Make the Username long enough to accomodate all usernames. Also put
the RIST organization in alphabetical order. This commit was SVN r31718.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -4,116 +4,116 @@ Open MPI Authors
The following cumulative list contains the names and Subversion IDs of
all individuals who have committed code to the Open MPI repository.
Username Name Affiliation(s)
----------- --------------------------- -------------------------
abbyz Abhishek Kulkarni IU
adi Adrian Knoth UJ
adkulkar Abhishek Kulkarni IU
adrian Adrian Reber HE
afriedle Andrew Friedley IU, SNL
alekseys Aleksey Senin Mellanox
alex Alex Margolin Mellanox
amikheev Alex Mikheev Mellanox
angskun Thara Angskun UTK
Anya Anya Tatashina Sun
apant Avneesh Pant QLogic
bbenton Brad Benton IBM
bosilca George Bosilca UTK
bouteill Aurelien Bouteiller UTK
brbarret Brian Barrett IU, LANL, SNL
bricka Alex Brick NU
casswell Laura Casswell LANL
coti Camille Coti UTK, INRIA
csbell Christian Bell QLogic
cyeoh Chris Yeoh IBM
damico Bill D'Amico Cisco
ddd David Daniel LANL
derbeyn Nadia Derby Bull
dgdimick Denis Dimick LANL
dgoodell Dave Goodell Cisco
dkerr Donald Kerr Sun, Oracle
dlacher Dan Lacher Sun
dorons Doron Shoham Mellanox
edgar Edgar Gabriel HLRS, UH, UTK
emallove Ethan Mallove Sun, Oracle
eugene Eugene Loh Sun, Oracle
gef Graham Fagg UTK
Username Name Affiliation(s)
------------- --------------------------- -------------------------
abbyz Abhishek Kulkarni IU
adi Adrian Knoth UJ
adkulkar Abhishek Kulkarni IU
adrian Adrian Reber HE
afriedle Andrew Friedley IU, SNL
alekseys Aleksey Senin Mellanox
alex Alex Margolin Mellanox
amikheev Alex Mikheev Mellanox
angskun Thara Angskun UTK
Anya Anya Tatashina Sun
apant Avneesh Pant QLogic
bbenton Brad Benton IBM
bosilca George Bosilca UTK
bouteill Aurelien Bouteiller UTK
brbarret Brian Barrett IU, LANL, SNL
bricka Alex Brick NU
casswell Laura Casswell LANL
coti Camille Coti UTK, INRIA
csbell Christian Bell QLogic
cyeoh Chris Yeoh IBM
damico Bill D'Amico Cisco
ddd David Daniel LANL
derbeyn Nadia Derby Bull
dgdimick Denis Dimick LANL
dgoodell Dave Goodell Cisco
dkerr Donald Kerr Sun, Oracle
dlacher Dan Lacher Sun
dorons Doron Shoham Mellanox
edgar Edgar Gabriel HLRS, UH, UTK
emallove Ethan Mallove Sun, Oracle
eugene Eugene Loh Sun, Oracle
gef Graham Fagg UTK
ggouaillardet Gilles Gouaillardet RIST
gingery Ginger Young LANL
gleb Gleb Natapov Voltaire
gshipman Galen Shipman LANL
gwatson Greg Watson LANL
hadi Hadi Montakhabi UH
herault Thomas Herault INRIA
hjelmn Nathan Hjelm LANL
hpcstork Sven Stork HLRS
hpcchris Christoph Niethammer HLRS
htor Torsten Hoefler IU, TUC
igb Iain Bason Sun, Oracle
igoru Igor Usarov Mellanox
jdmason Jon Mason Chelsio
jjhursey Josh Hursey IU, ORNL, LANL, LBNL, UWL
jladd Joshua Ladd Mellanox
jnysal Nysal Jan IBM
jroman Jose E. Roman UPV
jsquyres Jeff Squyres Cisco, IU
jurenz Matthias Jurenz ZIH
karenn Karen Norteman Sun
kliteyn Yevgeny Kliteynik Mellanox
kmroz Karl Mroz UBC
knuepfer Andreas Knuepfer ZIH
koenig Greg Koenig ORNL
lemarini Pierre Lemarinier UTK
lennyve Lenny Verkhovsky Mellanox
lums Andrew Lumsdaine IU
manjugv Manjunath Gorentla Venkata ORNL
matney Ken Matney ORNL
miked Mike Dubman Mellanox
alinas Alina Sklarevich Mellanox
devendar Devendar Bureddy Mellanox
mitch Mitch Sukalski SNL
mpiteam Automated commits None
mschaara Mohamad Chaarawi UH
mt Mark Taylor LANL
naughtont Tom Naughton ORNL
ollie Li-Ta Lo LANL
osvegis Oscar Vega-Gisbert UPV
paklui Pak Lui Sun
pasha Pavel Shamis Mellanox, ORNL
patrick Patrick Geoffray Myricom
penoff Brad Penoff UBC
pjesa Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic UTK
pkambadu Prabhanjan Kambadur IU
rasmussn Craig Rasmussen LANL, UO
rbbrigh Ron Brightwell SNL
regrant Ryan Grant SNL
rfaucett Reese Faucette Cisco
rhc Ralph Castain LANL, Cisco, Intel
rlgraham Rich Graham ORNL, LANL, Mellanox
rolfv Rolf Vandevaart Sun, Oracle, NVIDIA
rta Rob Awles LANL
rusraink Rainer Keller HLRS, ORNL
sami Sami Ayyorgun LANL
samuel Samuel K. Gutierrez LANL
santhana Gopal Santhanaraman OSU
sboehm Swen Boehm ORNL
sharonm Sharon Melamed Voltaire
shiqing Shiqing Fan HLRS
sjeaugey Sylvain Jeaugey Bull
surs Sayantan Sur OSU
sushant Sushant Sharma LANL
swise Steve Wise Chelsio
tdd Terry Dontje Sun, Oracle
timattox Tim Mattox IU, Cisco
tprins Tim Prins IU, LANL
twoodall Tim Woodall LANL
vasily Vasily Filipov Mellanox
vsahay Vishal Sahay IU
vvenkatesan Vishwanath Venkatesan UH
wbland Wesley Bland UTK
yaeld Yael Dalen Mellanox
yosefe Yossi Etigin Mellanox
yuw Weikuan Yu LANL, OSU
gingery Ginger Young LANL
gleb Gleb Natapov Voltaire
gshipman Galen Shipman LANL
gwatson Greg Watson LANL
hadi Hadi Montakhabi UH
herault Thomas Herault INRIA
hjelmn Nathan Hjelm LANL
hpcstork Sven Stork HLRS
hpcchris Christoph Niethammer HLRS
htor Torsten Hoefler IU, TUC
igb Iain Bason Sun, Oracle
igoru Igor Usarov Mellanox
jdmason Jon Mason Chelsio
jjhursey Josh Hursey IU, ORNL, LANL, LBNL, UWL
jladd Joshua Ladd Mellanox
jnysal Nysal Jan IBM
jroman Jose E. Roman UPV
jsquyres Jeff Squyres Cisco, IU
jurenz Matthias Jurenz ZIH
karenn Karen Norteman Sun
kliteyn Yevgeny Kliteynik Mellanox
kmroz Karl Mroz UBC
knuepfer Andreas Knuepfer ZIH
koenig Greg Koenig ORNL
lemarini Pierre Lemarinier UTK
lennyve Lenny Verkhovsky Mellanox
lums Andrew Lumsdaine IU
manjugv Manjunath Gorentla Venkata ORNL
matney Ken Matney ORNL
miked Mike Dubman Mellanox
alinas Alina Sklarevich Mellanox
devendar Devendar Bureddy Mellanox
mitch Mitch Sukalski SNL
mpiteam Automated commits None
mschaara Mohamad Chaarawi UH
mt Mark Taylor LANL
naughtont Tom Naughton ORNL
ollie Li-Ta Lo LANL
osvegis Oscar Vega-Gisbert UPV
paklui Pak Lui Sun
pasha Pavel Shamis Mellanox, ORNL
patrick Patrick Geoffray Myricom
penoff Brad Penoff UBC
pjesa Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic UTK
pkambadu Prabhanjan Kambadur IU
rasmussn Craig Rasmussen LANL, UO
rbbrigh Ron Brightwell SNL
regrant Ryan Grant SNL
rfaucett Reese Faucette Cisco
rhc Ralph Castain LANL, Cisco, Intel
rlgraham Rich Graham ORNL, LANL, Mellanox
rolfv Rolf Vandevaart Sun, Oracle, NVIDIA
rta Rob Awles LANL
rusraink Rainer Keller HLRS, ORNL
sami Sami Ayyorgun LANL
samuel Samuel K. Gutierrez LANL
santhana Gopal Santhanaraman OSU
sboehm Swen Boehm ORNL
sharonm Sharon Melamed Voltaire
shiqing Shiqing Fan HLRS
sjeaugey Sylvain Jeaugey Bull
surs Sayantan Sur OSU
sushant Sushant Sharma LANL
swise Steve Wise Chelsio
tdd Terry Dontje Sun, Oracle
timattox Tim Mattox IU, Cisco
tprins Tim Prins IU, LANL
twoodall Tim Woodall LANL
vasily Vasily Filipov Mellanox
vsahay Vishal Sahay IU
vvenkatesan Vishwanath Venkatesan UH
wbland Wesley Bland UTK
yaeld Yael Dalen Mellanox
yosefe Yossi Etigin Mellanox
yuw Weikuan Yu LANL, OSU
Affiliation abbreviations:
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ Oracle = Oracle
ORNL = Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OSU = The Ohio State University
QLogic = QLogic
RIST = Research Organization for Information Science and Technology
SNL = Sandia National Laboratories
Sun = Sun Microsystems, Inc.
TUC = Technische Universtaet Chemnitz
@ -144,4 +145,3 @@ UTK = University of Tennessee, Knoxville
UWL = University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Mellanox = Mellanox
ZIH = Technische Universitaet Dresden
RIST = Research Organization for Information Science and Technology
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