Modify the orte configure options to specify --enable-multicast such that it directs components to build or not instead of littering the code base with #if's. Remove those #if's where they used to occur.
Add a new grpcomm "mcast" module to support multicast operations. Still some work required to properly perform daemon collectives for comm_spawn operations. New module only builds when --enable-multicast is provided, and when specifically selected.
This commit was SVN r22709.
as simple as I or Ralph had hoped. This should be the real fix,
or very close to it. I can now see both the sensor and rmcast
information from ompi_info when configured
with --enable-monitoring --enable_multicast
This commit was SVN r22131.
The following SVN revision numbers were found above:
r22129 --> open-mpi/ompi@02ff00dfb5