removing nmcheck_prefix.pl due to false positives

This test has proven to produce too many false positives so far. I hope
to re-enable it in the future, but until it has a longer history of not
producing false postivies it doesn't need to produce false nuisance
failures for everybody.

Signed-off-by: Mark Allen <markalle@us.ibm.com>
Этот коммит содержится в:
Mark Allen 2017-08-21 00:34:55 -04:00
родитель b67b1e88a5
Коммит 9b029c1be3
5 изменённых файлов: 1 добавлений и 234 удалений

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@ -1419,7 +1419,6 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
m4_ifdef([project_ompi], [AC_CONFIG_FILES([test/monitoring/Makefile])])
m4_ifdef([project_ompi], [

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# support needs to be first for dependencies
SUBDIRS = support asm class threads datatype util dss symbol_name
SUBDIRS = support asm class threads datatype util dss
SUBDIRS += monitoring

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
# Note: the Jenkins tests on LANL-distcheck and travis-ci keep
# failing when I write this Makefile.am in the "obvious" way.
# The test ends up running in $PWD
# /path/to/openmpi-gitclone/_build/test/symbol_name/
# while files like nmcheck_prefix and nmcheck_prefix.pl are in
# /path/to/openmpi-gitclone/test/symbol_name/
# and can be located with the env var $srcdir
# I tried putting nmchec_prefix.pl in check_SCRIPTS and that does
# cause a "make nmcheck_prefix.pl" step, but it then says there's
# no rule to make that target.
# Since I don't know what is the "correct" way to access the extra file
# nmcheck_prefix.pl, what I'm doing for now is using $srcdir to
# find it.
TESTS = nmcheck_prefix
EXTRA_DIST = nmcheck_prefix nmcheck_prefix.pl
export VERBOSE=yes

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
# if there's no perl, skip the test
perl -v > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit 77 ; fi
# I wrote more in Makedefs.am about why I'm using ${srcdir} here. I suspect
# there's a more correct way to set up automake so the file is available,
# but nothing else has worked for me yet.
perl ${srcdir}/nmcheck_prefix.pl

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@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
sub main {
if (!$ENV{MYBASE}) {
print "Test expects env var MYBASE set to base dir\n";
print "(where ompi/ opal/ orte/ test/ etc live)\n";
print "And optionally OMPI_LIBMPI_NAME should be set\n";
print "if MPI is configured with some name other than\n";
print "\"mpi\" for that.\n";
exit -1;
# env var MYBASE should be the top dir where ompi/ opal/ orte/ test/ etc live.
# env var OMPI_LIBMPI_NAME should be @OMPI_LIBMPI_NAME@ from automake
# Most likely the libs we want to check are
# ompi/.libs/lib<mpi>.so
# ompi/mpi/fortran/mpif-h/.libs/lib<mpi>_mpifh.so
# ompi/mpi/fortran/use-mpi-tkr/.libs/lib<mpi>_usempi.so
# orte/.libs/libopen-rte.so
# opal/.libs/libopen-pal.so
# but I hate to assume those are the locations, so I'll use 'find' and
# test whatever ".so"s are found.
@libs = ();
$mpi = "mpi";
for $name (
"libopen-pal.so" )
for $loc (split(/\n/, `find $ENV{MYBASE} -name $name`)) {
if ($loc !~ /openmpi-gitclone/) {
push @libs, $loc;
@mca_symbols = lookup_mca_symbols();
print "Checking for bad symbol names in the main libs:\n";
$isbad = 0;
for $lib (@libs) {
print "checking $lib\n";
if ($isbad) { exit(-1); }
# Find libraries with names of the form libmca_coll_basic.a etc
# and presume those to be MCAs that are being built into libmpi.so etc
# rather than the usual case where it becomes mca_coll_basic.so.
# When name pollution occurs in an MCA .so we don't care about it.
# When it's an MCA built into libmpi.so we care a little, but aren't
# going to make this testcase fail over it.
sub lookup_mca_symbols {
my @list;
my $lib;
@list = ();
for $lib (split(/\n/, `find $ENV{MYBASE} -name libmca_[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\\.a`))
if ($lib !~ /openmpi-gitclone/) {
print "NOTE: found static $lib\n";
push @list, get_nm($lib, 'all');
return @list;
sub check_lib_for_bad_exports {
my $lib = $_[0];
my @symbols;
my $s;
@symbols = get_nm($lib, 'all');
# grep to get rid of symbol prefixes that are considered acceptable,
# leaving behind anything bad:
@symbols = grep(!/^ompi_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^opal_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^orte_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^orted_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^oshmem_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^mpi_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^pmpi_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^pmix_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^pmix2x_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^PMI_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^PMI2_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^MPIR_/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^MPIX_/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^mpidbg_dll_locations$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^mpimsgq_dll_locations$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^ompit_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^ADIO_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^ADIOI_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^MPIO_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^MPIOI_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^MPIU_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^NBC_/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^mca_/, @symbols);
# in libmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr.so someone posted an MTT test where
# the compiler produced symbols like
# [error] MPI
# [error] _Cmpi_fortran_status_ignore
# [error] _Cmpi_fortran_statuses_ignore
# which we shouldn't identify as bad:
@symbols = grep(!/^MPI$/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_Cmpi_/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^mpi._$/i, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_fini$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_init$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_edata$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_+end_*$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_+bss_start_*$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^_+bss_end_*$/, @symbols);
@symbols = grep(!/^__malloc_initialize_hook$/, @symbols);
# The symbols can now be split into two groups: fatal and warning.
# The warnings will be for symbols that appear to be from MCAs that
# this build has placed into a main lib, but which would normally
# be segregated into some mca_*.so
# for the fatal ones.
@warning_symbols = @fatal_symbols = ();
if (scalar(@mca_symbols) > 0) {
%whash = ();
for $s (@mca_symbols) {
$whash{$s} = 1;
for $s (@symbols) {
if ($whash{$s}) {
push @warning_symbols, $s;
} else {
push @fatal_symbols, $s;
} else {
@fatal_symbols = @symbols;
for $s (@fatal_symbols) {
print " [error] $s\n";
$isbad = 1;
for $s (@warning_symbols) {
print " [warning] $s \n";
# get_nm /path/to/some/libfoo.so <func|wfunc|all>
sub get_nm {
my $lib = $_[0];
my $mode = $_[1];
my $pattern;
my $cmd;
my @tmp;
$pattern = " [TWBCDVR] ";
if ($mode eq 'func') { $pattern = " [T] "; }
if ($mode eq 'wfunc') { $pattern = " [W] "; }
$cmd = "nm $lib";
$cmd = "$cmd | grep \"$pattern\"";
$cmd = "$cmd | sed -e 's/ *\$//' -e 's/.* //'";
@tmp = split(/\n/, qx#$cmd#);
@tmp = sort(@tmp);