Set $PWD for the application proc to match the cwd. If the user specifies a working dir via -wdir, this ensures that the enviro variable matches what they get from getcwd. Note that any subsequent calls to chdir in the user's program will break that equivalence - we can only ensure it starts out matching!

This commit was SVN r18709.
Этот коммит содержится в:
Ralph Castain 2008-06-23 18:25:41 +00:00
родитель acbcbb81b5
Коммит 0fa9d88009

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@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_STAT_H */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "opal/util/opal_environ.h"
@ -495,6 +499,7 @@ static int odls_base_default_setup_fork(orte_app_context_t *context,
char *full_search;
char *pathenv = NULL, *mpiexec_pathenv = NULL;
char **argvptr;
char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
/* check the system limits - if we are at our max allowed children, then
* we won't be allowed to do this anyway, so we may as well abort now.
@ -527,6 +532,22 @@ static int odls_base_default_setup_fork(orte_app_context_t *context,
return rc;
/* The prior function will have done a chdir() to jump us to
* wherever the app is to be executed. This could be either where
* the user specified (via -wdir), or to the user's home directory
* on this node if nothing was provided. It seems that chdir doesn't
* adjust the $PWD enviro variable when it changes the directory. This
* can cause a user to get a different response when doing getcwd vs
* looking at the enviro variable. To keep this consistent, we explicitly
* ensure that the PWD enviro variable matches the CWD we moved to.
* NOTE: if a user's program does a chdir(), then $PWD will once
* again not match getcwd! This is beyond our control - we are only
* ensuring they start out matching.
getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir));
opal_setenv("PWD", dir, true, environ_copy);
/* Search for the OMPI_exec_path and PATH settings in the environment. */
for (argvptr = *environ_copy; *argvptr != NULL; argvptr++) {
if (0 == strncmp("OMPI_exec_path=", *argvptr, 15)) {