Fix CID 1324726 (#1 of 1): Free of address-of expression (BAD_FREE):
Indeed, if a lock conflicts with the lock_all we will end up trying to
free an invalid pointer.
Fix CID 1328826 (#1 of 1): Dereference after null check (FORWARD_NULL):
This was intentional but it would be a good idea to check for
module->comm being non_NULL to be safe. Also cleaned out some checks
for NULL before free().
Signed-off-by: Nathan Hjelm <>
This commit adds support for performing one-sided operations over
supported hardware (currently Infiniband and Cray Gemini/Aries). This
component is still undergoing active development.
Current features:
- Use network atomic operations (fadd, cswap) for implementing
locking and PSCW synchronization.
- Aggregate small contiguous puts.
- Reduced memory footprint by storing window data (pointer, keys,
etc) at the lowest rank on each node. The data is fetched as each
process needs to communicate with a new peer. This is a trade-off
between the performance of the first operation on a peer and the
memory utilization of a window.
- Add support for the accumulate_ops info key. If it is known that
the same op or same op/no op is used it may be possible to use
hardware atomics for fetch-and-op and compare-and-swap.
Signed-off-by: Nathan Hjelm <>