These are the back-end files which are called by the wrapper compilers.
Yet to format the comments properly. I will format them ASAP and make a man-page similar to L7 for mpicc, mpicxx, mpif77 and mpif90 This commit was SVN r295.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Обычный файл
Обычный файл
@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
// Function: - helper library for wrapper compilers
/** @file **/
#include "lam_config.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "tools/wrappers/lamwrap.h"
#include "lam/util/argv.h"
#include "lam/util/few.h"
#include "lam/util/path.h"
using namespace std;
// External functions
extern "C" {
extern int lam_few(char *argv[], int *status);
extern char *lam_path_find (char *fname, char **pathv, int mode);
extern char *lam_path_env_find (char *fname, int mode);
extern char *lam_path_findv (char *fname, char **pathv, int mode, char **envv);
extern char *lam_path_env_findv (char *fname, int mode, char **envv, char *wrkdir);
extern char **environ;
// Global variables
bool fl_libs(true);
bool fl_profile(false);
bool fl_cpp(false);
bool fl_want_show_error(false);
bool showme_cmd(false);
bool showme_compile(false);
bool showme_link(false);
// Local variables
static string cmd_name("<unknown>");
/// Parse the command line arguments of the wrapper compiler
/// \param argc Number of command line parameters
/// \param argv Vector containing command line parameters
/// \param want_flags True if extra flags are needed
lam_wrap_parse_args(int argc, char* argv[], bool& want_flags)
string str;
bool have_arg;
cmd_name = argv[0];
// Note: only add all the compiler/linker flags if there is an
// argv[] that doesn not begin with "-" or some form of "-showme" is
// specified.
want_flags = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
str = argv[i];
if ("-showme" == str.substr(0, 7) || "--showme" == str.substr(0, 8) ||
"-show" == str || "--show" == str) {
want_flags = true;
fl_want_show_error = true;
if ("-showme:" == str.substr(0, 8)) {
str = str.substr(8);
have_arg = true;
} else if ("--showme" == str.substr(0, 9)) {
str = str.substr(9);
have_arg = true;
} else {
showme_cmd = true;
have_arg = false;
if (have_arg) {
if ("compile" == str)
showme_compile = true;
else if ("link" == str)
showme_link = true;
showme_cmd = true;
} else if ("-c" == str) {
fl_libs = false;
} else if ("-E" == str || "-M" == str) {
fl_libs = false;
fl_cpp = true;
} else if ("-S" == str) {
fl_libs = false;
} else if ("-lpmpi" == str) {
fl_profile = true;
} else if ('-' != str[0]) {
want_flags = true;
fl_want_show_error = true;
// Sanity check
if (fl_profile) {
#if 0
show_help("compile", "no-profiling-support", argv[0], NULL);
fl_profile = false;
/// Figure out what the back-end compiler is (even if it's multiple
/// tokens)
/// \param env_list List of environment variables passed by the user
/// \param default_comp Defaultl backend compiler
/// \param out Compiler to use (return value)
lam_wrap_get_compiler(const lam_sv_t& env_list, const string& default_comp,
lam_sv_t& out)
int i;
char *env;
string comp;
string temp1, temp2;
string::size_type pos;
string compiler0;
// Check for environment variable overrides
for (i = 0; (string::size_type) i < env_list.size(); ++i) {
env = getenv(env_list[i].c_str());
if (0 != env) {
comp = env;
lam_wrap_split(comp, ' ', out);
// If we didn't find any of the environment variables, use the default
if (out.empty())
lam_wrap_split(default_comp, ' ', out);
// If we're preprocessing, we need to know the basename of argv0
// (see below).
if (fl_cpp) {
pos = out[0].find_last_of('/');
if (pos != string::npos)
// JMS There has to be a better way to do this
compiler0 = out[0].substr(pos + 1);
compiler0 = out[0];
// Ugh. If we're acting as the preprocessor, ditch any libtool
// arguments.
if (fl_cpp) {
// If we find "libtool", then advance until we find an argument
// that does not begin with "--"; the arguments after that will be
// the compiler (preprocessor) stuff
if ("libtool" == compiler0) {
i = 1;
while ((string::size_type) i < out.size() &&
"--" == out[i].substr(0, 2)){
out.erase(out.begin(), out.begin() + i);
/// Build up a list of arguments for CFLAGS (a bit of a misnomer,
/// because it may actually be CXXFLAGS or FFLAGS, depending on what
/// the front-end wrapper compiler is).
/// \param want_f77_includes If F77 includes are wanted
/// \param cflags Vector of strings containing the cflags (returned)
lam_wrap_build_cflags(bool want_f77_includes, lam_sv_t& cflags)
string incdir(LAM_INCDIR);
// Ensure that we don't -I/usr/include, for the reasons listed
// above. EXCEPTION: If this is fortran, then we add -I regardless
// of what the prefix is, because the fortran compiler will not
// -I/usr/include automatically.
if (want_f77_includes || "/usr/include" != incdir)
cflags.push_back("-I" + incdir);
/// Build up a list of user arguments (from argc/argv) that will be
/// plugged into the command line that will invoke the back-end
/// compiler.
/// \param argc Number of command line parameters
/// \param argv Vector containing the command line parameters
/// \param user_args List of user arguments that will be passed to
/// the back-end compiler (return value)
lam_wrap_build_user_args(int argc, char* argv[], lam_sv_t& user_args)
string str;
// Don't copy -showme* or -lpmpi. -lpmpi will be
// insertted elsewhere if necessary.
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
str = argv[i];
if ("-showme" != str.substr(0, 7) &&
"--showme" != str.substr(0, 8) &&
"-show" != str &&
"--show" != str &&
"-lpmpi" != str){
/// Build up a list of LDFLAGS that will be given to the back-end
/// compiler.
/// \param ldflags Vector of strings comtaining the LDFLAGS
lam_wrap_build_ldflags(lam_sv_t& ldflags)
string s;
string libdir(LAM_LIBDIR);
lam_sv_t sv;
lam_sv_t::iterator svi;
// If we don't want the libs, then we don't want ldflags, either.
// Hence, return with ldflags empty.
if (!fl_libs)
// Add in the extra flags passed by configure. Do the same kinds of
// checks that we do below -- ensure that we don't add a "-L/usr" to
// the command line.
lam_wrap_split(s, ' ', sv);
if (!sv.empty()){
for (svi = sv.begin(); svi != sv.end(); ++svi) {
if ("-L/usr" != *svi){
lam_wrap_split_append_sv(*svi, ldflags);
// Form library directory pathname.
// Add "-L$prefix/lib".
// Apply similar logic here as we did with -I -- if the libdir is
// /usr/lib, there's no need to explicitly add it, because the
// compiler will already be looking there.
if ("/usr/lib" != libdir){
ldflags.push_back("-L" + libdir);
/// Build up a list of LIBS that will be given to the back-end
/// compiler.
/// \param want_cxx_libs Are we building mpiCC?
/// \param libs Vector of strings containing the libraries to be
/// linked to the backend compiler
lam_wrap_build_libs(bool want_cxx_libs, lam_sv_t& libs)
string libdir(LAM_LIBDIR);
#if 0
bool want_aio(false);
// If we don't want the libs, then return with libs empty
if (!fl_libs){
// Now we start adding libraries to libs
// ROMIO comes first. Check to ensure that it exists (and that the
// profiling library was previously found).
#if 0
if (!lam_wrap_check_file(libdir, "liblammpio.a") &&
!lam_wrap_check_file(libdir, "")) {
cerr << "WARNING: " << cmd_name
<< " expected to find liblammpio.* in " << libdir << endl
<< "WARNING: MPI-2 IO support will be disabled" << endl;
} else {
want_aio = true;
// The C++ bindings come next
#if 0
if (want_cxx_libs) {
if (!lam_wrap_check_file(libdir, "liblammpi++.a") &&
!lam_wrap_check_file(libdir, ""))
cerr << "WARNING: " << cmd_name
<< " expected to find liblammpi++.* in " << libdir << endl
<< "WARNING: MPI C++ support will be disabled" << endl;
// Next comes the fortran MPI library
#if 0
if (!lam_wrap_check_file(libdir, "liblamf77mpi.a") &&
!lam_wrap_check_file(libdir, ""))
cerr << "WARNING: " << cmd_name
<< " expected to find liblamf77mpi.* in " << libdir << endl
<< "WARNING: MPI Fortran support will be disabled" << endl;
// Next comes the MPI library
// Finally, any system libraries
#if 0
if (want_aio)
lam_wrap_split_append_sv(WRAPPER_EXTRA_LIBS, libs);
/// Build of a list of extra flags to go to the back-end compiler.
/// These are typically extra flags that come from the configure
/// script.
/// \param extra_string Extra flags to be passed to backend compiler
/// \param extra_flags Vector of strings to be pased to backend
/// compiler (return value)
lam_wrap_build_extra_flags(const string& extra_string, lam_sv_t& extra_flags)
if (!extra_string.empty())
lam_wrap_split_append_sv(extra_string, extra_flags);
/// Print out a vector of strings
/// \param sv Vector of strings to be printed out
lam_wrap_print_sv(const lam_sv_t& sv)
for (int i = 0; (string::size_type) i < sv.size(); ++i)
cout << sv[i] << " ";
/// Execute a vector of strings (ultimately results down to a call to
/// some flavor of exec()).
/// \param sv Vector of strings to be exec()'ed
lam_wrap_exec_sv(const lam_sv_t& sv)
int status;
int ret;
int i, ac = 0;
char **av = 0;
char *tmp = NULL;
// Build up a C array of the args
for (i = 0; (string::size_type) i < sv.size(); ++i)
lam_argv_add(&ac, &av, (char*) sv[i].c_str());
// There is no way to tell whether lam_few returned non-zero because
// the called app returned non-zero or if there was a failure in the
// exec (like the file not being found). So we look for the
// compiler first, just to try to eliminate that case.
tmp = lam_path_env_findv(av[0], 0, environ, NULL);
if (NULL == tmp) {
#if 0
show_help("compile", "no-compiler-found", av[0], NULL);
errno = 0;
status = -1;
} else {
ret = lam_few(av, &status);
if (0 != ret && 0 != errno && fl_want_show_error)
// Free the C array
return status;
/// Remove leading and trailing white space from a given string.
/// Must be sent a null-terminated string.
/// \param str String from which leading and trailing spaces should
/// be removed
lam_wrap_strip_white(string& str)
int start, end, size(str.size());
/* Remove leading whitespace */
for (start = 0; start < size; ++start){
if (!isspace(str[start])){
/* Remove trailing whitespace */
for (end = start; end < size; ++end){
if (isspace(str[end])) {
str = str.substr(start, end);
/// Split a string into a vector of strings
/// \param str String which has to be split into a vector of strings
/// \param c Charecter which demarkates 2 strings
/// \param out Vector of strings (return value)
lam_wrap_split(const string& str, char c, lam_sv_t& out)
int start, i(0), size(str.size());
// Strip off the first bunch of c's
while (i < size && str[i] == c){
if (i >= size){
return false;
// Now start making a vector of the strings
while (i < size) {
start = i;
while (i < size && str[i] != c){
out.push_back(str.substr(start, i - start));
while (i < size && str[i] == c){
return true;
/// Take a string, split it into tokens, and append it to an existing
/// vector of strings
/// \param str String which is to be split into tokens
/// \param out Vector of strings to which the tokens are appended
lam_wrap_split_append_sv(const string& str, lam_sv_t& out)
int i;
lam_sv_t temp;
lam_wrap_split(str, ' ', temp);
for (i = 0; (string::size_type) i < temp.size(); ++i){
/// Append one vector of strings onto the end of another.
/// \param in Vector of strings to be appended
/// \param out Vector of strings to which "in" will be appended
lam_wrap_append_sv(const lam_sv_t& in, lam_sv_t& out)
// JMS Is there a better way to do this?
for (int i = 0; (string::size_type) i < in.size(); ++i){
/// Check for the presence of a file
/// \param dir Directory in which the file should be present
/// \param file Name of the file
lam_wrap_check_file(const string& dir, const string& file)
int ret;
struct stat buf;
string name = dir + "/" + file;
ret = stat(name.c_str(), &buf);
return (bool) (0 == ret);
Обычный файл
Обычный файл
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#include <iostream>
#include "lam_config.h"
#include "tools/wrappers/lamwrap.h"
using namespace std;
/// Back-end entry point for the wrapper compiler functionality. All
/// three wrapper compilers invoke this function.
/// \param argc Number of command line arguments
/// \param argv Vector containing command line arguments
/// \param env_vars Environment variables
/// \param default_compiler The default backend compiler
/// \param want_cxx_libs Whether C++ libraries should be linked in
/// \param want_f77_includes Whether F77 include path should be added
/// \param extra_args Extra arguments which need to be added
lam_wrap_engine(int argc, char* argv[],
const lam_sv_t& env_vars, const string& default_compiler,
bool want_cxx_libs, bool want_f77_includes,
const string& extra_args)
int ret(0);
bool want_flags;
lam_sv_t str_vec;
lam_sv_t compiler;
lam_sv_t cflags;
lam_sv_t user_args;
lam_sv_t ldflags;
lam_sv_t libs;
lam_sv_t extra_flags;
lam_sv_t cmd_line;
// Parse command line
lam_wrap_parse_args(argc, argv, want_flags);
// Get the compiler
lam_wrap_get_compiler(env_vars, default_compiler, compiler);
// Build the CFLAGS
lam_wrap_build_cflags(want_f77_includes, cflags);
// Build the user arguments
lam_wrap_build_user_args(argc, argv, user_args);
// Build the LDFLAGS
// Build the LIBS
lam_wrap_build_libs(want_cxx_libs, libs);
// Build any extra arguments
lam_wrap_build_extra_flags(extra_args, extra_flags);
// Now assemble the command line
lam_wrap_append_sv(compiler, cmd_line);
if (want_flags) {
lam_wrap_append_sv(cflags, cmd_line);
lam_wrap_append_sv(extra_flags, cmd_line);
lam_wrap_append_sv(user_args, cmd_line);
if (want_flags) {
lam_wrap_append_sv(ldflags, cmd_line);
lam_wrap_append_sv(libs, cmd_line);
// Display or execute?
if (showme_cmd)
if (showme_cmd || showme_compile) {
if (showme_cmd || showme_compile || showme_link)
if (showme_cmd || showme_link) {
if (showme_cmd || showme_compile || showme_link)
cout << endl;
ret = lam_wrap_exec_sv(cmd_line);
// That's all she wrote
return ret;
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