The hook is called from memheap when memory range
is going to be allocated by smalloc(), realloc() and others.
ucx spml uses this hook to call ucp_mem_advise in order to speedup
non blocking memory mapping.
Signed-off-by: Alex Mikheev <>
Given that we only set OOB contact info from inside of events, or before we begin threaded operations (e.g., in the ess), allow set_contact_info to directly update the oob/base framework globals.
Correct the nidmap regex decompression routine.
Ensure that rank=1 daemon always sends back its topology as this is the most common use-case.
Signed-off-by: Ralph Castain <>
Fixes a wrong answer from MPI_Ireduce when the red_sched_chain()
path was taken (which only happens for np<=4 and mesgsize>=64k).
The way libnbc treats MPI_IN_PLACE is to set sbuf == rbuf, and
whether an algorithm will work cleanly or not after that depends on the
In this case the last steps of the algorithm amounted to
(right neighbor is sending us reduction results from ranks 1..n-1)
recv into rbuf from right neighbor
add the contribution from our sbuf into rbuf
this would be fine in general, but if sbuf==rbuf, that recv overwrites
the sbuf. I changed it to recv into a tmpbuf if MPI_IN_PLACE was used.
Signed-off-by: Geoffrey Paulsen <>
Since the oob and connections systems do not work the same way they
did in older versions of Open MPI these operations are no longer
necessary. At best they do nothing and at worst they hurt performance
by making us enter the event library more often in opal_progress().
Signed-off-by: Nathan Hjelm <>
When Java bindings are used, MPI_Init() is not invoked
by the main thread, and this causes some keys being destructed twice.
Reset the per thread values to NULL in order to correctly handle this
Signed-off-by: Gilles Gouaillardet <>
* Add an MCA parameter to combine stdout and stderr at the source
- `iof_base_redirect_app_stderr_to_stdout`
* Aids in user debugging when using libraries that mix stderr with stdout
Signed-off-by: Joshua Hursey <>
* Similar to `orte_map_stddiag_to_stderr` except it redirects `stddiag`
to `stdout` instead of `stderr`.
* Add protection so that the user canot supply both:
- `orte_map_stddiag_to_stderr`
- `orte_map_stddiag_to_stdout`
Signed-off-by: Joshua Hursey <>
- This allows the following MCA option to have an impact on the
framework verbose output as well.
* `-mca mca_base_verbose stdout`
Signed-off-by: Joshua Hursey <>
* Adds a parameter to adjust the method used by libevent.
- Matches that of the libevent2022 component.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Hursey <>
MPI_Allgatherv with MPI_IN_PLACE reads data from wrong location.
They were locating the MPI_IN_PLACE send buffer as
send_buf = (char*)rbuf;
for (i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
send_buf += ((ptrdiff_t)rcounts[i] * extent);
when it should be
send_buf = (char*)rbuf;
send_buf += ((ptrdiff_t)disps[rank] * extent);
because disps[] specifies where things are in the v-style buffers.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Hursey <>
Note: since the discovered cpus are filtered against this list, #slots will be set to the #cpus in the list if no slot values are given in a -host or -hostname specification.
Signed-off-by: Ralph Castain <>
when a file is opened a second time for shared file pointer operations,
avoid setting the create and exclusive flag.
Signed-off-by: Edgar Gabriel <>
it looks like disabling the lazy_open flag for sharedfp components
revealead a bug that lead to a crash in file_close in some tests. Make
sure the SHAREDFP_IS_SET flag is correctly set (and not overwritten again),
and we use that to avoid a double-free of the communicator.
Signed-off-by: Edgar Gabriel <>