#! @PERL@ -w
# -*- perl -*-
# Note that we use an interpreter value ("PERL") from configure
# because even "#!/usr/bin/env perl" to all systems (e.g., NetBSD).
# Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2010      Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow

use File::Basename;
use File::Spec::Functions;

my $includedir = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_INCLUDEDIR@";
my $libdir = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_LIBDIR@";

# obey the OPAL_DESTDIR environment variable
if (exists($ENV{'OPAL_DESTDIR'})
  && defined($ENV{'OPAL_DESTDIR'})
  && (length($ENV{'OPAL_DESTDIR'}) > 0)) {
    my $ddir = $ENV{'OPAL_DESTDIR'};

    $includedir = catdir($ddir, $includedir);
    $libdir = catdir($ddir, $libdir);

my $CC = "@WRAPPER_CC@";
my $CXX = "@CXX@";
my $extra_cppflags = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_CPPFLAGS@";
my $extra_cflags = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_CFLAGS@";
my $extra_cflags_prefix = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_CFLAGS_PREFIX@";
my $extra_cxxflags = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS@";
my $extra_cxxflags_prefix = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS_PREFIX@";
my $extra_ldflags = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_LDFLAGS@";
my $extra_libs = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_EXTRA_LIBS@";
#my $cxx_lib = "@ORTE_WRAPPER_CXX_LIB@";

# Someone might want to fix for windows
my $include_flag = "-I";
my $libdir_flag = "-L";

my $lang = "none";
my $comp = ""; # this is a sentinal from configure
my $preproc_flags = $include_flag . $includedir;
my $comp_flags = "";
my $comp_flags_prefix = "";
my $linker_flags = $libdir_flag . $libdir . " " . $extra_ldflags;
my $libs = "-lopen-rte -lopen-pal " . $extra_libs;

sub check_env {
    my $envvar = shift;
    my $str = shift;

    foreach my $var (("OMPI_MPI", "OMPI_")) {
        my $testvar = $var . $envvar;
        if (exists($ENV{$testvar})) {
            $str = $ENV{$testvar};
            return $str;

    return $str;

if (basename($0) eq "ortecc") {
    $lang = "C";
    $comp = check_env("CC", $CC);
    $comp_flags = $extra_cflags;
    $comp_flags_prefix = $extra_cflags_prefix;
    # no special libs for C
} elsif (basename($0) eq "ortec++") {
    $lang = "C++";
    $comp = check_env("CXX", $CXX);
    $comp_flags = $extra_cxxflags;
    $comp_flags_prefix = $extra_cxxflags_prefix;
#    $libs = $cxx_lib . " " . $libs;

if ($lang eq "none") {
    print "Could not determine requested language\n";
    exit 1;
if ($comp eq "") {
    print "Unfortunately, this installation of Open RTE was not compiled with\n";
    print $lang . " support.  As such, the " . $lang . " compiler is non-functional.\n";
    exit 1;

# figure out what user wants
my @args = @ARGV;
my $want_preproc = 1;
my $want_compile = 1;
my $want_link = 1;
my $want_pmpi = 0;
my $dry_run = 0;
my $disable_flags = 1;
my $real_flag = 0;
my @appargs = ();

while (scalar(@args) > 0) {
    my $arg = shift(@args);

    if ($arg eq "-showme" || $arg eq "--showme") {
        $dry_run = 1;
    } elsif ($arg eq "--openmpi:linkall") {
        # Nothing to do -- the orte wrapper script already links both
        # the ORTE and OPAL libs.
    } else {
        if ($arg eq "-c") {
            $want_link = 0;
            $real_flag = 1;
        } elsif ($arg eq "-E" || $arg eq "-M") {
            $want_compile = 0;
            $want_link = 0;
            $real_flag = 1;
        } elsif ($arg eq "-S") {
            $want_link = 0;
            $real_flag = 1;
        } elsif ($arg =~ /^-.*/) {
            $real_flag = 1;
        } else {
            $real_flag = 1;
            $disable_flags = 0;
        push(@appargs, $arg);

if ($disable_flags == 1 && !($dry_run == 1 && $real_flag == 0)) {
    $want_preproc = $want_compile = $want_link = 0;

my @exec_argv = ();

# assemble command
push(@exec_argv, split(' ', $comp));
# Per tickets https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/2474, and
# https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/2201, construct command
# with some system arguments before user arguments and some after.
if ($want_compile == 1) {
    push(@exec_argv, split(' ', $comp_flags_prefix));
push(@exec_argv, @appargs);
if ($want_preproc == 1) {
    push(@exec_argv, split(' ', $preproc_flags));
if ($want_compile == 1) {
    push(@exec_argv, split(' ', $comp_flags));
if ($want_link == 1) {
    push(@exec_argv, split(' ', $linker_flags));
    push(@exec_argv, split(' ', $libs));

if ($dry_run == 1) {
    print join(" ", @exec_argv) . "\n";
    exit 0;

$cmd = shift(@exec_argv);
if ($real_flag == 0) {
    @exec_argv = ();
exec($cmd, (@exec_argv)) || die "Could not exec " . $exec_argv[0] . ": $!\n";