diff --git a/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Comm_spawn.3in b/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Comm_spawn.3in index 54b9087458..5580353de1 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Comm_spawn.3in +++ b/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Comm_spawn.3in @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ A spawn call with the default behavior is called hard. A spawn call for which fe .sp The \fIinfo\fP Argument .sp -The \fIinfo\fP argument is an opaque handle of type MPI_Info in C, MPI::Info in C++ and INTEGER in Fortran. It is a container for a number of user-speci ed (\fIkey,value\fP) pairs. \fIkey\fP and \fIvalue\fP are strings (null-terminated char* in C, character*(*) in Fortran). Routines to create and manipulate the \fIinfo\fP argument are described in Section 4.10 of the MPI-2 standard. +The \fIinfo\fP argument is an opaque handle of type MPI_Info in C, MPI::Info in C++ and INTEGER in Fortran. It is a container for a number of user-specified (\fIkey,value\fP) pairs. \fIkey\fP and \fIvalue\fP are strings (null-terminated char* in C, character*(*) in Fortran). Routines to create and manipulate the \fIinfo\fP argument are described in Section 4.10 of the MPI-2 standard. .sp For the SPAWN calls, \fIinfo\fP provides additional, implementation-dependent instructions to MPI and the runtime system on how to start processes. An application may pass MPI_INFO_NULL in C or Fortran. Portable programs not requiring detailed control over process locations should use MPI_INFO_NULL. .sp diff --git a/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Scatterv.3in b/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Scatterv.3in index 170dba9087..515acb0578 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Scatterv.3in +++ b/ompi/mpi/man/man3/MPI_Scatterv.3in @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ MPI_Scatterv, where \fIstride\fP >= 100. rbuf, 100, MPI_INT, root, comm); .fi .SH USE OF IN-PLACE OPTION -When the communicator is an intracommunicator, you can perform a gather operation in-place (the output buffer is used as the input buffer). Use the variable MPI_IN_PLACE as the value of the root process \fIrecvbuf\fR. In this case, \fIrecvcount\fR and \fIrecvtype\fR are ignored, and the root process sends no data to itself. +When the communicator is an intracommunicator, you can perform a scatter operation in-place (the output buffer is used as the input buffer). Use the variable MPI_IN_PLACE as the value of the root process \fIrecvbuf\fR. In this case, \fIrecvcount\fR and \fIrecvtype\fR are ignored, and the root process sends no data to itself. .sp Note that MPI_IN_PLACE is a special kind of value; it has the same restrictions on its use as MPI_BOTTOM. .sp