fcoll/vulcan: Adjustment of displacement index in collective write

Within the shuffle iteration, the aggregators have to set a displacement array needed to receive data from other processes. The array had 1 extra element. We adjust the displacement index to match the number of elements.

Signed-off-by: raafatfeki <fekiraafat@gmail.com>
Этот коммит содержится в:
raafatfeki 2019-08-01 15:18:58 -05:00
родитель 5a3646fd1d
Коммит f45e9cfdbe

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@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ static int shuffle_init ( int index, int cycles, int aggregator, int rank, mca_i
data->disp_index[l] = 1;
data->disp_index[l] = 0;
if ( data->max_disp_index[l] == 0 ) {
data->blocklen_per_process[l] = (int *) calloc (INIT_LEN, sizeof(int));
@ -915,8 +915,8 @@ static int shuffle_init ( int index, int cycles, int aggregator, int rank, mca_i
if (data->bytes_remaining <= data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle) {
/* The data fits completely into the block */
if (aggregator == rank) {
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] = data->bytes_remaining;
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] =
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] = data->bytes_remaining;
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] =
(ptrdiff_t)data->global_iov_array[data->sorted[data->current_index]].iov_base +
- data->bytes_remaining);
@ -950,11 +950,12 @@ static int shuffle_init ( int index, int cycles, int aggregator, int rank, mca_i
/* the remaining data from the previous cycle is larger than the
data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle, so we have to segment again */
if (aggregator == rank) {
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] = data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle;
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] =
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] = data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle;
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] =
(ptrdiff_t)data->global_iov_array[data->sorted[data->current_index]].iov_base +
- data->bytes_remaining);
data->disp_index[data->n] += 1;
if (data->procs_in_group[data->n] == rank) {
@ -971,9 +972,10 @@ static int shuffle_init ( int index, int cycles, int aggregator, int rank, mca_i
(MPI_Aint) data->global_iov_array[data->sorted[data->current_index]].iov_len) {
/* This entry has more data than we can sendin one cycle */
if (aggregator == rank) {
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] = data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle;
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] =
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] = data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle;
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] =
(ptrdiff_t)data->global_iov_array[data->sorted[data->current_index]].iov_base ;
data->disp_index[data->n] += 1;
if (data->procs_in_group[data->n] == rank) {
bytes_sent += data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle;
@ -987,9 +989,9 @@ static int shuffle_init ( int index, int cycles, int aggregator, int rank, mca_i
else {
/* Next data entry is less than data->bytes_to_write_in_cycle */
if (aggregator == rank) {
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] =
data->blocklen_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] =
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n] - 1] = (ptrdiff_t)
data->displs_per_process[data->n][data->disp_index[data->n]] = (ptrdiff_t)
data->disp_index[data->n] += 1;