A better test for MPI_OP performance.
The test now has the ability to add a shift to all or to any of the input and output buffers to assess the impact of unaligned operations. Signed-off-by: George Bosilca <bosilca@icl.utk.edu>
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static int total_errors = 0;
_a < _b ? _a : _b; })
static void print_status(char* op, char* type, int type_size,
int count, double duration,
int count, int max_shift, double *duration, int repeats,
int correct )
if(correct) {
@ -68,7 +68,15 @@ static void print_status(char* op, char* type, int type_size,
printf("%-10s %s [\033[1;31mfail\033[0m]", op, type);
printf(" count %-10d time %.6f seconds\n", count, duration);
if( 1 == max_shift ) {
printf(" count %-10d time (seconds) %.8f seconds\n", count, duration[0] / repeats);
} else {
printf(" count %-10d time (seconds / shifts) ", count);
for( int i = 0; i < max_shift; i++ ) {
printf("%.8f ", duration[i] / repeats );
static int do_ops_built = 0;
@ -115,19 +123,23 @@ do { \
const TYPE *_p1 = ((TYPE*)(INBUF)), *_p3 = ((TYPE*)(CHECK_BUF)); \
TYPE *_p2 = ((TYPE*)(INOUT_BUF)); \
skip_op_type = 0; \
for(int _k = 0; _k < min((COUNT), 4); +_k++ ) { \
memcpy(_p2, _p3, sizeof(TYPE) * (COUNT)); \
tstart = MPI_Wtime(); \
MPI_Reduce_local(_p1+_k, _p2+_k, (COUNT)-_k, (MPITYPE), (MPIOP)); \
tend = MPI_Wtime(); \
if( check ) { \
for( i = 0; i < (COUNT)-_k; i++ ) { \
if(((_p2+_k)[i]) == (((_p1+_k)[i]) OPNAME ((_p3+_k)[i]))) \
continue; \
printf("First error at alignment %d position %d (%" TYPE_PREFIX " %s %" TYPE_PREFIX " != %" TYPE_PREFIX ")\n", \
_k, i, (_p1+_k)[i], (#OPNAME), (_p3+_k)[i], (_p2+_k)[i]); \
correctness = 0; \
break; \
for(int _k = 0; _k < min((COUNT), max_shift); +_k++ ) { \
duration[_k] = 0.0; \
for(int _r = repeats; _r > 0; _r--) { \
memcpy(_p2, _p3, sizeof(TYPE) * (COUNT)); \
tstart = MPI_Wtime(); \
MPI_Reduce_local(_p1+_k, _p2+_k, (COUNT)-_k, (MPITYPE), (MPIOP)); \
tend = MPI_Wtime(); \
duration[_k] += (tend - tstart); \
if( check ) { \
for( i = 0; i < (COUNT)-_k; i++ ) { \
if(((_p2+_k)[i]) == (((_p1+_k)[i]) OPNAME ((_p3+_k)[i]))) \
continue; \
printf("First error at alignment %d position %d (%" TYPE_PREFIX " %s %" TYPE_PREFIX " != %" TYPE_PREFIX ")\n", \
_k, i, (_p1+_k)[i], (#OPNAME), (_p3+_k)[i], (_p2+_k)[i]); \
correctness = 0; \
break; \
} \
} \
} \
} \
@ -139,20 +151,24 @@ do { \
const TYPE *_p1 = ((TYPE*)(INBUF)), *_p3 = ((TYPE*)(CHECK_BUF)); \
TYPE *_p2 = ((TYPE*)(INOUT_BUF)); \
skip_op_type = 0; \
for(int _k = 0; _k < min((COUNT), 4); +_k++ ) { \
memcpy(_p2, _p3, sizeof(TYPE) * (COUNT)); \
tstart = MPI_Wtime(); \
MPI_Reduce_local(_p1+_k, _p2+_k, (COUNT), (MPITYPE), (MPIOP)); \
tend = MPI_Wtime(); \
if( check ) { \
for( i = 0; i < (COUNT); i++ ) { \
TYPE _v1 = *(_p1+_k), _v2 = *(_p2+_k), _v3 = *(_p3+_k); \
if(_v2 == OPNAME(_v1, _v3)) \
continue; \
printf("First error at alignment %d position %d (%" TYPE_PREFIX " != %s(%" TYPE_PREFIX ", %" TYPE_PREFIX ")\n", \
_k, i, _v1, (#OPNAME), _v3, _v2); \
correctness = 0; \
break; \
for(int _k = 0; _k < min((COUNT), max_shift); +_k++ ) { \
duration[_k] = 0.0; \
for(int _r = repeats; _r > 0; _r--) { \
memcpy(_p2, _p3, sizeof(TYPE) * (COUNT)); \
tstart = MPI_Wtime(); \
MPI_Reduce_local(_p1+_k, _p2+_k, (COUNT), (MPITYPE), (MPIOP)); \
tend = MPI_Wtime(); \
duration[_k] += (tend - tstart); \
if( check ) { \
for( i = 0; i < (COUNT); i++ ) { \
TYPE _v1 = *(_p1+_k), _v2 = *(_p2+_k), _v3 = *(_p3+_k); \
if(_v2 == OPNAME(_v1, _v3)) \
continue; \
printf("First error at alignment %d position %d (%" TYPE_PREFIX " != %s(%" TYPE_PREFIX ", %" TYPE_PREFIX ")\n", \
_k, i, _v1, (#OPNAME), _v3, _v2); \
correctness = 0; \
break; \
} \
} \
} \
} \
@ -163,24 +179,36 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
static void *in_buf = NULL, *inout_buf = NULL, *inout_check_buf = NULL;
int count, type_size = 8, rank, size, provided, correctness = 1;
int repeats = 1, i, c;
double tstart, tend;
int repeats = 1, i, c, op1_alignment = 0, res_alignment = 0;
int max_shift = 4;
double *duration, tstart, tend;
bool check = true;
char type[5] = "uifd", *op = "sum", *mpi_type;
int lower = 1, upper = 1000000, skip_op_type;
MPI_Op mpi_op;
while( -1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:u:t:o:s:n:vfh")) ) {
while( -1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "l:u:r:t:o:i:s:n:1:2:vfh")) ) {
switch(c) {
case 'l':
lower = atoi(optarg);
if( lower <= 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "The number of elements must be positive\n");
fprintf(stderr, "The lower number of elements must be positive\n");
case 'u':
upper = atoi(optarg);
if( lower <= 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "The upper number of elements must be positive\n");
case 'i':
max_shift = atoi(optarg);
if( max_shift <= 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "The max shift must be positive\n");
case 'f':
check = false;
@ -216,14 +244,32 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
case '1':
op1_alignment = atoi(optarg);
if( op1_alignment < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "alignment for the first operand must be positive\n");
case '2':
res_alignment = atoi(optarg);
if( res_alignment < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "alignment for the result must be positive\n");
case 'h':
fprintf(stdout, "%s options are:\n"
" -l <number> : lower number of elements\n"
" -u <number> : upper number of elements\n"
" -s <type_size> : 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits elements\n"
" -t [i,u,f,d] : type of the elements to apply the operations on\n"
" -r <number> : number of repetitions for each test\n"
" -o <op> : comma separated list of operations to execute among\n"
" sum, min, max, prod, bor, bxor, band\n"
" -i <number> : shift on all buffers to check alignment\n"
" -1 <number> : (mis)alignment in elements for the first op\n"
" -2 <number> : (mis)alignment in elements for the result\n"
" -v: increase the verbosity level\n"
" -h: this help message\n", argv[0]);
@ -233,9 +279,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( !do_ops_built ) { /* not yet done, take the default */
build_do_ops( "all", do_ops);
in_buf = malloc(upper * sizeof(double));
inout_buf = malloc(upper * sizeof(double));
inout_check_buf = malloc(upper * sizeof(double));
posix_memalign( &in_buf, 64, (upper + op1_alignment) * sizeof(double));
posix_memalign( &inout_buf, 64, (upper + res_alignment) * sizeof(double));
posix_memalign( &inout_check_buf, 64, upper * sizeof(double));
duration = (double*)malloc(max_shift * sizeof(double));
ompi_mpi_init(argc, argv, MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, &provided, false);
@ -253,8 +300,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
correctness = 1;
if('i' == type[type_idx]) {
if( 8 == type_size ) {
int8_t *in_int8 = (int8_t*)in_buf,
*inout_int8 = (int8_t*)inout_buf,
int8_t *in_int8 = (int8_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(int8_t)),
*inout_int8 = (int8_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(int8_t)),
*inout_int8_for_check = (int8_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_int8[i] = 5;
@ -299,8 +346,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 16 == type_size ) {
int16_t *in_int16 = (int16_t*)in_buf,
*inout_int16 = (int16_t*)inout_buf,
int16_t *in_int16 = (int16_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(int16_t)),
*inout_int16 = (int16_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(int16_t)),
*inout_int16_for_check = (int16_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_int16[i] = 5;
@ -345,8 +392,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 32 == type_size ) {
int32_t *in_int32 = (int32_t*)in_buf,
*inout_int32 = (int32_t*)inout_buf,
int32_t *in_int32 = (int32_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(int32_t)),
*inout_int32 = (int32_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(int32_t)),
*inout_int32_for_check = (int32_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_int32[i] = 5;
@ -391,8 +438,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 64 == type_size ) {
int64_t *in_int64 = (int64_t*)in_buf,
*inout_int64 = (int64_t*)inout_buf,
int64_t *in_int64 = (int64_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(int64_t)),
*inout_int64 = (int64_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(int64_t)),
*inout_int64_for_check = (int64_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_int64[i] = 5;
@ -440,8 +487,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 'u' == type[type_idx] ) {
if( 8 == type_size ) {
uint8_t *in_uint8 = (uint8_t*)in_buf,
*inout_uint8 = (uint8_t*)inout_buf,
uint8_t *in_uint8 = (uint8_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(uint8_t)),
*inout_uint8 = (uint8_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(uint8_t)),
*inout_uint8_for_check = (uint8_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_uint8[i] = 5;
@ -486,8 +533,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 16 == type_size ) {
uint16_t *in_uint16 = (uint16_t*)in_buf,
*inout_uint16 = (uint16_t*)inout_buf,
uint16_t *in_uint16 = (uint16_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(uint16_t)),
*inout_uint16 = (uint16_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(uint16_t)),
*inout_uint16_for_check = (uint16_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_uint16[i] = 5;
@ -532,8 +579,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 32 == type_size ) {
uint32_t *in_uint32 = (uint32_t*)in_buf,
*inout_uint32 = (uint32_t*)inout_buf,
uint32_t *in_uint32 = (uint32_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(uint32_t)),
*inout_uint32 = (uint32_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(uint32_t)),
*inout_uint32_for_check = (uint32_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_uint32[i] = 5;
@ -578,8 +625,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 64 == type_size ) {
uint64_t *in_uint64 = (uint64_t*)in_buf,
*inout_uint64 = (uint64_t*)inout_buf,
uint64_t *in_uint64 = (uint64_t*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(uint64_t)),
*inout_uint64 = (uint64_t*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(uint64_t)),
*inout_uint64_for_check = (uint64_t*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_uint64[i] = 5;
@ -626,8 +673,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 'f' == type[type_idx] ) {
float *in_float = (float*)in_buf,
*inout_float = (float*)inout_buf,
float *in_float = (float*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(float)),
*inout_float = (float*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(float)),
*inout_float_for_check = (float*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_float[i] = 1000.0+1;
@ -658,8 +705,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( 'd' == type[type_idx] ) {
double *in_double = (double*)in_buf,
*inout_double = (double*)inout_buf,
double *in_double = (double*)((char*)in_buf + op1_alignment * sizeof(double)),
*inout_double = (double*)((char*)inout_buf + res_alignment * sizeof(double)),
*inout_double_for_check = (double*)inout_check_buf;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
in_double[i] = 10.0+1;
@ -691,7 +738,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if( !skip_op_type )
mpi_type, type_size, count, tend-tstart, correctness);
mpi_type, type_size, count, max_shift, duration, repeats, correctness);
if( !skip_op_type )
Ссылка в новой задаче
Block a user