ick - brain is fried. take that test out as it isnt needed on a regular basis

This commit was SVN r27875.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Ralph Castain 2013-01-19 14:48:31 +00:00
родитель 38786457cb
Коммит 7102d7c5f7
2 изменённых файлов: 1 добавлений и 555 удалений

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
PROGS = mpi_no_op mpi_barrier hello hello_nodename abort multi_abort simple_spawn concurrent_spawn spawn_multiple mpi_spin delayed_abort loop_spawn loop_child bad_exit pubsub hello_barrier segv accept connect hello_output hello_show_help crisscross read_write ziatest slave reduce-hang ziaprobe ziatest bcast_loop parallel_w8 parallel_w64 parallel_r8 parallel_r64 sio sendrecv_blaster early_abort debugger singleton_client_server intercomm_create spawn_tree init-exit77 mpi_info mpi_grp
PROGS = mpi_no_op mpi_barrier hello hello_nodename abort multi_abort simple_spawn concurrent_spawn spawn_multiple mpi_spin delayed_abort loop_spawn loop_child bad_exit pubsub hello_barrier segv accept connect hello_output hello_show_help crisscross read_write ziatest slave reduce-hang ziaprobe ziatest bcast_loop parallel_w8 parallel_w64 parallel_r8 parallel_r64 sio sendrecv_blaster early_abort debugger singleton_client_server intercomm_create spawn_tree init-exit77 mpi_info
all: $(PROGS)

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@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
/* The program demonstrates how to set up and use a strided vector.
* The process with rank 0 creates a matrix. The columns of the
* matrix will then be distributed with a collective communication
* operation to all processes. Each process performs an operation on
* all column elements. Afterwards the results are collected in the
* source matrix overwriting the original column elements.
* The program uses between one and n processes to change the values
* of the column elements if the matrix has n columns. If you start
* the program with one process it has to work on all n columns alone
* and if you start it with n processes each process modifies the
* values of one column. Every process must know how many columns it
* has to modify so that it can allocate enough buffer space for its
* column block. Therefore the process with rank 0 computes the
* numbers of columns for each process in the array "num_columns" and
* distributes this array with MPI_Broadcast to all processes. Each
* process can now allocate memory for its column block. There is
* still one task to do before the columns of the matrix can be
* distributed with MPI_Scatterv: The size of every column block and
* the offset of every column block must be computed und stored in
* the arrays "sr_counts" and "sr_disps".
* An MPI data type is defined by its size, its contents, and its
* extent. When multiple elements of the same size are used in a
* contiguous manner (e.g. in a "scatter" operation or an operation
* with "count" greater than one) the extent is used to compute where
* the next element will start. The extent for a derived data type is
* as big as the size of the derived data type so that the first
* elements of the second structure will start after the last element
* of the first structure, i.e., you have to "resize" the new data
* type if you want to send it multiple times (count > 1) or to
* scatter/gather it to many processes. Restrict the extent of the
* derived data type for a strided vector in such a way that it looks
* like just one element if it is used with "count > 1" or in a
* scatter/gather operation.
* This version constructs a new column type (strided vector) with
* "MPI_Type_vector" and uses collective communication. The new
* data type knows the number of elements within one column and the
* spacing between two column elements. The program uses at most
* n processes if the matrix has n columns, i.e. depending on the
* number of processes each process receives between 1 and n columns.
* You can execute this program with an arbitrary number of processes
* because it creates its own group with "num_worker" (<= n) processes
* to perform the work if the matrix has n columns and the basic group
* contains too many processes.
* Compiling:
* Store executable(s) into local directory.
* mpicc -o <program name> <source code file name>
* Store executable(s) into predefined directories.
* make
* Make program(s) automatically on all specified hosts. You must
* edit the file "make_compile" and specify your host names before
* you execute it.
* make_compile
* Running:
* mpiexec -boot -np <number of processes> <program name>
* or
* mpiexec -boot \
* -host <hostname> -np <number of processes> <program name> : \
* -host <hostname> -np <number of processes> <program name>
* or
* mpiexec -boot [-v] -configfile <application file>
* or
* lamboot [-v] [<host file>]
* mpiexec -np <number of processes> <program name>
* or
* mpiexec [-v] -configfile <application file>
* lamhalt
* OpenMPI:
* "host1", "host2", and so on can all have the same name,
* if you want to start a virtual computer with some virtual
* cpu's on the local host. The name "localhost" is allowed
* as well.
* mpiexec -np <number of processes> <program name>
* or
* mpiexec --host <host1,host2,...> \
* -np <number of processes> <program name>
* or
* mpiexec -hostfile <hostfile name> \
* -np <number of processes> <program name>
* or
* mpiexec -app <application file>
* Cleaning:
* local computer:
* rm <program name>
* or
* make clean_all
* on all specified computers (you must edit the file "make_clean_all"
* and specify your host names before you execute it.
* make_clean_all
* File: data_type_4.c Author: S. Gross
* Date: 30.08.2012
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#define P 6 /* # of rows */
#define Q 10 /* # of columns */
#define FACTOR 2 /* multiplicator for col. elem. */
#define DEF_NUM_WORKER Q /* # of workers, must be <= Q */
/* define macro to test the result of a "malloc" operation */
#define TestEqualsNULL(val) \
if (val == NULL) \
{ \
fprintf (stderr, "file: %s line %d: Couldn't allocate memory.\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__); \
exit (EXIT_FAILURE); \
/* define macro to determine the minimum of two values */
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
static void print_matrix (int p, int q, double **mat);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int ntasks, /* number of parallel tasks */
mytid, /* my task id */
namelen, /* length of processor name */
i, j, /* loop variables */
*num_columns, /* # of columns in column block */
*sr_counts, /* send/receive counts */
*sr_disps, /* send/receive displacements */
tmp, tmp1; /* temporary values */
double matrix[P][Q],
**col_block; /* column block of matrix */
char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
MPI_Datatype column_t, /* column type (strided vector) */
tmp_column_t; /* needed to resize the extent */
MPI_Group group_comm_world, /* processes in "basic group" */
group_worker, /* processes in new groups */
MPI_Comm COMM_WORKER, /* communicators for new groups */
int num_worker, /* # of worker in "group_worker"*/
*group_w_mem, /* array of worker members */
group_w_ntasks, /* # of tasks in "group_worker" */
group_o_ntasks, /* # of tasks in "group_other" */
group_w_mytid, /* my task id in "group_worker" */
group_o_mytid, /* my task id in "group_other" */
*universe_size_ptr, /* ptr to # of "virtual cpu's" */
universe_size_flag; /* true if available */
MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mytid);
MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
/* Determine the correct number of processes for this program. If
* there are more than Q processes (i.e., more processes than
* columns) available, we split the "basic group" into two groups.
* This program uses a group "group_worker" to do the real work
* and a group "group_other" for the remaining processes of the
* "basic group". The latter have nothing to do and can terminate
* immediately. If there are less than or equal to Q processes
* available all processes belong to group "group_worker" and group
* "group_other" is empty. At first we find out which processes
* belong to the "basic group".
MPI_Comm_group (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &group_comm_world);
if (ntasks > Q)
/* There are too many processes, so that we must build a new group
* with "num_worker" processes. "num_worker" will be the minimum of
* DEF_NUM_WORKER and the "universe size" if it is supported by the
* MPI implementation. At first we must check if DEF_NUM_WORKER has
* a suitable value.
if (mytid == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\nError:\tInternal program error.\n"
"\tConstant DEF_NUM_WORKER has value %d but must be\n"
"\tlower than or equal to %d. Please change source\n"
"\tcode and compile the program again.\n\n",
MPI_Group_free (&group_comm_world);
MPI_Finalize ();
/* determine the universe size, set "num_worker" in an
* appropriate way, and allocate memory for the array containing
* the ranks of the members of the new group
&universe_size_ptr, &universe_size_flag);
if ((universe_size_flag != 0) && (*universe_size_ptr > 0))
num_worker = MIN (DEF_NUM_WORKER, *universe_size_ptr);
num_worker = DEF_NUM_WORKER;
group_w_mem = (int *) malloc (num_worker * sizeof (int));
TestEqualsNULL (group_w_mem); /* test if memory was available */
if (mytid == 0)
printf ("\nYou have started %d processes but I need at most "
"%d processes.\n"
"The universe contains %d \"virtual cpu's\" (\"0\" means "
"not supported).\n"
"I build a new worker group with %d processes. The "
"processes with\n"
"the following ranks in the basic group belong to "
"the new group:\n ",
ntasks, Q, *universe_size_ptr, num_worker);
for (i = 0; i < num_worker; ++i)
/* fetch some ranks from the basic group for the new worker
* group, e.g. the last num_worker ranks to demonstrate that
* a process may have different ranks in different groups
group_w_mem[i] = (ntasks - num_worker) + i;
if (mytid == 0)
printf ("%d ", group_w_mem[i]);
if (mytid == 0)
printf ("\n\n");
/* Create group "group_worker" */
MPI_Group_incl (group_comm_world, num_worker, group_w_mem,
free (group_w_mem);
/* there are at most as many processes as columns in our matrix,
* i.e., we can use the "basic group"
group_worker = group_comm_world;
/* Create group "group_other" which demonstrates only how to use
* another group operation and which has nothing to do in this
* program.
MPI_Group_difference (group_comm_world, group_worker,
MPI_Group_free (&group_comm_world);
/* Create communicators for both groups. The communicator is only
* defined for all processes of the group and it is undefined
* (MPI_COMM_NULL) for all other processes.
MPI_Comm_create (MPI_COMM_WORLD, group_worker, &COMM_WORKER);
MPI_Comm_create (MPI_COMM_WORLD, group_other, &COMM_OTHER);
/* =========================================================
* ====== ======
* ====== Supply work for all different groups. ======
* ====== ======
* ====== ======
* ====== At first you must find out if a process ======
* ====== belongs to a special group. You can use ======
* ====== MPI_Group_rank for this purpose. It returns ======
* ====== the rank of the calling process in the ======
* ====== specified group or MPI_UNDEFINED if the ======
* ====== calling process is not a member of the ======
* ====== group. ======
* ====== ======
* =========================================================
/* =========================================================
* ====== This is the group "group_worker". ======
* =========================================================
MPI_Group_rank (group_worker, &group_w_mytid);
if (group_w_mytid != MPI_UNDEFINED)
MPI_Comm_size (COMM_WORKER, &group_w_ntasks); /* # of processes */
/* Now let's start with the real work */
MPI_Get_processor_name (processor_name, &namelen);
/* With the next statement every process executing this code will
* print one line on the display. It may happen that the lines will
* get mixed up because the display is a critical section. In general
* only one process (mostly the process with rank 0) will print on
* the display and all other processes will send their messages to
* this process. Nevertheless for debugging purposes (or to
* demonstrate that it is possible) it may be useful if every
* process prints itself.
fprintf (stdout, "Process %d of %d running on %s\n",
group_w_mytid, group_w_ntasks, processor_name);
fflush (stdout);
MPI_Barrier (COMM_WORKER); /* wait for all other processes */
/* Build the new type for a strided vector and resize the extent
* of the new datatype in such a way that the extent of the whole
* column looks like just one element so that the next column
* starts in matrix[0][i] in MPI_Scatterv/MPI_Gatherv.
MPI_Type_vector (P, 1, Q, MPI_DOUBLE, &tmp_column_t);
MPI_Type_create_resized (tmp_column_t, 0, sizeof (double),
MPI_Type_commit (&column_t);
MPI_Type_free (&tmp_column_t);
if (group_w_mytid == 0)
tmp = 1;
for (i = 0; i < P; ++i) /* initialize matrix */
for (j = 0; j < Q; ++j)
matrix[i][j] = tmp++;
printf ("\n\noriginal matrix:\n\n");
print_matrix (P, Q, (double **) matrix);
/* allocate memory for array containing the number of columns of a
* column block for each process
num_columns = (int *) malloc (group_w_ntasks * sizeof (int));
TestEqualsNULL (num_columns); /* test if memory was available */
/* do an unnecessary initialization to make the GNU compiler happy
* so that you won't get a warning about the use of a possibly
* uninitialized variable
sr_counts = NULL;
sr_disps = NULL;
if (group_w_mytid == 0)
/* allocate memory for arrays containing the size and
* displacement of each column block
sr_counts = (int *) malloc (group_w_ntasks * sizeof (int));
TestEqualsNULL (sr_counts);
sr_disps = (int *) malloc (group_w_ntasks * sizeof (int));
TestEqualsNULL (sr_disps);
/* compute number of columns in column block for each process */
tmp = Q / group_w_ntasks;
for (i = 0; i < group_w_ntasks; ++i)
num_columns[i] = tmp; /* number of columns */
for (i = 0; i < (Q % group_w_ntasks); ++i) /* adjust size */
for (i = 0; i < group_w_ntasks; ++i)
/* nothing to do because "column_t" contains already all
* elements of a column, i.e., the "size" is equal to the
* number of columns in the block
sr_counts[i] = num_columns[i]; /* "size" of column-block */
sr_disps[0] = 0; /* start of i-th column-block */
for (i = 1; i < group_w_ntasks; ++i)
sr_disps[i] = sr_disps[i - 1] + sr_counts[i - 1];
/* inform all processes about their column block sizes */
MPI_Bcast (num_columns, group_w_ntasks, MPI_INT, 0, COMM_WORKER);
/* allocate memory for a column block and define a new derived
* data type for the column block. This data type is possibly
* different for different processes if the number of processes
* isn't a factor of the row size of the original matrix. Don't
* forget to resize the extent of the new data type in such a
* way that the extent of the whole column looks like just one
* element so that the next column starts in col_block[0][i]
* in MPI_Scatterv/MPI_Gatherv.
col_block = (double **) malloc (P * num_columns[group_w_mytid] *
sizeof (double));
TestEqualsNULL (col_block);
MPI_Type_vector (P, 1, num_columns[group_w_mytid], MPI_DOUBLE,
MPI_Type_create_resized (tmp_column_t, 0, sizeof (double),
MPI_Type_commit (&col_block_t);
MPI_Type_free (&tmp_column_t);
/* send column block i of "matrix" to process i */
MPI_Scatterv (matrix, sr_counts, sr_disps, column_t,
col_block, num_columns[group_w_mytid],
col_block_t, 0, COMM_WORKER);
/* Modify column elements. The compiler doesn't know the structure
* of the column block matrix so that you have to do the index
* calculations for mat[i][j] yourself. In C a matrix is stored
* row-by-row so that the i-th row starts at location "i * q" if
* the matrix has "q" columns. Therefore the address of mat[i][j]
* can be expressed as "(double *) mat + i * q + j" and mat[i][j]
* itself as "*((double *) mat + i * q + j)".
for (i = 0; i < P; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < num_columns[group_w_mytid]; ++j)
if ((group_w_mytid % 2) == 0)
/* col_block[i][j] *= col_block[i][j] */
*((double *) col_block + i * num_columns[group_w_mytid] + j) *=
*((double *) col_block + i * num_columns[group_w_mytid] + j);
/* col_block[i][j] *= FACTOR */
*((double *) col_block + i * num_columns[group_w_mytid] + j) *=
/* receive column-block i of "matrix" from process i */
MPI_Gatherv (col_block, num_columns[group_w_mytid], col_block_t,
matrix, sr_counts, sr_disps, column_t,
if (group_w_mytid == 0)
printf ("\n\nresult matrix:\n"
" elements are sqared in columns:\n ");
tmp = 0;
tmp1 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < group_w_ntasks; ++i)
tmp1 = tmp1 + num_columns[i];
if ((i % 2) == 0)
for (j = tmp; j < tmp1; ++j)
printf ("%4d", j);
tmp = tmp1;
printf ("\n elements are multiplied with %d in columns:\n ",
tmp = 0;
tmp1 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < group_w_ntasks; ++i)
tmp1 = tmp1 + num_columns[i];
if ((i % 2) != 0)
for (j = tmp; j < tmp1; ++j)
printf ("%4d", j);
tmp = tmp1;
printf ("\n\n\n");
print_matrix (P, Q, (double **) matrix);
free (sr_counts);
free (sr_disps);
free (num_columns);
free (col_block);
MPI_Type_free (&column_t);
MPI_Type_free (&col_block_t);
MPI_Comm_free (&COMM_WORKER);
/* =========================================================
* ====== This is the group "group_other". ======
* =========================================================
MPI_Group_rank (group_other, &group_o_mytid);
if (group_o_mytid != MPI_UNDEFINED)
/* Nothing to do (only to demonstrate how to divide work for
* different groups).
MPI_Comm_size (COMM_OTHER, &group_o_ntasks);
if (group_o_mytid == 0)
if (group_o_ntasks == 1)
printf ("\nGroup \"group_other\" contains %d process "
"which has\n"
"nothing to do.\n\n", group_o_ntasks);
printf ("\nGroup \"group_other\" contains %d processes "
"which have\n"
"nothing to do.\n\n", group_o_ntasks);
MPI_Comm_free (&COMM_OTHER);
/* =========================================================
* ====== all groups will reach this point ======
* =========================================================
MPI_Group_free (&group_worker);
MPI_Group_free (&group_other);
MPI_Finalize ();
/* Print the values of an arbitrary 2D-matrix of "double" values. The
* compiler doesn't know the structure of the matrix so that you have
* to do the index calculations for mat[i][j] yourself. In C a matrix
* is stored row-by-row so that the i-th row starts at location "i * q"
* if the matrix has "q" columns. Therefore the address of mat[i][j]
* can be expressed as "(double *) mat + i * q + j" and mat[i][j]
* itself as "*((double *) mat + i * q + j)".
* input parameters: p number of rows
* q number of columns
* mat 2D-matrix of "double" values
* output parameters: none
* return value: none
* side effects: none
void print_matrix (int p, int q, double **mat)
int i, j; /* loop variables */
for (i = 0; i < p; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < q; ++j)
printf ("%6g", *((double *) mat + i * q + j));
printf ("\n");
printf ("\n");