Finished; send a nightly report of illegal symbols found in the Open

MPI libraries and/or components

This commit was SVN r2812.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Jeff Squyres 2004-09-23 08:35:15 +00:00
родитель f82116d806
Коммит b7c8e307af

Просмотреть файл

@ -8,11 +8,7 @@
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $prefix = $ARGV[0];
if (! $prefix) {
die "Must supply the prefix to an Open MPI installation";
use Getopt::Long;
# Filenames of libraries to look through
@ -22,72 +18,271 @@ my @lib_suffixes = ('\.so', '\.a');
# Filenames of components to look through
my @comp_prefixes = ("mca_");
my @comp_suffices = (".so");
my @comp_suffixes = (".so");
# Acceptable public symbol prefixes
my @acceptable = ("ompi_" , "mpi_", "MPI_", "OMPI_", "MPI::", "PMPI_", "PMPI::", "mca_", "lt_" );
my @lib_acceptable = ("ompi_" , "mpi_", "MPI_", "OMPI_", "MPI::", "PMPI_", "PMPI::", "mca_", "lt_");
my @comp_acceptable = ("mca_");
# Troll through the library directory
# Subject line for e-mail
my $libdir = "$prefix/lib";
if (! -d $libdir) {
die "libdir does not exist: $libdir";
my $subject = "Open MPI Illegal symbol report";
# Troll through a list of directories looking for libraries
sub find_libs {
return find_files(\@_, \@lib_prefixes, \@lib_suffixes);
opendir(LIB, $libdir) || die "Unable to open libdir: $libdir";
my @dir_files = readdir(LIB);
# Ok, not efficient. Sue me. :-)
# Find all the matching files
my @found_files;
foreach my $prefix (@lib_prefixes) {
foreach my $suffix (@lib_suffixes) {
foreach my $file (@dir_files) {
if ($file =~ /^$prefix.*$suffix$/) {
push(@found_files, $file);
# Troll through a list of directories looking for components
sub find_comps {
return find_files(\@_, \@comp_prefixes, \@comp_suffixes);
sub find_files {
my ($dirs, $prefixes, $suffixes) = @_;
my @found_files;
foreach my $dir (@$dirs) {
if (! -d $dir) {
die "filedir does not exist: $dir";
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Unable to open dir: $dir";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
# Ok, not efficient. Sue me. :-)
# Find all the matching files
foreach my $prefix (@$prefixes) {
foreach my $suffix (@$suffixes) {
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ /^$prefix.*$suffix$/) {
push(@found_files, "$dir/$file");
# Run nm on each of those files looking for global symbols with "bad"
# Troll through a list of library files and look for "bad" symbol
# names
my @found_symbols;
foreach my $file (@found_files) {
open NM, "nm -l -C $libdir/$file|";
while (<NM>) {
my ($bogus1, $scope, $symbol, $location) = split(/[ \t]+/, $_);
if ($scope =~ /[A-Z]/ &&
$scope !~ /[UVW]/ &&
$symbol !~ /^_/) {
push(@found_symbols, {
file => $file,
symbol => $symbol,
scope => $scope,
location => $location,
sub check_libs {
return check_files(\@_, \@lib_acceptable);
# Troll through a list of component files and look for "bad" symbol
# names
sub check_comps {
return check_files(\@_, \@comp_acceptable);
sub check_files {
my ($files, $acceptable) = @_;
my $bad_symbols;
my $ok;
foreach my $file (@$files) {
open NM, "nm -l -C $file|";
while (<NM>) {
my ($bogus1, $scope, $symbol, $location) = split(/[ \t]+/, $_);
# Only look for symbols that are a) global [i.e.,
# uppercase scope], b) not U, V, or W
if ($scope =~ /[A-Z]/ &&
$scope !~ /[UVW]/ &&
$symbol !~ /^_/) {
$ok = 0;
foreach my $prefix (@$acceptable) {
if ($symbol =~ /^$prefix/) {
$ok = 1;
if (!$ok) {
my $line_num;
if (!$location) {
$location = "Unknown source file";
if ($location =~ /src\//) {
$location =~ s/.+?\/(src\/)/$1/;
if ($location =~ /:/) {
$line_num = $location;
$line_num =~ s/.+:([0-9]+)/$1/;
$location =~ s/(.+):.+/$1/;
push(@{$bad_symbols->{$file}->{$location}}, {
symbol => $symbol,
line => $line_num,
scope => $scope,
# find a program from a list and load it into the target variable
sub find_program {
my @names = @_;
# loop through the list and save the first one that we find
my $i = 0;
while ($i <= $#names) {
my $ret = system("which $names[$i] 2>&1 >/dev/null");
my $status = $ret >> 8;
if ($status == 0) {
return $names[$i];
return undef;
# main
my $mail;
my @libdir_arg;
my @lib_arg;
my @compdir_arg;
my @comp_arg;
my $prefix_arg;
my $email_arg;
# parse the command line
&Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "require_order");
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("libdir|l=s" => \@libdir_arg,
"lib=s" => \@lib_arg,
"compdir|c=s" => \@compdir_arg,
"comp=s" => \@comp_arg,
"prefix|p=s" => \$prefix_arg,
"email|e=s" => \$email_arg,
# Check args
if (!$email_arg) {
die "Must have an e-mail argument: specify --email <address>";
if ($#libdir_arg < 0 && $#lib_arg < 0 &&
$#compdir_arg < 0 && $#comp_arg < 0 &&
!$prefix_arg) {
die "Nothing to do!";
# Find a mail program
$mail = find_program(qw(Mail mailx mail));
die "Could not find mail program; aborting in despair\n"
if (!defined($mail));
# Look for libraries
my @libs;
if ($prefix_arg) {
push(@libdir_arg, "$prefix_arg/lib")
if (-d "$prefix_arg/lib");
if ($#libdir_arg >= 0) {
my $found = find_libs(@libdir_arg);
push(@libs, @$found);
foreach my $dir (@lib_arg) {
push(@libs, $dir)
if (-f $dir);
my $bad_libsymbols = check_libs(@libs);
# Look for components
my @comps;
if ($prefix_arg) {
push(@compdir_arg, "$prefix_arg/lib/openmpi")
if (-d "$prefix_arg/lib/openmpi");
if ($#compdir_arg >= 0) {
my $found = find_comps(@compdir_arg);
push(@comps, @$found);
foreach my $dir (@comp_arg) {
push(@comps, $dir)
if (-f $dir);
my $bad_compsymbols = check_comps(@comps);
# Did we find anything?
sub mail_symbols {
my ($bad, $mail) = @_;
foreach my $file (sort keys(%{$$bad})) {
print $mail "File: $file\n";
foreach my $location (sort keys(%{$$bad->{$file}})) {
print $mail " Source: $location\n";
my $array = $$bad->{$file}->{$location};
foreach my $symbol (@$array) {
if ($symbol->{line}) {
print $mail " --> Line $symbol->{line}: $symbol->{symbol}\n";
} else {
print $mail " --> $symbol->{symbol}\n";
print $mail "\n";
# Now list all the bad ones
if ($$bad_compsymbols || $$bad_libsymbols) {
my $ok;
foreach my $symbol (@found_symbols) {
$ok = 0;
foreach my $prefix (@acceptable) {
if ($symbol->{symbol} =~ /^$prefix/) {
$ok = 1;
open MAIL, "|$mail -s \"$subject\" \"$email_arg\"" ||
die "Could ot open pipe to output e-mail\n";
print MAIL "Found global symbols with missing or illegal prefixes\n\n";
if ($$bad_compsymbols) {
mail_symbols($bad_compsymbols, *MAIL{IO});
if (! $ok) {
print "$symbol->{file}: $symbol->{symbol}\n";
if ($symbol->{location}) {
print " --> $symbol->{location}\n";
if ($$bad_libsymbols) {
mail_symbols($bad_libsymbols, *MAIL{IO});
print MAIL "\nYour friendly server,\nCyrador\n";
close MAIL;