Modify the orte configure options to specify --enable-multicast such that it directs components to build or not instead of littering the code base with #if's. Remove those #if's where they used to occur.
Add a new grpcomm "mcast" module to support multicast operations. Still some work required to properly perform daemon collectives for comm_spawn operations. New module only builds when --enable-multicast is provided, and when specifically selected.
This commit was SVN r22709.
Reogranize the grpcomm code a little to provide support for soon-to-come new grpcomm components. The revised organization puts what will be common code elements in the base to avoid duplication, while allowing components that don't need those functions to ignore them.
This commit was SVN r17941.
* General TCP cleanup for OPAL / ORTE
* Simplifying the OOB by moving much of the logic into the RML
* Allowing the OOB RML component to do routing of messages
* Adding a component framework for handling routing tables
* Moving the xcast functionality from the OOB base to its own framework
Includes merge from tmp/bwb-oob-rml-merge revisions:
r15506, r15507, r15508, r15510, r15511, r15512, r15513
This commit was SVN r15528.
The following SVN revisions from the original message are invalid or
inconsistent and therefore were not cross-referenced: