We recognize that this means other users of OPAL will need to "wrap" the opal_process_name_t if they desire to abstract it in some fashion. This is regrettable, and we are looking at possible alternatives that might mitigate that requirement. Meantime, however, we have to put the needs of the OMPI community first, and are taking this step to restore hetero and SPARC support.
These two macros set the prefix for the OPAL and ORTE libraries,
respectively. Specifically, the OPAL library will be named
libPREFIXopen-pal.la and the ORTE library will be named
These macros must be called, even if the prefix argument is empty.
The intent is that Open MPI will call these macros with an empty
prefix, but other projects (such as ORCM) will call these macros with
a non-empty prefix. For example, ORCM libraries can be named
liborcm-open-pal.la and liborcm-open-rte.la.
This scheme is necessary to allow running Open MPI applications under
systems that use their own versions of ORTE and OPAL. For example,
when running MPI applications under ORTE, if the ORTE and OPAL
libraries between OMPI and ORCM are not identical (which, because they
are released at different times, are likely to be different), we need
to ensure that the OMPI applications link against their ORTE and OPAL
libraries, but the ORCM executables link against their ORTE and OPAL
the OPAL and ORTE libraries. This is required by projects such as ORCM
that have their own ORTE and OPAL libraries in order to avoid library
confusion. By renaming their version of the libraries, the OMPI
applications can correctly dynamically load the correct one for their
This reverts commit 63f619f8719fb853d76130d667f228b0a523bd60.
WHAT: Merge the PMIx branch into the devel repo, creating a new
OPAL “lmix” framework to abstract PMI support for all RTEs.
Replace the ORTE daemon-level collectives with a new PMIx
server and update the ORTE grpcomm framework to support
server-to-server collectives
WHY: We’ve had problems dealing with variations in PMI implementations,
and need to extend the existing PMI definitions to meet exascale
WHEN: Mon, Aug 25
WHERE: https://github.com/rhc54/ompi-svn-mirror.git
Several community members have been working on a refactoring of the current PMI support within OMPI. Although the APIs are common, Slurm and Cray implement a different range of capabilities, and package them differently. For example, Cray provides an integrated PMI-1/2 library, while Slurm separates the two and requires the user to specify the one to be used at runtime. In addition, several bugs in the Slurm implementations have caused problems requiring extra coding.
All this has led to a slew of #if’s in the PMI code and bugs when the corner-case logic for one implementation accidentally traps the other. Extending this support to other implementations would have increased this complexity to an unacceptable level.
Accordingly, we have:
* created a new OPAL “pmix” framework to abstract the PMI support, with separate components for Cray, Slurm PMI-1, and Slurm PMI-2 implementations.
* Replaced the current ORTE grpcomm daemon-based collective operation with an integrated PMIx server, and updated the grpcomm APIs to provide more flexible, multi-algorithm support for collective operations. At this time, only the xcast and allgather operations are supported.
* Replaced the current global collective id with a signature based on the names of the participating procs. The allows an unlimited number of collectives to be executed by any group of processes, subject to the requirement that only one collective can be active at a time for a unique combination of procs. Note that a proc can be involved in any number of simultaneous collectives - it is the specific combination of procs that is subject to the constraint
* removed the prior OMPI/OPAL modex code
* added new macros for executing modex send/recv to simplify use of the new APIs. The send macros allow the caller to specify whether or not the BTL supports async modex operations - if so, then the non-blocking “fence” operation is used, if the active PMIx component supports it. Otherwise, the default is a full blocking modex exchange as we currently perform.
* retained the current flag that directs us to use a blocking fence operation, but only to retrieve data upon demand
This commit was SVN r32570.
Also discovered that the rsh launcher is not picking up --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default when invoked during singleton comm_spawn, but I was unable to see why that was happening and ran out of time.
This commit was SVN r32229.
We have been getting several requests for new collectives that need to be inserted in various places of the MPI layer, all in support of either checkpoint/restart or various research efforts. Until now, this would require that the collective id's be generated at launch. which required modification
s to ORTE and other places. We chose not to make collectives reusable as the race conditions associated with resetting collective counters are daunti
This commit extends the collective system to allow self-generation of collective id's that the daemons need to support, thereby allowing developers to request any number of collectives for their work. There is one restriction: RTE collectives must occur at the process level - i.e., we don't curren
tly have a way of tagging the collective to a specific thread. From the comment in the code:
* In order to allow scalable
* generation of collective id's, they are formed as:
* top 32-bits are the jobid of the procs involved in
* the collective. For collectives across multiple jobs
* (e.g., in a connect_accept), the daemon jobid will
* be used as the id will be issued by mpirun. This
* won't cause problems because daemons don't use the
* collective_id
* bottom 32-bits are a rolling counter that recycles
* when the max is hit. The daemon will cleanup each
* collective upon completion, so this means a job can
* never have more than 2**32 collectives going on at
* a time. If someone needs more than that - they've got
* a problem.
* Note that this means (for now) that RTE-level collectives
* cannot be done by individual threads - they must be
* done at the overall process level. This is required as
* there is no guaranteed ordering for the collective id's,
* and all the participants must agree on the id of the
* collective they are executing. So if thread A on one
* process asks for a collective id before thread B does,
* but B asks before A on another process, the collectives will
* be mixed and not result in the expected behavior. We may
* find a way to relax this requirement in the future by
* adding a thread context id to the jobid field (maybe taking the
* lower 16-bits of that field).
This commit includes a test program (orte/test/mpi/coll_test.c) that cycles 100 times across barrier and modex collectives.
This commit was SVN r32203.
This won't transition cleanly to the 1.8 series, and may represent too much change, so we'll have to (a) evaluate whether or not to bring it over (once it demonstrates that it does indeed solve the problem), and (b) develop a custom patch for that purpose.
Refs trac:4717
This commit was SVN r32063.
The following Trac tickets were found above:
Ticket 4717 --> https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/4717