From 40e2299fa740aa97fd9cde53ef0a1bd5a383ac04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Castain <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 15:26:23 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Test to ensure that num_procs was provided for the resilient
 mapper - it cannot be used with options like npernode.

Cleanup the show_help text file

This commit was SVN r22082.
 .../resilient/help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt   | 44 +++++--------------
 orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/rmaps_resilient.c    | 11 ++++-
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt b/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt
index b91d5f375d..5b512d162e 100644
--- a/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt
+++ b/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt
@@ -10,43 +10,19 @@
 # This is the US/English general help file for the resilient mapper.
-There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the %d slots 
-that were requested by the application:
-  %s
-Either request fewer slots for your application, or make more slots available
-for use.
-RMAPS found multiple applications to be launched, with
-at least one that failed to specify the number of processes to execute.
-When specifying multiple applications, you must specify how many processes
-of each to launch via the -np argument.
-There are not enough nodes in your allocation to satisfy your request to launch
-%d processes on a per-node basis - only %d nodes were available.
-Either request fewer processes, or obtain a larger allocation.
-There are not enough nodes in your allocation to satisfy your request to launch
-%d processes on a %d per-node basis - only %d nodes with a total of %d slots were available.
-Either request fewer processes, or obtain a larger allocation.
-There are not enough slots on the nodes in your allocation to satisfy your request to launch on a %d process-per-node basis - only %d slots/node were available.
-Either request fewer processes/node, or obtain a larger allocation.
-You have specified a rank-to-node/slot mapping, but failed to provide
-the number of processes to be executed. For some reason, this information
-could not be obtained from the mapping you provided, so we cannot continue
-with executing the specified application.
 The specified file that describes the fault groups for this system:
 FILE: %s
 was not found. Please verify the file name and location.
+The resilient mapper requires that you specify the number of processes
+to be launched for each application. Please provide the required information
+and try again.
+Alternatively, if you truly wish to take advantage of the -perxxx options
+or to simply launch one process on every available slot, do not specify the
+resilient mapper. Mpirun will automatically select the appropriate mapper
+to support your request.
diff --git a/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/rmaps_resilient.c b/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/rmaps_resilient.c
index fe5c06482c..06dd411dcb 100644
--- a/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/rmaps_resilient.c
+++ b/orte/mca/rmaps/resilient/rmaps_resilient.c
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static int orte_rmaps_resilient_map(orte_job_t *jdata)
         if (NULL == fp) { /* not found */
             orte_show_help("help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt", "orte-rmaps-resilient:file-not-found",
                            true, mca_rmaps_resilient_component.fault_group_file);
-            return ORTE_ERROR;
+            return ORTE_ERR_SILENT;
         /* build list of fault groups */
         grp = 0;
@@ -356,6 +356,15 @@ static int orte_rmaps_resilient_map(orte_job_t *jdata)
         if (NULL == (app = (orte_app_context_t*)opal_pointer_array_get_item(jdata->apps, i))) {
+        /* you cannot use this mapper unless you specify the number of procs to
+         * launch for each app
+         */
+        if (0 == app->num_procs) {
+            orte_show_help("help-orte-rmaps-resilient.txt",
+                           "orte-rmaps-resilient:num-procs",
+                           true);
+            return ORTE_ERR_SILENT;
+        }
         num_assigned = 0;
         /* for each app_context, we have to get the list of nodes that it can
          * use since that can now be modified with a hostfile and/or -host