io/romio: do not use removed functions
This commit attempts to update the romio io component to not use functions removed in MPI-3.0 (2012). This is a first cut and will probably need to be reviewed for correctness. Signed-off-by: Nathan Hjelm <>
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void ADIOI_NFS_ReadStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0;
int req_len, partial_read;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset userbuf_off;
ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset=0, readbuf_off, start_off;
@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ void ADIOI_NFS_ReadStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
bufsize = buftype_size * count;
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void ADIOI_NFS_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0;
int req_len;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset userbuf_off;
ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset=0, writebuf_off, start_off;
@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ void ADIOI_NFS_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
bufsize = buftype_size * count;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ADIO_Offset ADIOI_TESTFS_SeekIndividual(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset offset,
int size_in_filetype;
int filetype_is_contig;
MPI_Count filetype_size;
MPI_Aint etype_size, filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint etype_size, filetype_extent, lb;
*error_code = MPI_SUCCESS;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ ADIO_Offset ADIOI_TESTFS_SeekIndividual(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset offset,
flat_file = ADIOI_Flatlist;
while (flat_file->type != fd->filetype) flat_file = flat_file->next;
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
if ( ! filetype_size ) {
*error_code = MPI_SUCCESS;
@ -237,18 +237,18 @@ void ADIOI_Calc_file_realms_fsize (ADIO_File fd, int nprocs_for_coll,
void ADIOI_Create_fr_simpletype (int size, int nprocs_for_coll,
MPI_Datatype *simpletype)
int count=2, blocklens[2];
MPI_Aint indices[2];
MPI_Datatype old_types[2];
int count=1, blocklens[1];
MPI_Aint indices[1];
MPI_Datatype old_types[1];
MPI_Datatype inttype;
blocklens[0] = size;
blocklens[1] = 1;
indices[0] = 0;
indices[1] = size*nprocs_for_coll;
old_types[0] = MPI_BYTE;
old_types[1] = MPI_UB;
MPI_Type_struct (count, blocklens, indices, old_types, simpletype);
MPI_Type_create_struct (count, blocklens, indices, old_types, &inttype);
MPI_Type_create_resized (inttype, 0, size*nprocs_for_coll, simpletype);
MPI_Type_free (&inttype);
MPI_Type_commit (simpletype);
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ static inline int get_next_fr_off(ADIO_File fd,
ADIO_Offset *fr_next_off_p,
ADIO_Offset *fr_max_len_p)
MPI_Aint fr_extent = -1;
MPI_Aint fr_extent = -1, lb;
ADIO_Offset tmp_off, off_rem;
ADIOI_Flatlist_node *fr_node_p = ADIOI_Flatlist;
int i = -1, fr_dtype_ct = 0;
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ static inline int get_next_fr_off(ADIO_File fd,
/* Calculate how many times to loop through the fr_type
* and where the next fr_off is. */
MPI_Type_extent(*fr_type_p, &fr_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(*fr_type_p, &lb, &fr_extent);
tmp_off = off - fr_st_off;
fr_dtype_ct = tmp_off / fr_extent;
off_rem = tmp_off % fr_extent;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void ADIOI_Exch_file_views(int myrank, int nprocs, int file_ptr_type,
MPI_Request *send_req_arr = NULL, *recv_req_arr = NULL;
MPI_Status *statuses = NULL;
ADIO_Offset disp_off_sz_ext_typesz[6];
MPI_Aint memtype_extent, filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint memtype_extent, filetype_extent, lb;
int ret = -1;
/* parameters for datatypes */
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void ADIOI_Exch_file_views(int myrank, int nprocs, int file_ptr_type,
* freed in the close and should have been flattened in the file
* view. */
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &memtype_sz);
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &memtype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &memtype_extent);
if (memtype_sz == memtype_extent) {
memtype_is_contig = 1;
flat_mem_p = ADIOI_Add_contig_flattened(datatype);
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void ADIOI_Exch_file_views(int myrank, int nprocs, int file_ptr_type,
flat_mem_p = flat_mem_p->next;
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_sz);
if (filetype_extent == filetype_sz) {
flat_file_p = ADIOI_Add_contig_flattened(fd->filetype);
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ int ADIO_Type_create_darray(int size, int rank, int ndims,
int order, MPI_Datatype oldtype,
MPI_Datatype *newtype)
MPI_Datatype type_old, type_new=MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, types[3];
int procs, tmp_rank, i, tmp_size, blklens[3], *coords;
MPI_Aint *st_offsets, orig_extent, disps[3];
MPI_Datatype type_old, type_new=MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, inttype;
int procs, tmp_rank, i, tmp_size, blklen, *coords;
MPI_Aint *st_offsets, orig_extent, disp, ub, lb;
MPI_Type_extent(oldtype, &orig_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(oldtype, &lb, &orig_extent);
/* calculate position in Cartesian grid as MPI would (row-major
ordering) */
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ int ADIO_Type_create_darray(int size, int rank, int ndims,
/* add displacement and UB */
disps[1] = st_offsets[0];
disp = st_offsets[0];
tmp_size = 1;
for (i=1; i<ndims; i++) {
tmp_size *= array_of_gsizes[i-1];
disps[1] += (MPI_Aint)tmp_size*st_offsets[i];
disp += (MPI_Aint)tmp_size*st_offsets[i];
/* rest done below for both Fortran and C order */
@ -115,26 +115,24 @@ int ADIO_Type_create_darray(int size, int rank, int ndims,
/* add displacement and UB */
disps[1] = st_offsets[ndims-1];
disp = st_offsets[ndims-1];
tmp_size = 1;
for (i=ndims-2; i>=0; i--) {
tmp_size *= array_of_gsizes[i+1];
disps[1] += (MPI_Aint)tmp_size*st_offsets[i];
disp += (MPI_Aint)tmp_size*st_offsets[i];
disps[1] *= orig_extent;
disp *= orig_extent;
disps[2] = orig_extent;
for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) disps[2] *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[i];
ub = orig_extent;
for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) ub *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[i];
disps[0] = 0;
blklens[0] = blklens[1] = blklens[2] = 1;
types[0] = MPI_LB;
types[1] = type_new;
types[2] = MPI_UB;
blklen = 1;
MPI_Type_struct(3, blklens, disps, types, newtype);
MPI_Type_create_struct(1, &blklen, &disp, &type_new, &inttype);
MPI_Type_create_resized (inttype, 0, ub, newtype);
MPI_Type_free (&inttype);
@ -184,7 +182,7 @@ static int MPIOI_Type_block(int *array_of_gsizes, int dim, int ndims, int nprocs
MPI_Type_contiguous(mysize, type_old, type_new);
else {
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) stride *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[i];
MPI_Type_hvector(mysize, 1, stride, type_old, type_new);
MPI_Type_create_hvector(mysize, 1, stride, type_old, type_new);
else {
@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ static int MPIOI_Type_block(int *array_of_gsizes, int dim, int ndims, int nprocs
MPI_Type_contiguous(mysize, type_old, type_new);
else {
for (i=ndims-1; i>dim; i--) stride *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[i];
MPI_Type_hvector(mysize, 1, stride, type_old, type_new);
MPI_Type_create_hvector(mysize, 1, stride, type_old, type_new);
@ -217,7 +215,7 @@ static int MPIOI_Type_cyclic(int *array_of_gsizes, int dim, int ndims, int nproc
rank = coordinate of this process in dimension dim */
int blksize, i, blklens[3], st_index, end_index, local_size, rem, count;
MPI_Aint stride, disps[3];
MPI_Datatype type_tmp, types[3];
MPI_Datatype type_tmp, type_tmp1, types[3];
if (darg == MPI_DISTRIBUTE_DFLT_DARG) blksize = 1;
else blksize = darg;
@ -246,7 +244,7 @@ static int MPIOI_Type_cyclic(int *array_of_gsizes, int dim, int ndims, int nproc
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) stride *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[i];
else for (i=ndims-1; i>dim; i--) stride *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[i];
MPI_Type_hvector(count, blksize, stride, type_old, type_new);
MPI_Type_create_hvector(count, blksize, stride, type_old, type_new);
if (rem) {
/* if the last block is of size less than blksize, include
@ -259,7 +257,7 @@ static int MPIOI_Type_cyclic(int *array_of_gsizes, int dim, int ndims, int nproc
blklens[0] = 1;
blklens[1] = rem;
MPI_Type_struct(2, blklens, disps, types, &type_tmp);
MPI_Type_create_struct(2, blklens, disps, types, &type_tmp);
*type_new = type_tmp;
@ -269,14 +267,12 @@ static int MPIOI_Type_cyclic(int *array_of_gsizes, int dim, int ndims, int nproc
dimension correctly. */
if ( ((order == MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN) && (dim == 0)) ||
((order == MPI_ORDER_C) && (dim == ndims-1)) ) {
types[0] = MPI_LB;
disps[0] = 0;
types[1] = *type_new;
disps[1] = (MPI_Aint)rank * (MPI_Aint)blksize * orig_extent;
types[2] = MPI_UB;
disps[2] = orig_extent * (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[dim];
blklens[0] = blklens[1] = blklens[2] = 1;
MPI_Type_struct(3, blklens, disps, types, &type_tmp);
types[0] = *type_new;
disps[0] = (MPI_Aint)rank * (MPI_Aint)blksize * orig_extent;
blklens[0] = 1;
MPI_Type_create_struct(1, blklens, disps, types, &type_tmp1);
MPI_Type_create_resized (type_tmp1, 0, orig_extent * (MPI_Aint)array_of_gsizes[dim], &type_tmp);
*type_new = type_tmp;
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ int ADIOI_End_call(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, void
MPI_Comm_free_keyval (&keyval);
/* The end call will be called after all possible uses of this keyval, even
* if a file was opened with MPI_COMM_SELF. Note, this assumes LIFO
* MPI_COMM_SELF attribute destruction behavior mandated by MPI-2.2. */
if (ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval != MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID)
MPI_Comm_free_keyval (&ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval);
return error_code;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void ADIOI_IOStridedColl (ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, int rdwr,
int interleave_count = 0, i, nprocs, myrank, nprocs_for_coll;
int cb_enable;
ADIO_Offset bufsize;
MPI_Aint extent;
MPI_Aint extent, lb;
#ifdef DEBUG2
MPI_Aint bufextent;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ void ADIOI_IOStridedColl (ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, int rdwr,
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &extent);
#ifdef DEBUG2
bufextent = extent * count;
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ void ADIOI_Calc_bounds (ADIO_File fd, int count, MPI_Datatype buftype,
MPI_Count filetype_size, buftype_size, etype_size;
int sum;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, lb;
ADIO_Offset total_io;
int filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset i, remainder;
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ void ADIOI_Calc_bounds (ADIO_File fd, int count, MPI_Datatype buftype,
ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig (fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig);
MPI_Type_size_x (fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
MPI_Type_extent (fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent (fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x (fd->etype, &etype_size);
MPI_Type_size_x (buftype, &buftype_size);
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ void ADIOI_IOFiletype(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
int user_ind_rd_buffer_size;
int f_is_contig, m_is_contig;
int user_ds_read, user_ds_write;
MPI_Aint f_extent;
MPI_Aint f_extent, lb;
MPI_Count f_size;
int f_ds_percent; /* size/extent */
@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ void ADIOI_IOFiletype(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
MPE_Log_event(5008, 0, NULL);
MPI_Type_extent(custom_ftype, &f_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(custom_ftype, &lb, &f_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(custom_ftype, &f_size);
f_ds_percent = 100 * f_size / f_extent;
@ -307,8 +307,7 @@ void ADIOI_Calc_my_off_len(ADIO_File fd, int bufcount, MPI_Datatype
ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig);
MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_lb(fd->filetype, &filetype_lb);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
@ -524,7 +523,7 @@ static void ADIOI_Read_and_exch(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, MPI_Datatype
int req_len, flag, rank;
MPI_Status status;
ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf=NULL;
MPI_Aint buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint buftype_extent, lb;
int coll_bufsize;
*error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; /* changed below if error */
@ -605,7 +604,7 @@ static void ADIOI_Read_and_exch(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, MPI_Datatype
flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatlist;
while (flat_buf->type != datatype) flat_buf = flat_buf->next;
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
done = 0;
off = st_loc;
@ -685,7 +684,7 @@ static void ADIOI_Read_and_exch(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, MPI_Datatype
if (req_off < real_off + real_size) {
ADIOI_Assert((((ADIO_Offset)(MPIR_Upint)read_buf)+req_off-real_off) == (ADIO_Offset)(MPIR_Upint)(read_buf+req_off-real_off));
ADIOI_Assert((real_off + real_size - req_off) == (int)(real_off + real_size - req_off));
send_size[i] += (int)(ADIOI_MIN(real_off + real_size - req_off,
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_ReadStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype, st_n_filetypes, size_in_filetype;
ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0, new_frd_size, frd_size=0, st_frd_size;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size, partial_read;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset userbuf_off, req_len, sum;
ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset=0, readbuf_off, start_off;
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_ReadStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
ADIOI_Assert((buftype_size * count) == ((ADIO_Offset)(MPI_Count)buftype_size * (ADIO_Offset)count));
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_ReadStrided_naive(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0;
MPI_Count bufsize, filetype_size, buftype_size, size_in_filetype;
ADIO_Offset etype_size;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset userbuf_off;
ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset=0, start_off;
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_ReadStrided_naive(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(buftype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(buftype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(buftype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
ADIOI_Assert((buftype_size * count) == ((ADIO_Offset)buftype_size * (ADIO_Offset)count));
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ADIO_Offset ADIOI_GEN_SeekIndividual(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset offset,
ADIO_Offset size_in_filetype, sum;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size;
int filetype_is_contig;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, lb;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ADIO_Offset ADIOI_GEN_SeekIndividual(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset offset,
flat_file = ADIOI_Flatlist;
while (flat_file->type != fd->filetype) flat_file = flat_file->next;
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
if ( ! filetype_size ) {
/* Since offset relative to the filetype size, we can't
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ int ADIO_Type_create_subarray(int ndims,
MPI_Datatype oldtype,
MPI_Datatype *newtype)
MPI_Aint extent, disps[3], size;
int i, blklens[3];
MPI_Datatype tmp1, tmp2, types[3];
MPI_Aint extent, disp, size, lb, ub;
int i, blklen;
MPI_Datatype tmp1, tmp2, inttype;
MPI_Type_extent(oldtype, &extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(oldtype, &lb, &extent);
if (order == MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN) {
/* dimension 0 changes fastest */
@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ int ADIO_Type_create_subarray(int ndims,
size = (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[0]*extent;
for (i=2; i<ndims; i++) {
size *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[i-1];
MPI_Type_hvector(array_of_subsizes[i], 1, size, tmp1, &tmp2);
MPI_Type_create_hvector(array_of_subsizes[i], 1, size, tmp1, &tmp2);
tmp1 = tmp2;
/* add displacement and UB */
disps[1] = array_of_starts[0];
disp = array_of_starts[0];
size = 1;
for (i=1; i<ndims; i++) {
size *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[i-1];
disps[1] += size*(MPI_Aint)array_of_starts[i];
disp += size*(MPI_Aint)array_of_starts[i];
/* rest done below for both Fortran and C order */
@ -64,33 +64,31 @@ int ADIO_Type_create_subarray(int ndims,
size = (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[ndims-1]*extent;
for (i=ndims-3; i>=0; i--) {
size *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[i+1];
MPI_Type_hvector(array_of_subsizes[i], 1, size, tmp1, &tmp2);
MPI_Type_create_hvector(array_of_subsizes[i], 1, size, tmp1, &tmp2);
tmp1 = tmp2;
/* add displacement and UB */
disps[1] = array_of_starts[ndims-1];
disp = array_of_starts[ndims-1];
size = 1;
for (i=ndims-2; i>=0; i--) {
size *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[i+1];
disps[1] += size*(MPI_Aint)array_of_starts[i];
disp += size*(MPI_Aint)array_of_starts[i];
disps[1] *= extent;
disp *= extent;
disps[2] = extent;
for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) disps[2] *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[i];
ub = extent;
for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) ub *= (MPI_Aint)array_of_sizes[i];
disps[0] = 0;
blklens[0] = blklens[1] = blklens[2] = 1;
types[0] = MPI_LB;
types[1] = tmp1;
types[2] = MPI_UB;
blklen = 1;
MPI_Type_struct(3, blklens, disps, types, newtype);
MPI_Type_create_struct(1, &blklen, &disp, &tmp1, &inttype);
MPI_Type_create_resized (inttype, 0, ub, newtype);
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ static void ADIOI_Exch_and_write(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, MPI_Datatype
int *send_buf_idx, *curr_to_proc, *done_to_proc;
MPI_Status status;
ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf=NULL;
MPI_Aint buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint buftype_extent, lb;
int info_flag, coll_bufsize;
char *value;
static char myname[] = "ADIOI_EXCH_AND_WRITE";
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ static void ADIOI_Exch_and_write(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, MPI_Datatype
flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatlist;
while (flat_buf->type != datatype) flat_buf = flat_buf->next;
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
/* I need to check if there are any outstanding nonblocking writes to
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ static void ADIOI_Exch_and_write(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, MPI_Datatype
if (req_off < off + size) {
ADIOI_Assert((((ADIO_Offset)(MPIR_Upint)write_buf)+req_off-off) == (ADIO_Offset)(MPIR_Upint)(write_buf+req_off-off));
ADIOI_Assert((off + size - req_off) == (int)(off + size - req_off));
recv_size[i] += (int)(ADIOI_MIN(off + size - req_off,
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void ADIOI_NOLOCK_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype, size, sum;
ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0, size_in_filetype;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, indx;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, indx, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset off, disp;
int flag, err_flag=0;
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ void ADIOI_NOLOCK_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
MPI_Comm_size(fd->comm, &nprocs);
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
ADIOI_Assert((buftype_size * count) == ((ADIO_Offset)(unsigned)buftype_size * (ADIO_Offset)count));
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset num, size, n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype, st_n_filetypes;
ADIO_Offset n_etypes_in_filetype, abs_off_in_filetype=0;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset userbuf_off;
ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset=0, writebuf_off, start_off;
@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(datatype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
ADIOI_Assert((buftype_size * count) == ((MPI_Count)buftype_size * (ADIO_Offset)count));
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_WriteStrided_naive(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
ADIO_Offset size, n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype;
ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype=0, req_len;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent, lb;
int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
ADIO_Offset userbuf_off;
ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset=0, start_off;
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ void ADIOI_GEN_WriteStrided_naive(ADIO_File fd, const void *buf, int count,
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_size_x(buftype, &buftype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(buftype, &buftype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(buftype, &lb, &buftype_extent);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
ADIOI_Assert((buftype_size * count) == ((ADIO_Offset)(unsigned)buftype_size * (ADIO_Offset)count));
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ void ADIOI_Get_byte_offset(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Offset *disp)
ADIO_Offset n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype, sum, abs_off_in_filetype=0, size_in_filetype;
MPI_Count n_etypes_in_filetype, filetype_size, etype_size;
int filetype_is_contig;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, lb;
ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig);
etype_size = fd->etype_size;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void ADIOI_Get_byte_offset(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Offset *disp)
/* abs. offset in bytes in the file */
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
*disp = fd->disp + n_filetypes * ADIOI_AINT_CAST_TO_OFFSET filetype_extent + abs_off_in_filetype;
@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ int ADIOI_cb_gather_name_array(MPI_Comm comm,
if (ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval == MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID) {
/* cleaned up by ADIOI_End_call */
MPI_Keyval_create((MPI_Copy_function *) ADIOI_cb_copy_name_array,
MPI_Comm_create_keyval((MPI_Copy_function *) ADIOI_cb_copy_name_array,
(MPI_Delete_function *) ADIOI_cb_delete_name_array,
&ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, NULL);
else {
MPI_Attr_get(comm, ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, (void *) &array, &found);
MPI_Comm_get_attr(comm, ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, (void *) &array, &found);
if (found) {
ADIOI_Assert(array != NULL);
*arrayp = array;
@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ int ADIOI_cb_gather_name_array(MPI_Comm comm,
* it next time an open is performed on this same comm, and on the
* dupcomm, so we can use it in I/O operations.
MPI_Attr_put(comm, ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, array);
MPI_Attr_put(dupcomm, ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, array);
MPI_Comm_set_attr (comm, ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, array);
MPI_Comm_set_attr (dupcomm, ADIOI_cb_config_list_keyval, array);
*arrayp = array;
return 0;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ void ADIOI_Get_eof_offset(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset *eof_offset)
ADIO_Offset fsize, disp, sum=0, size_in_file, n_filetypes, rem, etype_size;
int flag, i;
ADIO_Fcntl_t *fcntl_struct;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, lb;
ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_file;
/* find the eof in bytes */
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void ADIOI_Get_eof_offset(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset *eof_offset)
flat_file = flat_file->next;
MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
disp = fd->disp;
n_filetypes = -1;
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
avoid >2G integer arithmetic problems */
ADIO_Offset top_count;
MPI_Count j, old_size, prev_index, num;
MPI_Aint old_extent;/* Assume extents are non-negative */
MPI_Aint old_extent, lb;/* Assume extents are non-negative */
int *ints;
MPI_Aint *adds; /* Make no assumptions about +/- sign on these */
MPI_Datatype *types;
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
num = *curr_index - prev_index;
/* The noncontiguous types have to be replicated count times */
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
for (m=1; m<top_count; m++) {
for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
flat->indices[j] = flat->indices[j-num] + ADIOI_AINT_CAST_TO_OFFSET old_extent;
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
/* The noncontiguous types have to be replicated blocklen times
and then strided. Replicate the first one. */
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
for (m=1; m<blocklength; m++) {
for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
flat->indices[j] = flat->indices[j-num] + ADIOI_AINT_CAST_TO_OFFSET old_extent;
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
/* The noncontiguous types have to be replicated blocklen times
and then strided. Replicate the first one. */
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
for (m=1; m<blocklength; m++) {
for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
flat->indices[j] = flat->indices[j-num] + ADIOI_AINT_CAST_TO_OFFSET old_extent;
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
ADIOI_Type_get_envelope(types[0], &old_nints, &old_nadds,
&old_ntypes, &old_combiner);
ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(types[0], &old_is_contig);
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
prev_index = *curr_index;
if ((old_combiner != MPI_COMBINER_NAMED) && (!old_is_contig))
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
ADIOI_Type_get_envelope(types[0], &old_nints, &old_nadds,
&old_ntypes, &old_combiner);
ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(types[0], &old_is_contig);
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
prev_index = *curr_index;
if ((old_combiner != MPI_COMBINER_NAMED) && (!old_is_contig))
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
if (is_hindexed_block) {
/* this is the one place the hindexed case uses the
* extent of a type */
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
flat->indices[j] = flat->indices[j-num] +
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
/* The noncontiguous types have to be replicated blocklens[i] times
and then strided. Replicate the first one. */
MPI_Type_extent(types[0], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[0], &lb, &old_extent);
for (m=1; m<ints[1]; m++) {
for (i=0, nonzeroth=j; i<num; i++) {
if (flat->blocklens[j-num] > 0) {
@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
/* simplest case, current type is basic or contiguous types */
/* By using ADIO_Offset we preserve +/- sign and
avoid >2G integer arithmetic problems */
if (ints[1+n] > 0 || types[n] == MPI_LB || types[n] == MPI_UB) {
if (ints[1+n] > 0) {
ADIO_Offset blocklength = ints[1+n];
j = *curr_index;
flat->indices[j] = st_offset + adds[n];
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ void ADIOI_Flatten(MPI_Datatype datatype, ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat,
num = *curr_index - prev_index;
/* The current type has to be replicated blocklens[n] times */
MPI_Type_extent(types[n], &old_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(types[n], &lb, &old_extent);
for (m=1; m<ints[1+n]; m++) {
for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
flat->indices[j] =
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ void ADIOI_Get_position(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset *offset)
int i, flag;
MPI_Count filetype_size, etype_size;
int filetype_is_contig;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent;
MPI_Aint filetype_extent, lb;
ADIO_Offset disp, byte_offset, sum=0, size_in_file, n_filetypes, frd_size;
ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void ADIOI_Get_position(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset *offset)
while (flat_file->type != fd->filetype) flat_file = flat_file->next;
MPI_Type_size_x(fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
MPI_Type_get_extent(fd->filetype, &lb, &filetype_extent);
disp = fd->disp;
byte_offset = fd->fp_ind;
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
#undef MPI_Abort
#define MPI_Abort PMPI_Abort
#undef MPI_Address
#define MPI_Address PMPI_Address
#undef MPI_Allgather
#define MPI_Allgather PMPI_Allgather
#undef MPI_Allgatherv
@ -30,8 +28,6 @@
#define MPI_Attr_delete PMPI_Attr_delete
#undef MPI_Attr_get
#define MPI_Attr_get PMPI_Attr_get
#undef MPI_Attr_put
#define MPI_Attr_put PMPI_Attr_put
#undef MPI_Barrier
#define MPI_Barrier PMPI_Barrier
#undef MPI_Bcast
@ -68,10 +64,14 @@
#define MPI_Comm_compare PMPI_Comm_compare
#undef MPI_Comm_create
#define MPI_Comm_create PMPI_Comm_create
#undef MPI_Comm_create_keyval
#define MPI_Comm_create_keyval PMPI_Comm_create_keyval
#undef MPI_Comm_dup
#define MPI_Comm_dup PMPI_Comm_dup
#undef MPI_Comm_free
#define MPI_Comm_free PMPI_Comm_free
#undef MPI_Comm_free_keyval
#define MPI_Comm_free_keyval PMPI_Comm_free_keyval
#undef MPI_Comm_group
#define MPI_Comm_group PMPI_Comm_group
#undef MPI_Comm_rank
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@
#define MPI_Comm_remote_group PMPI_Comm_remote_group
#undef MPI_Comm_remote_size
#define MPI_Comm_remote_size PMPI_Comm_remote_size
#undef MPI_Comm_set_attr
#define MPI_Comm_set_attr PMPI_Comm_set_attr
#undef MPI_Comm_size
#define MPI_Comm_size PMPI_Comm_size
#undef MPI_Comm_split
@ -106,6 +108,8 @@
#define MPI_Gather PMPI_Gather
#undef MPI_Gatherv
#define MPI_Gatherv PMPI_Gatherv
#undef MPI_Get_address
#define MPI_Get_address PMPI_Get_address
#undef MPI_Get_count
#define MPI_Get_count PMPI_Get_count
#undef MPI_Get_elements
@ -170,10 +174,6 @@
#define MPI_Isend PMPI_Isend
#undef MPI_Issend
#define MPI_Issend PMPI_Issend
#undef MPI_Keyval_create
#define MPI_Keyval_create PMPI_Keyval_create
#undef MPI_Keyval_free
#define MPI_Keyval_free PMPI_Keyval_free
#undef MPI_Name_get
#define MPI_Name_get PMPI_Name_get
#undef MPI_Name_put
@ -248,14 +248,22 @@
#define MPI_Type_contiguous PMPI_Type_contiguous
#undef MPI_Type_count
#define MPI_Type_count PMPI_Type_count
#undef MPI_Type_create_struct
#define MPI_Type_create_struct PMPI_Type_create_struct
#undef MPI_Type_create_resized
#define MPI_Type_create_resized PMPI_Type_create_resized
/* #define MPI_Type_create_darray PMPI_Type_create_darray */
#undef MPI_Type_create_indexed_block
#define MPI_Type_create_indexed_block PMPI_Type_create_indexed_block
#undef MPI_Type_create_hindexed
#define MPI_Type_create_hindexed PMPI_Type_create_hindexed
#undef MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block
#define MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block PMPI_Type_create_hindexed_block
#undef MPI_Type_create_hvector
#define MPI_Type_create_hvector PMPI_Type_create_hvector
/* #define MPI_Type_create_subarray PMPI_Type_create_subarray */
#undef MPI_Type_extent
#define MPI_Type_extent PMPI_Type_extent
#undef MPI_Type_get_extent
#define MPI_Type_get_extent PMPI_Type_get_extent
#undef MPI_Type_free
#define MPI_Type_free PMPI_Type_free
#undef MPI_Type_get_contents
@ -264,20 +272,10 @@
#define MPI_Type_get_envelope PMPI_Type_get_envelope
#undef MPI_Type_get_true_extent
#define MPI_Type_get_true_extent PMPI_Type_get_true_extent
#undef MPI_Type_hindexed
#define MPI_Type_hindexed PMPI_Type_hindexed
#undef MPI_Type_hvector
#define MPI_Type_hvector PMPI_Type_hvector
#undef MPI_Type_indexed
#define MPI_Type_indexed PMPI_Type_indexed
#undef MPI_Type_lb
#define MPI_Type_lb PMPI_Type_lb
#undef MPI_Type_size
#define MPI_Type_size PMPI_Type_size
#undef MPI_Type_struct
#define MPI_Type_struct PMPI_Type_struct
#undef MPI_Type_ub
#define MPI_Type_ub PMPI_Type_ub
#undef MPI_Type_vector
#define MPI_Type_vector PMPI_Type_vector
#undef MPI_Unpack
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ int MPI_File_get_type_extent(MPI_File fh, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *exten
int error_code;
ADIO_File adio_fh;
static char myname[] = "MPI_FILE_GET_TYPE_EXTENT";
MPI_Aint lb;
adio_fh = MPIO_File_resolve(fh);
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ int MPI_File_get_type_extent(MPI_File fh, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *exten
/* FIXME: handle other file data representations */
error_code = MPI_Type_extent(datatype, extent);
error_code = MPI_Type_get_extent(datatype, &lb, extent);
return error_code;
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ void MPIR_MPIOInit(int * error_code) {
MPI_Keyval_create(MPI_NULL_COPY_FN, ADIOI_End_call, &ADIO_Init_keyval,
(void *) 0);
MPI_Comm_create_keyval (MPI_COMM_NULL_COPY_FN, ADIOI_End_call, &ADIO_Init_keyval,
(void *) 0);
/* put a dummy attribute on MPI_COMM_SELF, because we want the delete
function to be called when MPI_COMM_SELF is freed. Clarified
in MPI-2 section 4.8, the standard mandates that attributes on
MPI_COMM_SELF get cleaned up early in MPI_Finalize */
MPI_Attr_put(MPI_COMM_SELF, ADIO_Init_keyval, (void *) 0);
MPI_Comm_set_attr (MPI_COMM_SELF, ADIO_Init_keyval, (void *) 0);
/* initialize ADIO */
ADIO_Init( (int *)0, (char ***)0, error_code);
Ссылка в новой задаче
Block a user