || 0 != strcmp(a[2], "e") || 0 != strcmp(a[3], "f")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* delete 1 in the middle */ a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "a"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "b"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "c"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "d"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "e"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "f"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 1, 1) || 5 != ompi_argv_count(a) || 0 != strcmp(a[0], "a") || 0 != strcmp(a[1], "c") || 0 != strcmp(a[2], "d") || 0 != strcmp(a[3], "e") || 0 != strcmp(a[4], "f")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* delete 2 in the middle */ a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "a"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "b"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "c"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "d"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "e"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "f"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 1, 2) || 4 != ompi_argv_count(a) || 0 != strcmp(a[0], "a") || 0 != strcmp(a[1], "d") || 0 != strcmp(a[2], "e") || 0 != strcmp(a[3], "f")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* delete everything from the top */ a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "a"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "b"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 0, 99) || 0 != ompi_argv_count(a)) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* delete everything from the middle */ a = NULL; argc = 0; ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "a"); ompi_argv_append(&argc, &a, "b"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_delete(&argc, &a, 1, 99) || 1 != ompi_argv_count(a) || 0 != strcmp(a[0], "a")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(a); /* All done */ return true; } static bool test10(void) { char **orig; char **insert; int o, i; /* bozo cases */ orig = NULL; o = 0; insert = NULL; i = 0; ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert a"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS == ompi_argv_insert(NULL, 0, insert)) { return false; } ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig a"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_insert(&orig, 0, NULL)) { return false; } if (OMPI_SUCCESS == ompi_argv_insert(&orig, -1, insert)) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(orig); ompi_argv_free(insert); /* append to the end */ orig = NULL; o = 0; insert = NULL; i = 0; ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert a"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert b"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert c"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig a"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig b"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig c"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_insert(&orig, 99, insert) || 6 != ompi_argv_count(orig) || 0 != strcmp(orig[0], "orig a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[1], "orig b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[2], "orig c") || 0 != strcmp(orig[3], "insert a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[4], "insert b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[5], "insert c")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(orig); ompi_argv_free(insert); /* insert at the beginning */ orig = NULL; o = 0; insert = NULL; i = 0; ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert a"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert b"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert c"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig a"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig b"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig c"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_insert(&orig, 0, insert) || 6 != ompi_argv_count(orig) || 0 != strcmp(orig[3], "orig a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[4], "orig b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[5], "orig c") || 0 != strcmp(orig[0], "insert a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[1], "insert b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[2], "insert c")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(orig); ompi_argv_free(insert); /* insert in the middle */ orig = NULL; o = 0; insert = NULL; i = 0; ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert a"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert b"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert c"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig a"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig b"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig c"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_insert(&orig, 1, insert) || 6 != ompi_argv_count(orig) || 0 != strcmp(orig[0], "orig a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[4], "orig b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[5], "orig c") || 0 != strcmp(orig[1], "insert a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[2], "insert b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[3], "insert c")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(orig); ompi_argv_free(insert); /* insert in the middle */ orig = NULL; o = 0; insert = NULL; i = 0; ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert a"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert b"); ompi_argv_append(&i, &insert, "insert c"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig a"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig b"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig c"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig d"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig e"); ompi_argv_append(&o, &orig, "orig f"); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ompi_argv_insert(&orig, 1, insert) || 9 != ompi_argv_count(orig) || 0 != strcmp(orig[0], "orig a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[4], "orig b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[5], "orig c") || 0 != strcmp(orig[6], "orig d") || 0 != strcmp(orig[7], "orig e") || 0 != strcmp(orig[8], "orig f") || 0 != strcmp(orig[1], "insert a") || 0 != strcmp(orig[2], "insert b") || 0 != strcmp(orig[3], "insert c")) { return false; } ompi_argv_free(orig); ompi_argv_free(insert); /* All done */ return true; }