The necessary information is stored in the proc object. There is no need
to allgather the local process data to determine if another rank is on
the same socket.
This commit was SVN r31127.
The project includes following components and frameworks:
- ML Collective component
- NETPATTERNS and COMMPATTERNS common components
- BCOL framework
- SBGP framework
Note: By default the ML collective component is disabled. In order to enable
new collectives user should bump up the priority of ml component (coll_ml_priority)
Primary Contributors (in alphabetical order):
Ishai Rabinovich (Mellanox)
Joshua S. Ladd (ORNL / Mellanox)
Manjunath Gorentla Venkata (ORNL)
Mike Dubman (Mellanox)
Noam Bloch (Mellanox)
Pavel (Pasha) Shamis (ORNL / Mellanox)
Richard Graham (ORNL / Mellanox)
Vasily Filipov (Mellanox)
This commit was SVN r27078.