 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
 *                         University Research and Technology
 *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
 *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
 *                         reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, 
 *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow
 * @file

#include "mca/ptl/ptl.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_sendreq.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_sendfrag.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_comm.h"
#include "pml_uniq_proc.h"
#include "pml_uniq_ptl.h"

#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
typedef mca_pml_base_send_request_t mca_pml_uniq_send_request_t;


#define MCA_PML_UNIQ_SEND_REQUEST_ALLOC(                                   \
    comm,                                                                  \
    dst,                                                                   \
    sendreq,                                                               \
    rc)                                                                    \
{                                                                          \
    mca_pml_uniq_proc_t *proc =                                            \
         (mca_pml_uniq_proc_t*) mca_pml_uniq_proc_lookup_remote(comm,dst); \
    mca_pml_uniq_ptl_t* ptl_base;                                          \
    if(NULL == proc) {                                                     \
       return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;                                    \
    }                                                                      \
    ptl_base = proc->proc_ptl_first.ptl_base;                              \
    /*                                                                     \
     * check to see if there is a cache of send requests associated with   \
     * this ptl - if so try the allocation from there.                     \
    */                                                                     \
    if(NULL != ptl_base) {                                                 \
        OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ptl_base->ptl_cache_lock);                       \
        sendreq = (mca_ptl_base_send_request_t*)                           \
            opal_list_remove_first(&ptl_base->ptl_cache);                  \
        if(NULL != sendreq) {                                              \
            OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ptl_base->ptl_cache_lock);                 \
            rc = OMPI_SUCCESS;                                             \
        } else if (ptl_base->ptl_cache_alloc < ptl_base->ptl_cache_size) { \
            /*                                                             \
             * allocate an additional request to the cache                 \
            */                                                             \
            mca_ptl_base_module_t* ptl = ptl_base->ptl;                    \
            opal_list_item_t* item;                                        \
            OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT(&mca_pml_uniq.uniq_send_requests, item, rc); \
            sendreq = (mca_ptl_base_send_request_t*)item;                  \
            sendreq->req_ptl = ptl;                                        \
            if(ptl->ptl_request_init(ptl, sendreq) == OMPI_SUCCESS) {      \
                sendreq->req_cached = true;                                \
                ptl_base->ptl_cache_alloc++;                               \
            }                                                              \
            OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ptl_base->ptl_cache_lock);                 \
        } else {                                                           \
            /*                                                             \
             * take a request from the global pool                         \
            */                                                             \
            opal_list_item_t* item;                                        \
            OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ptl_base->ptl_cache_lock);                 \
            OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT(&mca_pml_uniq.uniq_send_requests, item, rc); \
            sendreq = (mca_ptl_base_send_request_t*)item;                  \
            sendreq->req_ptl = proc->proc_ptl_first.ptl;                   \
        }                                                                  \
    /* otherwise - take the allocation from the global list */             \
    } else {                                                               \
        opal_list_item_t* item;                                            \
        OMPI_FREE_LIST_WAIT(&mca_pml_uniq.uniq_send_requests, item, rc);   \
        sendreq = (mca_ptl_base_send_request_t*)item;                      \
        sendreq->req_ptl = proc->proc_ptl_first.ptl;                       \
    }                                                                      \
    /* update request to point to current peer */                          \
    sendreq->req_peer = proc->proc_ptl_first.ptl_peer;                     \

#define MCA_PML_UNIQ_SEND_REQUEST_INIT( request,                           \
                                        addr,                              \
                                        count,                             \
                                        datatype,                          \
                                        peer,                              \
                                        tag,                               \
                                        comm,                              \
                                        mode,                              \
                                        persistent)                        \
{                                                                          \
   MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_REQUEST_INIT((&request->req_send),                    \
       addr,                                                               \
       count,                                                              \
       datatype,                                                           \
       peer,                                                               \
       tag,                                                                \
       comm,                                                               \
       mode,                                                               \
       persistent                                                          \
    );                                                                     \

#define MCA_PML_UNIQ_SEND_REQUEST_RETURN(sendreq)                          \
{                                                                          \
    mca_ptl_base_module_t* ptl = (sendreq)->req_ptl;                       \
    mca_pml_uniq_ptl_t* ptl_base = (mca_pml_uniq_ptl_t*)ptl->ptl_base;     \
    /*  Let the base handle the reference counts */                        \
    MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_REQUEST_FINI( &((sendreq)->req_send) );              \
    /*                                                                     \
     * If there is a cache associated with the ptl - first attempt         \
     * to return the send descriptor to the cache.                         \
     */                                                                    \
    if(NULL != ptl->ptl_base && (sendreq)->req_cached) {                   \
        OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ptl_base->ptl_cache_lock);                       \
        opal_list_prepend(&ptl_base->ptl_cache,                            \
                          (opal_list_item_t*)sendreq);                     \
        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ptl_base->ptl_cache_lock);                     \
    } else {                                                               \
        OMPI_FREE_LIST_RETURN(                                             \
            &mca_pml_uniq.uniq_send_requests, (opal_list_item_t*)(sendreq)); \
    }                                                                      \

 * Start a send request. 
#define MCA_PML_UNIQ_SEND_REQUEST_START(req, rc)                           \
{                                                                          \
    mca_ptl_base_module_t* ptl = req->req_ptl;                             \
    size_t first_fragment_size = ptl->ptl_first_frag_size;                 \
    int flags;                                                             \
    req->req_offset = 0;                                                   \
    req->req_lock = 0;                                                     \
    req->req_bytes_sent = 0;                                               \
    req->req_peer_match.lval = 0;                                          \
    req->req_peer_addr.lval = 0;                                           \
    req->req_peer_size = 0;                                                \
    req->req_send.req_base.req_pml_complete = false;                                \
    req->req_send.req_base.req_ompi.req_complete = false;                           \
    req->req_send.req_base.req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE;                \
    req->req_send.req_base.req_sequence = mca_pml_ptl_comm_send_sequence(           \
        req->req_send.req_base.req_comm->c_pml_comm, req->req_send.req_base.req_peer);       \
    /* handle buffered send */                                             \
    if(req->req_send.req_send_mode == MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_BUFFERED) {                 \
        mca_pml_base_bsend_request_start(&req->req_send.req_base.req_ompi);         \
    }                                                                      \
    /* start the first fragment */                                         \
    if (first_fragment_size == 0 ||                                        \
        req->req_send.req_bytes_packed <= first_fragment_size) {                    \
        first_fragment_size = req->req_send.req_bytes_packed;                       \
        flags = (req->req_send.req_send_mode == MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_SYNCHRONOUS) ?    \
                    MCA_PTL_FLAGS_ACK : 0;                                 \
    } else {                                                               \
        /* require match for first fragment of a multi-fragment */         \
        flags = MCA_PTL_FLAGS_ACK;                                         \
    }                                                                      \
    rc = ptl->ptl_send(ptl, req->req_peer, req, 0, first_fragment_size,    \
        flags);                                                            \

 *  Schedule any data that was not delivered in the first fragment
 *  across the available PTLs.
int mca_pml_uniq_send_request_schedule(mca_ptl_base_send_request_t* req);

 *  Update the request to reflect the number of bytes delivered. If this
 *  was the first fragment - schedule the rest of the data.
void mca_pml_uniq_send_request_progress(
    struct mca_ptl_base_module_t* ptl,
    mca_ptl_base_send_request_t* send_request,
    size_t bytes_sent

#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)