Check for both absolute-path-to-mpirun and -prefix being specified. If the two differ, print out a warning and ignore -prefix. If they are the same, or only one was given, then proceed as directed.

This commit was SVN r24657.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Ralph Castain 2011-04-28 22:12:41 +00:00
родитель c8c8044b92
Коммит 6af2677fb8
2 изменённых файлов: 36 добавлений и 10 удалений

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@ -150,6 +150,17 @@ It is dangerous to interrupt %s while it is killing a job (proper
termination may not be guaranteed). Hit control-C again within 1
second if you really want to kill %s immediately.
Both a prefix was supplied to %s and the absolute path to %s was
Prefix: %s
Path: %s
Only one should be specified to avoid potential version
confusion. Operation will continue, but the -prefix option will be
A prefix was supplied to %s that only contained slashes.

Просмотреть файл

@ -1558,14 +1558,26 @@ static int create_app(int argc, char* argv[], orte_app_context_t **app_ptr,
if (opal_cmd_line_is_taken(&cmd_line, "prefix") ||
'/' == argv[0][0] || want_prefix_by_default) {
size_t param_len;
char *path_to_mpirun;
/* The --prefix option takes precedence over /path/to/orterun */
if (opal_cmd_line_is_taken(&cmd_line, "prefix")) {
/* if both are given, check to see if they match */
if (opal_cmd_line_is_taken(&cmd_line, "prefix") && '/' == argv[0][0]) {
/* if they don't match, then that merits a warning */
param = opal_cmd_line_get_param(&cmd_line, "prefix", 0, 0);
/* /path/to/orterun */
else if ('/' == argv[0][0]) {
char* tmp_basename = NULL;
path_to_mpirun = opal_dirname(argv[0]);
if (0 != strcmp(param, path_to_mpirun)) {
orte_show_help("help-orterun.txt", "orterun:double-prefix",
true, orte_basename, orte_basename, param, path_to_mpirun);
/* let the path-to-mpirun take precedence since we
* know that one is being used
param = path_to_mpirun;
} else {
/* since they match, just use param */
} else if ('/' == argv[0][0]) {
char* tmp_basename = NULL;
/* If they specified an absolute path, strip off the
/bin/<exec_name>" and leave just the prefix */
param = opal_dirname(argv[0]);
@ -1583,10 +1595,12 @@ static int create_app(int argc, char* argv[], orte_app_context_t **app_ptr,
param = NULL;
/* --enable-orterun-prefix-default was given to orterun */
else {
param = opal_install_dirs.prefix;
} else if (opal_cmd_line_is_taken(&cmd_line, "prefix")){
/* must be --prefix alone */
param = strdup(opal_cmd_line_get_param(&cmd_line, "prefix", 0, 0));
} else {
/* --enable-orterun-prefix-default was given to orterun */
param = strdup(opal_install_dirs.prefix);
if (NULL != param) {
@ -1603,6 +1617,7 @@ static int create_app(int argc, char* argv[], orte_app_context_t **app_ptr,
app->prefix_dir = strdup(param);