Revert last commit - went to wrong repo!
Didn't we just have that happen the other day too? :-) This commit was SVN r21878.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -128,9 +128,8 @@ EOF
# If it worked so far, try running to see what we get
AS_IF([test "$cross_compiling" = "yes"],
AC_MSG_RESULT([yes (cross-compiling)])
AC_MSG_WARN([Can not determin if REAL*16 and C types match. Assuming yes.])],
AC_MSG_ERROR([Can not determine if REAL*16 bit-matches C if cross compiling])],
[happy=`cat conftestval`],
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
* *
* This program is designed to stress MPI and the network underneath it. *
* It repeatedly does *
* *
* 1) a bunch of collective operations (reduce, gather etc) *
* 2) a bunch of sends of randomly chosen length data arrays to *
* a) nearby pes *
* b) randomly chosen pes throughout the whole set of available pes *
* *
* How this works: *
* *
* We first define our 'nearby' pes, as those with pe number within +-maxneigh_near *
* of our own pe number. Then a random number (max of maxneigh_rand) 'randomly chosen' *
* pes are selected from the set of all pes. Each of these selection processes *
* proceeds independently on all pes, so at this stage one neighbor pe might not be *
* a 'mutual neighbor' pe. At the same time as the pe selection happens, we define *
* the quantity of data that we plan to send to our neighbor pe. *
* *
* After we have all of this information, we do some reductions across all processors *
* to determine max/min/average number of neighbor pes that any given pe has. *
* Mostly this is just an exercise of the network infrastructure, but is nice in that *
* it also prints out a bit of information. *
* *
* Next, we need to do discovery of all pairs of mpi pes, in order to know who should *
* send how much data to whom, so that relevant send/receive calls can be made. *
* This means doing an Allgather of the neighbors that each pe thinks it has, and a *
* search of those neighbors by all pes, to determine if it is one of them. If so, *
* we save the identity of the pe and the length of the array it expects to send to us, *
* both so that we can set up a receive call, and so that we can send the same amount of *
* data back. Each pair of processors sends and recieves an equal volume of data between *
* them. *
* Note reciprocal data sends are not yet implemented. *
* *
* Finally, we do all the send and recieve operations between all pes, checking the *
* integrity of the data recieved. *
* *
* Then we start over and do it all again, with a different set of randomly selected *
* neighbors pes and data lengths. *
* *
* *
* How to run this test: *
* *
* mpirun -n 64 netstress *
* *
* 64 pes reproduces immediately. 32 reproduces immediately. 16 can sometimes *
* run many iterations but seems to reproduce after a minute or two. *
* *
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAXPE 4095
#define MAXPE2 16769025
#define MAXLENGTH 500000
#define MAXNEIGH_RAND 40
#define MAXNEIGH_NEAR 10
#define MAXBIG 4146
/* global variables */
char string[120];
int mype, numpe;
int tag;
MPI_Request send_req[MAXPE], recv_req[MAXPE];
MPI_Status send_status[MAXPE], recv_status[MAXPE];
int myrecvneigh[MAXLENGTH], mysendneigh[MAXLENGTH];
int nrecvneigh, nsendneigh;
int len_recv[MAXBIG], len_send[MAXBIG];
int intarr2recv[MAXLENGTH], intarr2send[MAXLENGTH];
double array2recv[MAXLENGTH], array2send[MAXLENGTH];
int nsendneigh_all[MAXPE], allsendneigh[MAXPE2],len_send_all[MAXPE2];
int nayoffset[MAXPE];
char charrseed[8];
int rseed[2];
double harvest;
int numneigh_rand;
int lenmin, lenmax;
int maxnay, minnay, totnay;
int nsendneigh, nrecvneigh;
int rank;
int mpierror;
static void getnaypes(void);
static void exchange_nayinfo(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, ii;
* Initialize MPI and the basic state of the executable
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numpe);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mype);
for (i=0; i < MAXLENGTH; i++) {
array2send[i] = (double)mype;
intarr2send[i] = mype;
* *
* Start loop *
* *
while (1) {
if (mype == 0) {
printf("starting another iteration\n");
for (i=0; i < MAXLENGTH; i++) {
array2recv[i] = -1.0;
* Now start the process of sending and receiving data from our neighbors
for (i=0; i < nrecvneigh; i++) {
tag = len_recv[i];
for (i=0; i < nrecvneigh; i++) {
tag = MAXLENGTH + len_recv[i];
for (i=0; i < nsendneigh; i++) {
tag = len_send[i];
for (i=0; i < nsendneigh; i++) {
tag = MAXLENGTH + len_send[i];
MPI_Waitall(2*nrecvneigh,recv_req, recv_status);
MPI_Waitall(2*nsendneigh,send_req, send_status);
static void getnaypes(void)
int n, minpe, maxrank;
* Predetermine a number of 'local' neighbors with whom we will exchange data,
* and define how much data we will send to them.
if ((numpe-1) < (mype+MAXNEIGH_NEAR/2)) {
minpe = numpe-1;
} else {
minpe = mype+MAXNEIGH_NEAR/2;
if (0 < (rank-MAXNEIGH_NEAR/2)) {
maxrank = rank-MAXNEIGH_NEAR/2;
} else {
maxrank = 0;
for (n=maxrank; n < minpe; n++) {
mysendneigh[nsendneigh] = n;
harvest = (double)random() / (double)RAND_MAX;
len_send[nsendneigh] = (int)((double)MAXLENGTH*harvest) ;
* Predetermine a number of 'remote' neighbors with whom we will exchange data,
* and define how much data we will send to them. Note that this could in
* principle include some of our local neighbors too.
harvest = (double)random() / (double)RAND_MAX;
if (numpe < (int)((double)numpe*harvest)) {
numneigh_rand = numpe;
} else {
numneigh_rand = (int)((double)numpe*harvest);
for (n=0; n < numneigh_rand; n++) {
harvest = (double)random() / (double)RAND_MAX;
if ((numpe-1) < (int)((double)(numpe-1)*harvest)) {
mysendneigh[nsendneigh] = numpe-1;
} else {
mysendneigh[nsendneigh] = (int)((double)(numpe-1)*harvest);
harvest = (double)random() / (double)RAND_MAX;
len_send[nsendneigh] = (int)((double)MAXLENGTH*harvest);
#if 0
/* Do some print outs of the information we just defined. */
lenmin = minval(len_send(1:nsendneigh));
lenmax = maxval(len_send(1:nsendneigh));
mpierror = MPI_Allreduce(mysendneigh,myrecvneigh,nrecvneigh,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(mpierror != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("My pe is: %d and I just failed getnaypes MPI_Allreduce #1 with code: %d\n", mype, mpierror);
mpierror = MPI_Allreduce(mysendneigh,myrecvneigh,nrecvneigh,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if(mpierror != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("My pe is: %d and I just failed getnaypes MPI_Allreduce #2 with code: %d\n", mype, mpierror);
mpierror = MPI_Allreduce(mysendneigh,myrecvneigh,nrecvneigh,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (mpierror != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("My pe is: %d and I just failed getnaypes MPI_Allreduce #3 with code: %d\n", mype, mpierror);
if (mype == 0) {
printf("\nThe pe with the least send-to neighbors has: %d neighbor pes\n", minnay);
printf("The pe with the most send-to neighbors has: %d neighbor pes\n", maxnay);
printf("There are a total of %d neighbor pes spread across %d MPI ranks\n",totnay, numpe);
printf("So the average number of send-to neighbor pes is %f\n",(double)(totnay)/(double)(numpe));
static void exchange_nayinfo(void)
int i, j, n, nstart;
* Send around data on who everyone thinks is its neighbor and how much
* data it should expect to exchange with that neighbor:
if (mype == 0) {
printf("Now we will determine how many recvfrom pes each pe has, and how much\ndata it should expect to receive from those pes\n");
* Gather how many neighbors everyone thinks they have to all pes,
* so that we can determine where the offset is into each processor's
* neighbor list, which we will send next.
mpierror = MPI_Allgather(&nsendneigh,1,MPI_INT,nsendneigh_all,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (mpierror != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("My pe is: %d and I just failed exchange_nayinfo MPI_Allgather #1 with code: %d\n",mype, mpierror);
for (i=1; i < numpe; i++) {
nayoffset[i]=nayoffset[i-1] + nsendneigh_all[i-1];
* Now we distribute all of the actual neighbor identities for each
* processor, to each processor
mpierror = MPI_Allgatherv(mysendneigh,nsendneigh,MPI_INT,allsendneigh,nsendneigh_all,nayoffset,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (mpierror != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("My pe is: %d and I just failed exchange_nayinfo MPI_Allgatherv #1 with code: %d\n",mype, mpierror);
* Finally, send around the amount of data we expect to come from each neighbor pe
mpierror = MPI_Allgatherv(len_send,nsendneigh,MPI_INT,len_send_all,nsendneigh_all,nayoffset,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (mpierror != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("My pe is: %d and I just failed exchange_nayinfo MPI_Allgatherv #2 with code: %d\n",mype, mpierror);
nstart = 1;
for (i=0; i < numpe; i++) {
for (j=nstart; j < nstart+nsendneigh_all[i]-1; j++) {
if (allsendneigh[j] == mype) {
nstart=nstart + nsendneigh_all[i];
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int tag0=41; /* MPI message tag */
int inject;
int allreduce;
int report;
int iterations;
int n_bytes;
@ -44,8 +43,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
"\tsize=[value < 0 => max message size in kbytes, value > 0 => max message size in Mbytes (default=1MByte)]\n"
"\tinject=[value = #iterations before injecting MPI_Sendrecv to self (default: never)]\n"
"\treport=[value = #iterations/reporting point (default: 1000)\n"
"\titerations=[value = #iterations before stopping (default: 1000000)\n"
"\tallreduce=[value = #iterations before injecting MPI_Allreduce (default: never)]\n");
"\titerations=[value = #iterations before stopping (default: 1000000)\n");
return 0;
@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* setup defaults in lieu of args */
n_bytes = 1024*1024;
inject = -1;
allreduce = -1;
report = 1000;
iterations = 1000000;
/* do a ring */
@ -137,10 +134,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tmp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
iterations = atoi(tmp);
} else if (0 == strncmp(argv[i], "allr", strlen("allr"))) {
tmp = strchr(argv[i], '=');
allreduce = atoi(tmp);
@ -189,18 +182,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d has completed MPI_Sendrecv with myself\n", rank);
if (0 < allreduce && 0 == (i % allreduce)) {
mpierr = MPI_Allreduce(send_buff, count, MPI_CHAR, rank, tag0,
recv_buff, n_bytes, MPI_CHAR, rank, tag0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if (mpierr != MPI_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr,"MPI Error %d (MPI_Allreduce) [%d,%d] at iteration %d\n",mpierr,rank,rank,i);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d has completed MPI_Allreduce\n", rank);
fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d completed test\n", rank);
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