added comm.c (previously known as communicator.c, however not under version control any more).

Reviewed bu Jeff, Rich and Tim

This commit was SVN r1150.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Edgar Gabriel 2004-05-21 20:06:20 +00:00
родитель 536c279529
Коммит bf1cc002f3
2 изменённых файлов: 748 добавлений и 1 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ headers = \
libcommunicator_la_SOURCES = \
$(headers) \
lam_comm_init.c \
communicator.c \
comm.c \
# Conditionally install the header files

src/communicator/comm.c Обычный файл
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
#include "lam_config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "communicator/communicator.h"
#include "proc/proc.h"
#include "include/constants.h"
#include "mca/pcm/pcm.h"
#include "mca/pml/pml.h"
#include "mca/coll/coll.h"
#include "mca/coll/base/base.h"
#include "mca/pml/pml.h"
#include "mca/ptl/ptl.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_comm.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_recvfrag.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_header.h"
#include "mca/ptl/base/ptl_base_match.h"
** sort-function for MPI_Comm_split
static int rankkeycompare(const void *, const void *);
* This is the function setting all elements of a communicator.
* All other routines are just used to determine these elements.
lam_communicator_t * lam_comm_set ( int mode,
lam_communicator_t* oldcomm,
lam_communicator_t* bridgecomm,
int local_size,
lam_proc_t **local_procs,
int remote_size,
lam_proc_t **remote_procs,
lam_hash_table_t *attr,
lam_errhandler_t *errh,
mca_base_module_t *collmodule,
mca_base_module_t *topomodule,
int local_leader,
int remote_leader
lam_communicator_t *newcomm;
lam_proc_t *my_gpointer;
int my_grank;
int rc;
/* Allocate comm structure */
newcomm = lam_comm_allocate ( local_size, remote_size );
/* Set local_group information */
memcpy ( newcomm->c_local_group->grp_proc_pointers,
local_procs, local_size * sizeof(lam_proc_t *));
/* determine my rank */
my_grank = oldcomm->c_local_group->grp_my_rank;
my_gpointer = oldcomm->c_local_group->grp_proc_pointers[my_grank];
lam_set_group_rank(newcomm->c_local_group, my_gpointer);
newcomm->c_my_rank = newcomm->c_local_group->grp_my_rank;
/* Set remote group, if applicable */
if ( 0 < remote_size) {
memcpy ( newcomm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_pointers,
remote_procs, remote_size * sizeof(lam_proc_t *));
newcomm->c_flags |= LAM_COMM_INTER;
/* Determine context id. It is identical to f_2_c_handle */
newcomm->c_contextid = lam_comm_nextcid ( oldcomm,
mode );
/* just for now */
newcomm->c_contextid = oldcomm->c_contextid + 10;
lam_pointer_array_set_item ( &lam_mpi_communicators, newcomm->c_contextid,
newcomm );
newcomm->c_f_to_c_index = newcomm->c_contextid;
/* Set error handler */
newcomm->error_handler = errh;
OBJ_RETAIN ( newcomm->error_handler );
/* Set name for debugging purposes */
snprintf(newcomm->c_name, MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME, "MPI COMMUNICATOR %d",
/* Determine cube_dim */
newcomm->c_cube_dim = lam_cube_dim(newcomm->c_local_group->grp_proc_count);
/* Set Topology, if required */
if ( NULL != topomodule ) {
if (LAM_COMM_IS_CART ( oldcomm ) )
newcomm->c_flags |= LAM_COMM_CART;
if (LAM_COMM_IS_GRAPH ( oldcomm ) )
newcomm->c_flags |= LAM_COMM_GRAPH;
/* set the topo-module */
/* Copy attributes and call according copy functions,
if required */
if ( attr != NULL ) {
/* Initialize the PML stuff in the newcomm */
if ( LAM_ERROR == mca_pml.pml_add_comm(newcomm) ) {
goto err_exit;
/* Initialize the coll modules */
/* Let the collectives modules fight over who will do
collective on this new comm. */
if (LAM_ERROR == mca_coll_base_init_comm(newcomm)) {
goto err_exit;
/* ******* VPS: Remove this later -- need to be in coll module ****** */
/* VPS: Cache the reqs for bcast */
newcomm->bcast_lin_reqs =
malloc (mca_coll_base_bcast_collmaxlin * sizeof(lam_request_t*));
if (NULL == newcomm->bcast_lin_reqs) {
goto err_exit;
newcomm->bcast_log_reqs =
malloc (mca_coll_base_bcast_collmaxdim * sizeof(lam_request_t*));
if (NULL == newcomm->bcast_log_reqs) {
goto err_exit;
/* Free whatever has been allocated, print an appropriate
error message and return a null pointer */
return ( newcomm );
** Counterpart to MPI_Comm_group. To be used within LAM functions.
int lam_comm_group ( lam_communicator_t* comm, lam_group_t **group )
/* increment proc reference counters */
*group = comm->c_local_group;
** Counterpart to MPI_Comm_create. To be used within LAM.
int lam_comm_create ( lam_communicator_t *comm, lam_group_t *group,
lam_communicator_t **newcomm )
lam_communicator_t *newcomp;
int rsize;
int mode;
int *allranks=NULL;
lam_proc_t **rprocs=NULL;
int rc = LAM_SUCCESS;
if ( LAM_COMM_IS_INTER(comm) ) {
int tsize, i, j;
tsize = comm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_count;
allranks = (int *) malloc ( tsize * sizeof(int));
if ( NULL == allranks ) {
goto exit;
rc = comm->c_coll.coll_allgather_inter ( &group->grp_my_rank,
1, MPI_INT, allranks,
1, MPI_INT, comm );
if ( LAM_SUCCESS != rc ) {
goto exit;
/* Count number of procs in future remote group */
for (rsize=0, i = 0; i < tsize; i++) {
if ( MPI_PROC_NULL != allranks[i] ) {
/* If any of those groups is empty, we have to return
if ( 0 == rsize || 0 == group->grp_proc_count ) {
*newcomm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
goto exit;
/* Set proc-pointers for remote group */
rprocs = (lam_proc_t **) malloc ( sizeof(lam_proc_t *) * rsize);
if ( NULL == rprocs ) {
goto exit;
for ( j = 0, i = 0; i < rsize; i++ ) {
if ( MPI_PROC_NULL != allranks[i] ) {
rprocs[j] = comm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_pointers[i];
return ( MPI_ERR_COMM );
else {
rsize = 0;
rprocs = NULL;
newcomp = lam_comm_set ( mode, /* mode */
comm, /* old comm */
NULL, /* bridge comm */
group->grp_proc_count, /* local_size */
group->grp_proc_pointers, /* local_procs*/
rsize, /* remote_size */
rprocs, /* remote_procs */
NULL, /* attrs */
comm->error_handler, /* error handler */
NULL, /* coll module */
NULL, /* topo module */
MPI_UNDEFINED, /* local leader */
MPI_UNDEFINED /* remote leader */
if ( newcomp == MPI_COMM_NULL ) {
goto exit;
/* Check whether we are part of the new comm.
If not, we have to free the structure again.
However, we could not avoid the comm_nextcid step, since
all processes of the original comm have to participate in
that function call. Additionally, all errhandler stuff etc.
has to be set to make lam_comm_free happy */
if ( MPI_PROC_NULL == newcomp->c_local_group->grp_my_rank ) {
lam_comm_free ( &newcomp );
if ( NULL != allranks ) {
free ( allranks );
if ( NULL != rprocs ) {
free ( rprocs );
*newcomm = newcomp;
return ( rc );
** Counterpart to MPI_Comm_split. To be used within LAM (e.g. MPI_Cart_sub).
int lam_comm_split ( lam_communicator_t* comm, int color, int key,
lam_communicator_t **newcomm )
int myinfo[2];
int size, my_size;
int my_rsize;
int mode;
int rsize;
int i, loc;
int *results=NULL, *sorted=NULL;
int *rresults=NULL, *rsorted=NULL;
lam_proc_t **procs=NULL, **rprocs=NULL;
lam_communicator_t *newcomp;
/* Step 1: determine all the information for the local group */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* sort according to color and rank. Gather information from everyone */
myinfo[0] = color;
myinfo[1] = key;
size = lam_comm_size ( comm );
results = (int*) malloc ( 2 * size * sizeof(int));
if ( NULL == results ) {
rc = comm->c_coll.coll_allgather_intra ( myinfo, 2, MPI_INT,
results, 2, MPI_INT, comm );
if ( LAM_SUCCESS != rc ) {
goto exit;
/* how many have the same color like me */
for ( my_size = 0, i=0; i < size; i++) {
if ( results[(2*i)+0] == color) my_size++;
sorted = (int *) malloc ( sizeof( int ) * my_size * 2);
if ( NULL == sorted) {
goto exit;
/* ok we can now fill this info */
for( loc = 0, i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if ( results[(2*i)+0] == color) {
sorted[(2*loc)+0] = i; /* copy org rank */
sorted[(2*loc)+1] = results[(2*i)+1]; /* copy key */
/* the new array needs to be sorted so that it is in 'key' order */
/* if two keys are equal then it is sorted in original rank order! */
qsort ((int*)sorted, my_size, sizeof(int)*2, rankkeycompare);
/* put group elements in a list */
procs = (lam_proc_t **) malloc ( sizeof(lam_proc_t *) * my_size);
if ( NULL == procs ) {
goto exit;
for (i = 0; i < my_size; i++) {
procs[i] = comm->c_local_group->grp_proc_pointers[sorted[i*2]];
/* Step 2: determine all the information for the remote group */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
if ( LAM_COMM_IS_INTER(comm) ) {
rsize = comm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_count;
rresults = (int *) malloc ( rsize * 2 * sizeof(int));
if ( NULL == rresults ) {
goto exit;
rc = comm->c_coll.coll_allgather_inter ( myinfo, 2, MPI_INT,
rresults, 2, MPI_INT,
comm );
if ( LAM_SUCCESS != rc ) {
goto exit;
/* how many have the same color like me */
for ( my_rsize = 0, i=0; i < rsize; i++) {
if ( rresults[(2*i)+0] == color) my_rsize++;
rsorted = (int *) malloc ( sizeof( int ) * my_rsize * 2);
if ( NULL == rsorted) {
goto exit;
/* ok we can now fill this info */
for( loc = 0, i = 0; i < rsize; i++ ) {
if ( rresults[(2*i)+0] == color) {
rsorted[(2*loc)+0] = i; /* org rank */
rsorted[(2*loc)+1] = rresults[(2*i)+1]; /* key */
/* the new array needs to be sorted so that it is in 'key' order */
/* if two keys are equal then it is sorted in original rank order! */
if(my_rsize>1) {
qsort ((int*)rsorted, my_rsize, sizeof(int)*2, rankkeycompare);
/* put group elements in a list */
rprocs = (lam_proc_t **) malloc ( sizeof(lam_proc_t *) * my_rsize);
if ( NULL == procs ) {
goto exit;
for (i = 0; i < my_rsize; i++) {
rprocs[i] = comm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_pointers[rsorted[i*2]];
/* creating an inter-communicator using MPI_Comm_create will
be supported soon, but not in this version */
goto exit;
else {
my_rsize = 0;
rprocs = NULL;
/* Step 3: set up the communicator */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Create the communicator finally */
newcomp = lam_comm_set ( mode, /* mode */
comm, /* old comm */
NULL, /* bridge comm */
my_size, /* local_size */
procs, /* local_procs*/
my_rsize, /* remote_size */
rprocs, /* remote_procs */
NULL, /* attrs */
comm->error_handler,/* error handler */
NULL, /* coll module */
NULL, /* topo module */
MPI_UNDEFINED, /* local leader */
MPI_UNDEFINED /* remote leader */
if ( MPI_COMM_NULL == newcomp ) rc = MPI_ERR_INTERN;
if ( NULL != results ) {
free ( results );
if ( NULL != sorted ) {
free ( sorted );
if ( NULL != rresults) {
free ( rresults );
if ( NULL != rsorted ) {
free ( rsorted );
if ( NULL != procs ) {
free ( procs );
if ( NULL != rprocs ) {
free ( rprocs );
/* Step 4: if we are not part of the comm, free the struct */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
if ( MPI_UNDEFINED == color ) {
lam_comm_free ( &newcomp );
*newcomm = newcomp;
return ( rc );
** Counterpart to MPI_Comm_free. To be used within LAM.
** The freeing of all attached objects (groups, errhandlers
** etc. ) has moved to the destructor.
int lam_comm_free ( lam_communicator_t **comm )
#if 0
/* Release attributes */
lam_attr_delete_all ( COMM_ATTR, comm );
/* Release the communicator */
OBJ_RELEASE ( comm );
*comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
lam_proc_t **lam_comm_get_rprocs ( lam_communicator_t *local_comm,
lam_communicator_t *bridge_comm,
int local_leader,
int remote_leader,
int tag,
int rsize)
int local_rank, local_size;
lam_proc_t **rprocs;
lam_job_handle_t job;
uint32_t *rvpids=NULL, *vpids=NULL;
int rc, i;
local_rank = lam_comm_rank ( local_comm );
vpids = (uint32_t *) malloc ( local_size * sizeof(uint32_t));
rvpids = (uint32_t *) malloc ( rsize * sizeof(uint32_t));
rprocs = (lam_proc_t **) malloc ( rsize * sizeof(lam_proc_t *));
if ( NULL == vpids || NULL == rvpids || NULL == rprocs ) {
goto err_exit;
if ( local_rank == local_leader ) {
MPI_Request req;
MPI_Status status;
/* generate vpid list */
for ( i = 0; i < local_size; i++ ){
vpids[i] = (uint32_t) local_comm->c_local_group->grp_proc_pointers[i]->proc_vpid;
/* local leader exchange group sizes and vpid lists */
rc = mca_pml.pml_irecv (rvpids, rsize, MPI_UNSIGNED, remote_leader, tag,
bridge_comm, &req );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
goto err_exit;
rc = mca_pml.pml_send (vpids, local_size, MPI_UNSIGNED, remote_leader, tag,
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
goto err_exit;
rc = mca_pml.pml_wait ( 1, &req, NULL, &status);
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
goto err_exit;
rc = local_comm->c_coll.coll_bcast_intra ( rvpids, rsize, MPI_UNSIGNED,
local_leader, local_comm );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
goto err_exit;
/* determine according proc-list */
if(NULL == (job = mca_pcm.pcm_handle_get())) {
return NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < rsize; i++ ) {
rprocs[i] = lam_proc_find ( job, rvpids[i] );
if ( NULL != vpids ) {
free ( vpids );
if ( NULL != rvpids) {
free ( rvpids );
/* rprocs has to be freed in the level above (i.e. intercomm_create ) */
return rprocs;
int lam_comm_determine_first ( lam_communicator_t *intercomm, int high )
int flag, rhigh;
int local_rank, rc;
lam_proc_t *lvpid, *rvpid;
lvpid = intercomm->c_local_group->grp_proc_pointers[0];
rvpid = intercomm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_pointers[0];
local_rank = lam_comm_rank ( intercomm );
* determine maximal high value over the intercomm
if ( lvpid->proc_vpid > rvpid->proc_vpid ) {
if ( 0 == local_rank ) {
rc = intercomm->c_coll.coll_bcast_inter ( &high, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT,
intercomm );
else {
rc = intercomm->c_coll.coll_bcast_inter ( &high, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_PROC_NULL,
intercomm );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
return rc;
rc = intercomm->c_coll.coll_bcast_inter ( &rhigh, 1, MPI_INT, 0, intercomm );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
return rc;
else {
rc = intercomm->c_coll.coll_bcast_inter ( &rhigh, 1, MPI_INT, 0, intercomm );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
return rc;
if ( 0 == local_rank ) {
rc = intercomm->c_coll.coll_bcast_inter ( &high, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT,
intercomm );
else {
rc = intercomm->c_coll.coll_bcast_inter ( &high, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_PROC_NULL,
intercomm );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
return rc;
/* This is the logic for determining who is first, who is second */
if ( high && !rhigh ) {
flag = true;
else if ( !high && rhigh ) {
flag = false;
else {
if ( lvpid > rvpid ) {
flag = true;
else {
flag = false;
return flag;
int lam_comm_dump ( lam_communicator_t *comm )
mca_pml_ptl_comm_t *pml_comm;
mca_ptl_sequence_t *seq;
lam_list_t *list;
int i;
printf("Dumping information for comm_cid %d\n", comm->c_contextid);
printf(" f2c index:%d cube_dim: %d\n", comm->c_f_to_c_index,
printf(" Local group: size = %d my_rank = %d\n",
comm->c_local_group->grp_my_rank );
printf(" Communicator is:");
/* Display flags */
if ( LAM_COMM_IS_INTER(comm) )
printf(" inter-comm,");
if ( LAM_COMM_IS_CART(comm))
printf(" topo-cart,");
if ( LAM_COMM_IS_GRAPH(comm))
printf(" topo-graph");
if (LAM_COMM_IS_INTER(comm)) {
printf(" Remote group size:%d\n", comm->c_remote_group->grp_proc_count);
/* Dump the c_pml_comm->c_unexpexted_frags for each process */
pml_comm = (mca_pml_ptl_comm_t *)comm->c_pml_comm;
seq = (mca_ptl_sequence_t *) pml_comm->c_frags_cant_match;
for ( i = 0; i < comm->c_local_group->grp_proc_count; i++ ){
list = (lam_list_t *)seq+i;
printf("%d: head->list_next:%p head->list_prev:%p"
" tail->list_next:%p tail->list_next:%p\n",
(char*)list->lam_list_tail.lam_list_prev );
/* static functions */
** rankkeygidcompare() compares a tuple of (rank,key,gid) producing
** sorted lists that match the rules needed for a MPI_Comm_split
static int rankkeycompare (const void *p, const void *q)
int *a, *b;
/* ranks at [0] key at [1] */
/* i.e. we cast and just compare the keys and then the original ranks.. */
a = (int*)p;
b = (int*)q;
/* simple tests are those where the keys are different */
if (a[1] < b[1]) {
return (-1);
if (a[1] > b[1]) {
return (1);
/* ok, if the keys are the same then we check the original ranks */
if (a[1] == b[1]) {
if (a[0] < b[0]) {
return (-1);
if (a[0] == b[0]) {
return (0);
if (a[0] > b[0]) {
return (1);
return ( 0 );