Added hopefully doxygen comments to header for Ralph et al. Also fixed prototype in .c
This commit was SVN r1296.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ mca_base_msgbuf_t mca_base_msgbuf_new (size_t reqsize)
/* make a copy of an existing buffer */
/* this is usefull for the registry and is needed as unpack is */
/* destructive */
mca_base_msgbuf_t mca_base_msgbuf_copy (mca_base_msgbuf_t* copybufid,
int mca_base_msgbuf_copy (mca_base_msgbuf_t* copybufid,
mca_base_msgbuf_t orgbufid)
if (!initialized) mca_base_msgbuf_init ();
return ((mca_base_msgbuf_t)OMPI_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
/* set a buffer. As base_pack send/recv handles buffer you might not want */
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ mca_base_msgbuf_t mca_base_msgbuf_construct (void* ptr, size_t datasize)
/* explicit free of a buffer when not auto freeing them */
int mca_base_msgbuf_free (mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid)
int mca_base_msgbuf_free (mca_base_msgbuf_t* bufid)
if (!initialized) mca_base_msgbuf_init ();
@ -50,32 +50,109 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct mca_base_msgbuffer_s* mca_base_msgbuf_t;
/* get/create a free buffer */
/* if reqsize = MCA_BASE_MSGBUF_GETBUF, then the system gives an unlimited buffer. */
/* Giving a req size just makes it more memory efficient. */
* get/create a free buffer
* @param reqsize requested size for the buffer
* @retval mca_base_msgbuf_t handle to a message buffer
* if reqsize = MCA_BASE_MSGBUF_GETBUF, then the system gives an
* unlimited buffer.
* Giving a req size just makes it more memory efficient. */
mca_base_msgbuf_t mca_base_msgbuf_new (size_t reqsize);
/* make a copy of an existing buffer */
/* this is usefull for the registry and is needed as unpack is */
/* destructive */
mca_base_msgbuf_t mca_base_msgbuf_copy (mca_base_msgbuf_t* copybufid, mca_base_msgbuf_t orgbufid);
/* make a copy of an existing buffer
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_t handle to an existing message buffer
* @param return a new buffer handle via a pointer argument
* @retval sucess or failue int
* this is usefull for the registry and is needed as unpack is
* destructive */
int mca_base_msgbuf_copy (mca_base_msgbuf_t* copybufid, mca_base_msgbuf_t orgbufid);
/* set a buffer. As base_pack send/recv handles buffer you might not want */
/* to pack a buffer but do a send from memory directly */
/* a free on this special buffer just frees its structure not the memory */
/* set a buffer to a block of memory so that you do not pack/memory copy
* @param ptr Pointer to users memory to be send
* @param datasize Length of the memory in bytes that needs to be sent
* @retval mca_base_msgbuf_t message buffer that points to this userdata
* As base_pack send/recv handles buffer you might not want
* to pack a buffer but do a send from memory directly
* a free on this special buffer just frees its structure not the memory
mca_base_msgbuf_t mca_base_msgbuf_construct (void* ptr, size_t datasize);
/* explicit free of a buffer when not auto freeing them */
int mca_base_msgbuf_free (mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid);
/* explicit free of a buffer when not auto freeing them
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_t buffer handle that you request to be freed
* @retval success or error code
* This routine resets the handle the user passing inso that they can only
* free it once
int mca_base_msgbuf_free (mca_base_msgbuf_t* bufid);
/* pack and unpack non-string typed data */
/* pack and non-string typed data
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid buffer handle where data is packed
* @param void* ptr Pointer to users memory to pack from
* @param size_t num_items Number of items to pack into buffer bufid
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_data_t datatype Type of item being packed
* @retval if zero or greater the items packed, if negative error code
* If the buffer fills up, it will automatically resize unless allocated
* with fixed buffer size.
int mca_base_msgbuf_pack (mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid, void* ptr, size_t num_items, mca_base_msgbuf_data_t datatype);
/* unpack non-string typed data
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid buffer handle where data is packed
* @param void* ptr Pointer to users memory to unpack into
* @param size_t num_items Number of items to unpack from the buffer bufid
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_data_t datatype Type of item being unpacked
* @retval if zero or greater the items unpacked, if negative error code
* Once the buffer empties, the buffer is freed.
* If the remain data in the buffer is not large enought for the unpack
* request, the routine will unpack what it can and then return an error.
* The user is responsible for unpacking a message correctly.
int mca_base_msgbuf_unpack (mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid, void* ptr, size_t num_items, mca_base_msgbuf_data_t datatype);
/* handles strings */
/* note this takes NULL terminated strings and returns null terminated strings */
/* pack a NULL terminated string
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid buffer handle where data is packed
* @param strptr Pointer to NULL terminated string to pack
* @retval if zero or greater the items packed, if negative error code
* If the buffer fills up, it will automatically resize unless allocated
* with a fixed buffer size.
int mca_base_msgbuf_pack_string (mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid, char* strptr);
/* unpack a NULL terminated string
* @param mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid buffer handle where data is already packed
* @param char* strptr Pointer to memory to unpack string into
* @param maxlen maximum size of the memory available to unpack into
* @retval if zero or greater the items (un)packed, if negative error code
* If the memory given is smaller than the string (strlen(str)) + 1
* then the routine truncates the string but always NULL terminates it.
int mca_base_msgbuf_unpack_string (mca_base_msgbuf_t bufid, char* strptr, size_t maxlen);
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