Add documentation about what is happening in this class.
This commit was SVN r8138.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -35,8 +35,143 @@
* provided in the !!!!!ompi_cb_fifo_ctl_t!!!! structure, but it's use
* must be managed by the calling routines - this is not by these set
* of routines. When a write to a circular buffer queue will overflow
* that queue, the next cirular buffer queue if the link list is used,
* if it is empty, or a new one is inserted into the list.
* that queue, the next circular buffer queue if the link list is
* used, if it is empty, or a new one is inserted into the list.
* This set of routines is currently exclusively used by the sm btl,
* and has been tailored to meet its needs (i.e., it is probably not
* suitable as a general purpose fifo).
* Before describing any further, a note about mmap() is in order.
* mmap() is used to create/attach shared memory segments to a
* process. It is used by OMPI to manage shared memory.
* Specifically, each process ends up calling mmap() to create or
* attach shared memory; the end result is that multiple processes
* have the same shared memory segment attached to their process.
* This shared memory is therefore used here in the fifo code.
* However, it is important to note that when attaching the same
* shared memory segment to multiple processes, mmap() does *not* need
* to return the same virtual address to the beginning of the shared
* memory segment to each process. That is, the virtual address
* returned in each process will point to the same shared memory
* segment as all others, but its virtual address value may be
* different. Specifically, process A may get the value X back from
* mmap(), while process B, who attached the same shared memory
* segment as process A, may get back the value Y from mmap().
* Process C may attach the same shared memory segment and get back
* value X from mmap(). This is perfectly legal mmap() behavior.
* As such, our code -- including this fifo code -- needs to be able
* to handle the cases where the base address is the same and the
* cases where it is different.
* There are four main interface functions:
* ompi_fifo_init_same_base_addr(): create a fifo for the case where
* the creating process shares a common shared memory segment base
* address.
* ompi_fifo_write_to_head_same_base_addr(): write a value to the head
* of the fifo for the case where the shared memory segment virtual
* address is the same as the process who created the fifo.
* ompi_fifo_read_from_tail_same_base_addr(): read a value from the
* tail of the fifo for the case where the shared memory segment
* virtual address is the same as the process who created the fifo.
* ompi_fifo_read_from_tail(): read a value from the tail of the fifo
* for the case where the shared memory segment virtual address is
* *not* the same as the process who created the fifo.
* The data structures used in these fifos are carefully structured to
* be lockless, even when used in shared memory. However, this is
* predicated upon there being only exactly *ONE* concurrent writer
* and *ONE* concurrent reader (in terms of the sm btl, two fifos are
* established between each process pair; one for data flowing A->B
* and one for data flowing B->A). Hence, the writer always looks at
* the "head" and the reader always looks at the "tail."
* The general scheme of the fifo is that this class is an upper-level
* manager for the ompi_circular_buffer_fifo_t class. When an
* ompi_fifo_t instance is created, it creates an
* ompi_circular_buffer_fifo_t. Items can then be put into the fifo
* until the circular buffer fills up (i.e., items have not been
* removed from the circular buffer, so it gets full). The
* ompi_fifo_t class will manage this case and create another
* circular_buffer and start putting items in there. This can
* continue indefinitely; the ompi_fifo_t class will create a linked
* list of circular buffers in order to create storage for any items
* that need to be put in the fifo.
* The tail will then read from these circular buffers in order,
* draining them as it goes.
* The linked list of circular buffers is created in a circle, so if
* you have N circular buffers, the fill pattern will essentially go
* in a circle (assuming that the reader is dutifully reading/draining
* behind the writer). Yes, this means that we have a ring of
* circular buffers. A single circular buffer is treated as a
* standalone entitle, a reader/writer pair can utilize it
* indefinitely; they will never move on to the next circular buffer
* unless the writer gets so far ahead of the reader that the current
* circular buffer fills up and the writer moves on to the next
* circular buffer. In this case, the reader will eventually drain
* the current circular buffer and then move on to the next circular
* buffer (and assumedly eventually catch up to the writer).
* The natural question of "why bother doing this instead of just
* having an array of pointers that you realloc?" arises. The intent
* with this class is to have a lockless structure -- using realloc,
* by definition, means that you would have to lock every single
* access to the array to ensure that it doesn't get realloc'ed from
* underneath you. This is definitely something we want to avoid for
* performance reasons.
* Hence, once you get your head wrapped around this scheme, it
* actually does make sense (and give good performance).
********************************* NOTE *******************************
* Although the scheme is designed to be lockless, there is currently
* one lock used in this scheme. There is a nasty race condition
* between multiple processes that if the writer fills up a circular
* buffer before anything this read, it can make the decision to
* create a new circular buffer (because that one is full). However,
* if, at the same time, the reader takes over -- after the decision
* has been made to make a new circular buffer, and after some [but
* not all] of the data fields are updated to reflect this -- the
* reader can drain the entire current circular buffer, obviating the
* need to make a new circular buffer (because there's now space
* available in the current one). The reader will then update some
* data fields in the fifo.
* This can lead to a fifo management consistency error -- the reader
* thinks it is advancing to the next circular bufer but it really
* ends up back on the same circular buffer (because the writer had
* not updated the "next cb" field yet). The reader is then stuck in
* a cb where nothing will arrive until the writer loops all the way
* around (i.e., through all other existing circular buffers) and
* starts writing to the circular buffer where the reader is waiting.
* This effectively means that the reader will miss a lot of messages.
* So we had to add a lock to protect this -- when the writer decides
* to make a new circular buffer and when the reader decides to move
* to the new circular buffer. It is a rather coarse-grained lock; it
* convers a relatively large chunk of code in the writing_to_head
* function, but, interestingly enough, this seems to create *better*
* performance for sending large messages via shared memory (i.e.,
* netpipe graphs with and without this lock show that using the lock
* gives better overall bandwidth for large messages). We do lose a
* bit of overall bandwidth for mid-range message sizes, though.
* We feel that this lock can probably be eventually removed from the
* implementation; we recognized this race condition and ran out of
* time to fix is properly (i.e., in a lockless way). As such, we
* employed a lock to serialize the access and protect it that way.
* This issue should be revisited someday to remove the lock.
* See the notes in the writer function for more details on the lock.
@ -176,10 +311,19 @@ static inline int ompi_fifo_write_to_head_same_base_addr(void *data,
/* attempt to write data to head ompi_fifo_cb_fifo_t */
(ompi_cb_fifo_t *)&(fifo->head->cb_fifo));
/* If the queue is full, create a new circular buffer and put the
data in it. */
if( OMPI_CB_ERROR == error_code ) {
* queue is full
/* NOTE: This is the lock described in the top-level comment
in this file. There are corresponding uses of this lock in
both of the read routines. We need to protect this whole
section -- setting cb_overflow to true through setting the
next_fifo_wrapper to the next circular buffer. It is
likely possible to do this in a finer grain; indeed, it is
likely that we can get rid of this lock altogther, but it
will take some refactoring to make the data updates
safe. */
/* mark queue as overflown */
@ -261,8 +405,10 @@ void *ompi_fifo_read_from_tail_same_base_addr( ompi_fifo_t *fifo)
/* check to see if need to move on to next cb_fifo in the link list */
if( queue_empty ) {
/* queue_emptied - move on to next element in fifo */
/* See the big comment at the top of this file about this
lock. */
@ -300,8 +446,10 @@ static inline void *ompi_fifo_read_from_tail(ompi_fifo_t *fifo,
/* check to see if need to move on to next cb_fifo in the link list */
if( queue_empty ) {
/* queue_emptied - move on to next element in fifo */
/* See the big comment at the top of this file about this
lock. */
t_ptr->cb_overflow = false;
fifo->tail = t_ptr->next_fifo_wrapper;
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