Refactor some of the initialization code.
This commit was SVN r29009.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -88,12 +88,16 @@ struct cudaFunctionTable {
int (*cuIpcCloseMemHandle)(CUdeviceptr);
int (*cuIpcGetMemHandle)(CUipcMemHandle*, CUdeviceptr);
#endif /* OMPI_CUDA_SUPPORT_41 */
int (*cuCtxGetDevice)(CUdevice *);
int (*cuDeviceCanAccessPeer)(int *, CUdevice, CUdevice);
int (*cuDeviceGet)(CUdevice *, int);
} cudaFunctionTable;
typedef struct cudaFunctionTable cudaFunctionTable_t;
cudaFunctionTable_t cuFunc;
static bool stage_one_init_complete = false;
static bool stage_three_init_complete = false;
static bool common_cuda_initialized = false;
static bool common_cuda_init_function_added = false;
static int mca_common_cuda_verbose;
static int mca_common_cuda_output = 0;
static bool mca_common_cuda_enabled = false;
@ -120,10 +124,10 @@ struct common_cuda_mem_regs_t {
typedef struct common_cuda_mem_regs_t common_cuda_mem_regs_t;
OBJ_CLASS_INSTANCE( common_cuda_mem_regs_t,
static int mca_common_cuda_async = 1;
@ -167,7 +171,6 @@ static double accum;
static float mydifftime(struct timespec ts_start, struct timespec ts_end);
static int mca_common_cuda_load_libcuda(void);
/* These functions are typically unused in the optimized builds. */
static void cuda_dump_evthandle(int, void *, char *) __opal_attribute_unused__ ;
static void cuda_dump_memhandle(int, void *, char *) __opal_attribute_unused__ ;
@ -181,15 +184,54 @@ static void cuda_dump_memhandle(int, void *, char *) __opal_attribute_unused__ ;
#endif /* OMPI_CUDA_SUPPORT_41 */
int mca_common_cuda_register_mca_variables(void)
static bool registered = false;
if (registered) {
* This function is registered with the OPAL CUDA support. In that way,
* these function pointers will be loaded into the OPAL CUDA code when
* the first convertor is initialized. This does not trigger any CUDA
* specific initialization as this may just be a host buffer that is
* triggering this call.
static int mca_common_cuda_init(opal_common_cuda_function_table_t *ftable)
if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(!ompi_mpi_cuda_support)) {
return OMPI_ERROR;
registered = true;
ftable->gpu_is_gpu_buffer = &mca_common_cuda_is_gpu_buffer;
ftable->gpu_cu_memcpy_async = &mca_common_cuda_cu_memcpy_async;
ftable->gpu_cu_memcpy = &mca_common_cuda_cu_memcpy;
ftable->gpu_memmove = &mca_common_cuda_memmove;
opal_output_verbose(30, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: support functions initialized");
* This is the first stage of initialization. This function is
* triggered when there are memory registration requests from various
* BTLs. This function will register some mca variables and then open
* and load the symbols needed from the CUDA driver library. Look for
* the SONAME of the library which is In most cases,
* this will result in the library found. However, there are some
* setups that require the extra steps for searching. Any failure
* will result in this initialization failing and status will be set
* showing that.
static int mca_common_cuda_stage_one_init(void)
opal_lt_dladvise advise;
int retval, i, j;
int advise_support = 1;
char *cudalibs[] = {"", NULL};
char *searchpaths[] = {"", "/usr/lib64", NULL};
char **errmsgs = NULL;
char *errmsg = NULL;
int errsize;
bool stage_one_init_passed = false;
stage_one_init_complete = true;
/* Set different levels of verbosity in the cuda related code. */
mca_common_cuda_verbose = 0;
@ -241,48 +283,198 @@ int mca_common_cuda_register_mca_variables(void)
#endif /* OMPI_CUDA_SUPPORT_41 */
mca_common_cuda_output = opal_output_open(NULL);
opal_output_set_verbosity(mca_common_cuda_output, mca_common_cuda_verbose);
if (0 != (retval = opal_lt_dlinit())) {
if (OPAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED == retval) {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "dlopen disabled", true);
} else {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "unknown ltdl error", true,
"opal_lt_dlinit", retval, opal_lt_dlerror());
return 1;
/* Initialize the lt_dladvise structure. If this does not work, we can
* proceed without the support. Things should still work. */
if (0 != (retval = opal_lt_dladvise_init(&advise))) {
if (OPAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED == retval) {
advise_support = 0;
} else {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "unknown ltdl error", true,
"opal_lt_dladvise_init", retval, opal_lt_dlerror());
return 1;
/* Now walk through all the potential names libcuda and find one
* that works. If it does, all is good. If not, print out all
* the messages about why things failed. This code was careful
* to try and save away all error messages if the loading ultimately
* failed to help with debugging.
* NOTE: On the first loop we just utilize the default loading
* paths from the system. For the second loop, set /usr/lib64 to
* the search path and try again. This is done to handle the case
* where we have both 32 and 64 bit libraries installed.
* Even when running in 64-bit mode, the /usr/lib direcotry
* is searched first and we may find a 32-bit library.
* Loading of this library will fail as libtool does not handle having
* the wrong ABI in the search path (unlike ld or Note that
* we only set this search path after the original search. This is
* so that LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run path settings are respected.
* Setting this search path overrides them (rather then being appended). */
if (advise_support) {
if (0 != (retval = opal_lt_dladvise_global(&advise))) {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "unknown ltdl error", true,
"opal_lt_dladvise_global", retval, opal_lt_dlerror());
return 1;
j = 0;
while (searchpaths[j] != NULL) {
/* Set explicit search path if entry is not empty string */
if (strcmp("", searchpaths[j])) {
i = 0;
while (cudalibs[i] != NULL) {
const char *str;
libcuda_handle = opal_lt_dlopenadvise(cudalibs[i], advise);
if (NULL == libcuda_handle) {
str = opal_lt_dlerror();
if (NULL != str) {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, str);
} else {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, "lt_dlerror() returned NULL.");
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library open error: %s",
} else {
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library successfully opened %s",
stage_one_init_passed = true;
if (true == stage_one_init_passed) break; /* Break out of outer loop */
} else {
j = 0;
/* No lt_dladvise support. This should rarely happen. */
while (searchpaths[j] != NULL) {
/* Set explicit search path if entry is not empty string */
if (strcmp("", searchpaths[j])) {
i = 0;
while (cudalibs[i] != NULL) {
const char *str;
libcuda_handle = opal_lt_dlopen(cudalibs[i]);
if (NULL == libcuda_handle) {
str = opal_lt_dlerror();
if (NULL != str) {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, str);
} else {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, "lt_dlerror() returned NULL.");
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library open error: %s",
} else {
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library successfully opened %s",
stage_one_init_passed = true;
if (true == stage_one_init_passed) break; /* Break out of outer loop */
if (true != stage_one_init_passed) {
errmsg = opal_argv_join(errmsgs, '\n');
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "dlopen failed", true,
if (true != stage_one_init_passed) {
return 1;
/* Map in the functions that we need. Note that if there is an error
* the macro OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM will print an error and call return. */
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuStreamCreate);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuCtxGetCurrent);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventCreate);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventRecord);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemHostRegister);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemHostUnregister);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuPointerGetAttribute);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventQuery);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventDestroy);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuStreamWaitEvent);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemcpyAsync);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemcpy);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemFree);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemAlloc);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemGetAddressRange);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcGetEventHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcOpenEventHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcOpenMemHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcCloseMemHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcGetMemHandle);
#endif /* OMPI_CUDA_SUPPORT_41 */
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuCtxGetDevice);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuDeviceCanAccessPeer);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuDeviceGet);
return 0;
* This function is registered with the OPAL CUDA support. In that way,
* we will complete initialization when OPAL detects the first GPU memory
* access. In the case that no GPU memory access happens, then this function
* never gets called.
* This is the last phase of initialization. This is triggered when we examine
* a buffer pointer and determine it is a GPU buffer. We then assume the user
* has selected their GPU and we can go ahead with all the CUDA related
* initializations.
static int mca_common_cuda_init(opal_common_cuda_function_table_t *ftable)
static int mca_common_cuda_stage_three_init(void)
int i, s;
CUresult res;
CUcontext cuContext;
common_cuda_mem_regs_t *mem_reg;
stage_three_init_complete = true;
opal_output_verbose(20, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: entering stage three init");
if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(!ompi_mpi_cuda_support)) {
opal_output_verbose(20, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: No mpi cuda support, exiting stage three init");
return OMPI_ERROR;
if (OPAL_LIKELY(common_cuda_initialized)) {
opal_output_verbose(20, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Stage three already complete, exiting stage three init");
/* Make sure this component's variables are registered */
ftable->gpu_is_gpu_buffer = &mca_common_cuda_is_gpu_buffer;
ftable->gpu_cu_memcpy_async = &mca_common_cuda_cu_memcpy_async;
ftable->gpu_cu_memcpy = &mca_common_cuda_cu_memcpy;
ftable->gpu_memmove = &mca_common_cuda_memmove;
mca_common_cuda_output = opal_output_open(NULL);
opal_output_set_verbosity(mca_common_cuda_output, mca_common_cuda_verbose);
/* If we cannot load the libary, then disable support */
if (0 != mca_common_cuda_load_libcuda()) {
common_cuda_initialized = true;
ompi_mpi_cuda_support = 0;
return OMPI_ERROR;
/* Check to see if this process is running in a CUDA context. If
* so, all is good. If not, then disable registration of memory. */
res = cuFunc.cuCtxGetCurrent(&cuContext);
@ -489,178 +681,6 @@ static int mca_common_cuda_init(opal_common_cuda_function_table_t *ftable)
* This function will open and load the symbols needed from the CUDA driver
* library. Any failure will result in a message and we will return 1.
* Look for the SONAME of the library which is In most
* cases, this will result in the library found. However, there are some
* setups that require the extra steps for searching.
static int mca_common_cuda_load_libcuda(void)
opal_lt_dladvise advise;
int retval, i, j;
int advise_support = 1;
bool loaded = false;
char *cudalibs[] = {"", NULL};
char *searchpaths[] = {"", "/usr/lib64", NULL};
char **errmsgs = NULL;
char *errmsg = NULL;
int errsize;
if (0 != (retval = opal_lt_dlinit())) {
if (OPAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED == retval) {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "dlopen disabled", true);
} else {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "unknown ltdl error", true,
"opal_lt_dlinit", retval, opal_lt_dlerror());
return 1;
/* Initialize the lt_dladvise structure. If this does not work, we can
* proceed without the support. Things should still work. */
if (0 != (retval = opal_lt_dladvise_init(&advise))) {
if (OPAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED == retval) {
advise_support = 0;
} else {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "unknown ltdl error", true,
"opal_lt_dladvise_init", retval, opal_lt_dlerror());
return 1;
/* Now walk through all the potential names libcuda and find one
* that works. If it does, all is good. If not, print out all
* the messages about why things failed. This code was careful
* to try and save away all error messages if the loading ultimately
* failed to help with debugging.
* NOTE: On the first loop we just utilize the default loading
* paths from the system. For the second loop, set /usr/lib64 to
* the search path and try again. This is done to handle the case
* where we have both 32 and 64 bit libraries installed.
* Even when running in 64-bit mode, the /usr/lib direcotry
* is searched first and we may find a 32-bit library.
* Loading of this library will fail as libtool does not handle having
* the wrong ABI in the search path (unlike ld or Note that
* we only set this search path after the original search. This is
* so that LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run path settings are respected.
* Setting this search path overrides them (rather then being appended). */
if (advise_support) {
if (0 != (retval = opal_lt_dladvise_global(&advise))) {
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "unknown ltdl error", true,
"opal_lt_dladvise_global", retval, opal_lt_dlerror());
return 1;
j = 0;
while (searchpaths[j] != NULL) {
/* Set explicit search path if entry is not empty string */
if (strcmp("", searchpaths[j])) {
i = 0;
while (cudalibs[i] != NULL) {
const char *str;
libcuda_handle = opal_lt_dlopenadvise(cudalibs[i], advise);
if (NULL == libcuda_handle) {
str = opal_lt_dlerror();
if (NULL != str) {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, str);
} else {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, "lt_dlerror() returned NULL.");
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library open error: %s",
} else {
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library successfully opened %s",
loaded = true;
if (true == loaded) break; /* Break out of outer loop */
} else {
j = 0;
/* No lt_dladvise support. This should rarely happen. */
while (searchpaths[j] != NULL) {
/* Set explicit search path if entry is not empty string */
if (strcmp("", searchpaths[j])) {
i = 0;
while (cudalibs[i] != NULL) {
const char *str;
libcuda_handle = opal_lt_dlopen(cudalibs[i]);
if (NULL == libcuda_handle) {
str = opal_lt_dlerror();
if (NULL != str) {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, str);
} else {
opal_argv_append(&errsize, &errmsgs, "lt_dlerror() returned NULL.");
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library open error: %s",
} else {
opal_output_verbose(10, mca_common_cuda_output,
"CUDA: Library successfully opened %s",
loaded = true;
if (true == loaded) break; /* Break out of outer loop */
if (loaded != true) {
errmsg = opal_argv_join(errmsgs, '\n');
opal_show_help("help-mpi-common-cuda.txt", "dlopen failed", true,
if (loaded != true) {
return 1;
/* Map in the functions that we need */
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuStreamCreate);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuCtxGetCurrent);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventCreate);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventRecord);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemHostRegister);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemHostUnregister);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuPointerGetAttribute);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventQuery);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuEventDestroy);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuStreamWaitEvent);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemcpyAsync);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemcpy);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemFree);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemAlloc);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuMemGetAddressRange);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcGetEventHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcOpenEventHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcOpenMemHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcCloseMemHandle);
OMPI_CUDA_DLSYM(libcuda_handle, cuIpcGetMemHandle);
#endif /* OMPI_CUDA_SUPPORT_41 */
return 0;
* Call the CUDA register function so we pin the memory in the CUDA
@ -669,13 +689,25 @@ static int mca_common_cuda_load_libcuda(void)
void mca_common_cuda_register(void *ptr, size_t amount, char *msg) {
int res;
/* Always first check if the support is enabled. If not, just return */
if (!ompi_mpi_cuda_support)
/* Registering memory during BTL initialization will be the first call
* into the cuda common code, so this is where we do the first
* initialization function. If the first stage fails, then disable
* support and return. */
if (!stage_one_init_complete) {
if (0 != mca_common_cuda_stage_one_init()) {
ompi_mpi_cuda_support = 0;
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&common_cuda_memory_registrations, opal_list_t);
if (!common_cuda_initialized) {
common_cuda_mem_regs_t *regptr;
if (!common_cuda_init_function_added) {
OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&common_cuda_memory_registrations, opal_list_t);
common_cuda_init_function_added = true;
regptr = OBJ_NEW(common_cuda_mem_regs_t);
regptr->ptr = ptr;
regptr->amount = amount;
@ -713,7 +745,7 @@ void mca_common_cuda_unregister(void *ptr, char *msg) {
/* This can happen if memory was queued up to be registered, but
* no CUDA operations happened, so it never was registered.
* Therefore, just release any of the resources. */
if (false == common_cuda_initialized) {
if (!common_cuda_initialized) {
s = opal_list_get_size(&common_cuda_memory_registrations);
for(i = 0; i < s; i++) {
mem_reg = (common_cuda_mem_regs_t *)
@ -1426,6 +1458,14 @@ static int mca_common_cuda_is_gpu_buffer(const void *pUserBuf)
/* Must be a device pointer */
assert(memType == CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE);
/* First access on a device pointer finalizes CUDA support initialization.
* If initialization fails, disable support. */
if (!stage_three_init_complete) {
if (0 != mca_common_cuda_stage_three_init()) {
ompi_mpi_cuda_support = 0;
return 1;
@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ MPI developers.
[dlopen failed]
The library attempted to open the following supporting CUDA libraries,
but each of them failed.
but each of them failed. CUDA-aware support is disabled.
[dlsym failed]
An error occurred while trying to map in the address of a function.
Function Name: %s
Error string: %s
CUDA-aware support is disabled.
Ссылка в новой задаче
Block a user