Fix Srun options and wait for DVM launch
Flush out the DVM ready notice on stdout Signed-off-by: Aurelien Bouteiller <>
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 Los Alamos National Security, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
@ -21,6 +25,7 @@ my $runall = 1;
my $rawoutput = 0;
my $myresults = "myresults";
my $ppn = 1;
my $npmin = 1;
my @csvrow;
my $multiplier = 1;
@ -29,8 +34,8 @@ my @options = ("", "", "", "-mca mpi_add_procs_cutoff 0 -mca pmix_base_async_mod
my @starterlist = qw(mpirun prun srun aprun);
my @starteroptionlist = (" --novm --timeout 600",
" --system-server-only",
" --distribution=cyclic --ntasks-per-node=",
" -N");
" --distribution=cyclic",
# Set to true if the script should merely print the cmds
# it would run, but don't run them
@ -54,6 +59,7 @@ GetOptions(
"rawout" => \$rawoutput,
"ppn=s" => \$ppn,
"multiplier=s" => \$multiplier,
"npmin=s" => \$npmin,
) or die "unable to parse options, stopped";
if ($HELP) {
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@ if ($HELP) {
--rawout Provide raw timing output to the file
--ppn=n Run n procs/node
--multiplier=n Run n daemons/node (only for DVM and mpirun)
--npmin=n Minimal number of nodes
@ -133,11 +140,11 @@ foreach $starter (@starterlist) {
push @starteroptions, $opt;
} elsif ($useaprun && $starter eq "aprun") {
push @starters, $starter;
$opt = $starteroptionlist[$idx] . " " . $ppn;
$opt = $starteroptionlist[$idx] . " -N " . $ppn;
push @starteroptions, $opt;
} elsif ($usesrun && $starter eq "srun") {
push @starters, $starter;
$opt = $starteroptionlist[$idx] . $ppn;
$opt = $starteroptionlist[$idx] . " --ntasks-per-node " . $ppn;
push @starteroptions, $opt;
@ -191,10 +198,21 @@ my $index = 0;
sub runcmd()
my $rc;
for (1..$reps) {
$output = `$cmd`;
# Check the error code of the command; if the error code is alright
# just add a 0 in front of the number to neutraly mark the success;
# If the code is not correct, add a ! in front of the number to mark
# it invalid.
if($? != 0) {
$rc = "0";
else {
$rc = "!";
if ($myresults && $rawoutput) {
print FILE $n . " " . $output . "\n";
print FILE $n . " " . $output . " $rc\n";
@lines = split(/\n/, $output);
foreach $line (@lines) {
@ -216,14 +234,14 @@ sub runcmd()
if (0 == $strloc) {
if (0 == $idx) {
# it must be in the next location
push @csvrow,$results[1];
push @csvrow,join $rc,$results[1];
} else {
# it must be in the prior location
push @csvrow,$results[$idx-1];
push @csvrow,join $rc,$results[$idx-1];
} else {
# take the portion of the string up to the tag
push @csvrow,substr($res, 0, $strloc);
push @csvrow,join $rc,substr($res, 0, $strloc);
} else {
$strloc = index($res, "elapsed");
@ -234,14 +252,14 @@ sub runcmd()
if (0 == $strloc) {
if (0 == $idx) {
# it must be in the next location
push @csvrow,$results[1];
push @csvrow,join $rc,$results[1];
} else {
# it must be in the prior location
push @csvrow,$results[$idx-1];
push @csvrow,join $rc,$results[$idx-1];
} else {
# take the portion of the string up to the tag
push @csvrow,substr($res, 0, $strloc);
push @csvrow,join $rc,substr($res, 0, $strloc);
@ -270,6 +288,7 @@ sub runcmd()
foreach $starter (@starters) {
my $dvmout;
print "STARTER: $starter\n";
# if we are going to use the dvm, then we
if ($starter eq "prun") {
@ -278,21 +297,22 @@ foreach $starter (@starters) {
$dvm = $dvm . " --mca rtc ^hwloc --mca ras_base_multiplier " . $multiplier;
# need to start it
print "##DVM: Launching $dvm\n";
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "\n\n$dvm\n";
if (!$SHOWME) {
unless ($pid = fork) {
unless (fork) {
exec "$dvm 2>&1";
die "no exec";
exit 0;
$havedvm = open($dvmout, $dvm."|") or die "##DVM: Spawn error $!\n";
print "##DVM: pid=$havedvm\n";
# Wait that the dvm reports that it is ready
my $waitready = <$dvmout>;
if($waitready =~ /DVM ready/i) {
print "##DVM: $waitready\n";
else {
die "##DVM: error: $waitready\n";
$havedvm = 1;
# give it a couple of seconds to start
sleep 2;
} else {
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "\n\n";
@ -305,6 +325,13 @@ foreach $starter (@starters) {
my $testnum = 0;
foreach $test (@tests) {
$option = $options[$testnum];
if ($starter eq "aprun") {
$option =~ s/-mca\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/-e OMPI_MCA_$1=$2/g;
if ($starter eq "srun") {
$option =~ s/-mca\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/OMPI_MCA_$1=$2,/g;
$option =~ s/\s*(OMPI_MCA\S+)/ --export=$1ALL/g;
if (-e $test) {
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "#nodes,$test,$option\n";
@ -322,11 +349,12 @@ foreach $starter (@starters) {
$n = 1;
$n = $npmin;
while ($n <= $num_nodes) {
push @csvrow,$n;
if ($starter eq "prun" or $starter eq "mpirun") {
$cmd = "time " . $starter . " " . $starteroptions[$index] . " $option -n $n $test 2>&1";
if ($starter eq "prun" or $starter eq "mpirun" or $starter eq "aprun") {
my $np = $n * $ppn;
$cmd = "time " . $starter . " " . $starteroptions[$index] . " $option -n $np $test 2>&1";
} else {
$cmd = "time " . $starter . " " . $starteroptions[$index] . " $option -N $n $test 2>&1";
@ -358,8 +386,8 @@ foreach $starter (@starters) {
if ($havedvm) {
if (!$SHOWME) {
$cmd = "prun --system-server-only --terminate";
my $rc = `$cmd`;
waitpid($pid, 0);
waitpid($havedvm, 0);
$havedvm = 0;
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ static void vm_ready(int fd, short args, void *cbdata)
/* notify that the vm is ready */
fprintf(stdout, "DVM ready\n");
fprintf(stdout, "DVM ready\n"); fflush(stdout);
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