2004-07-14 14:11:03 +00:00
// -*- c++ -*-
2004-11-22 01:38:40 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
// All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of the University of Tennessee.
// All rights reserved.
2004-11-28 20:09:25 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
// University of Stuttgart. All rights reserved.
2005-03-24 12:43:37 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
// All rights reserved.
2004-11-22 01:38:40 +00:00
// Additional copyrights may follow
2004-07-14 14:11:03 +00:00
class Cartcomm : public Intracomm {
// construction
Cartcomm() { }
// copy
Cartcomm(const Comm_Null& data) : Intracomm(data) { }
// inter-language operability
inline Cartcomm(const MPI_Comm& data);
Cartcomm(const Cartcomm& data) : Intracomm(data), pmpi_comm(data) { }
Cartcomm(const PMPI::Cartcomm& d) :
Intracomm((const PMPI::Intracomm&)d),
pmpi_comm(d) { }
// assignment
Cartcomm& operator=(const Cartcomm& data) {
pmpi_comm = data.pmpi_comm; return *this; }
Cartcomm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) {
pmpi_comm = (PMPI::Cartcomm)data; return *this; }
// inter-language operability
Cartcomm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) {
pmpi_comm = data; return *this; }
Cartcomm(const Cartcomm& data) : Intracomm(data.mpi_comm) { }
// assignment
Cartcomm& operator=(const Cartcomm& data) {
mpi_comm = data.mpi_comm; return *this; }
Cartcomm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) {
mpi_comm = data; return *this; }
// inter-language operability
Cartcomm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) {
mpi_comm = data; return *this; }
// Groups, Contexts, and Communicators
Cartcomm Dup() const;
virtual Cartcomm& Clone() const;
// Groups, Contexts, and Communicators
virtual int Get_dim() const;
virtual void Get_topo(int maxdims, int dims[], bool periods[],
int coords[]) const;
virtual int Get_cart_rank(const int coords[]) const;
virtual void Get_coords(int rank, int maxdims, int coords[]) const;
virtual void Shift(int direction, int disp,
int &rank_source, int &rank_dest) const;
virtual Cartcomm Sub(const bool remain_dims[]);
virtual int Map(int ndims, const int dims[], const bool periods[]) const;
PMPI::Cartcomm pmpi_comm;
// Class Graphcomm
class Graphcomm : public Intracomm {
// construction
Graphcomm() { }
// copy
Graphcomm(const Comm_Null& data) : Intracomm(data) { }
// inter-language operability
inline Graphcomm(const MPI_Comm& data);
Graphcomm(const Graphcomm& data) : Intracomm(data), pmpi_comm(data) { }
Graphcomm(const PMPI::Graphcomm& d) :
Intracomm((const PMPI::Intracomm&)d), pmpi_comm(d) { }
// assignment
Graphcomm& operator=(const Graphcomm& data) {
pmpi_comm = data.pmpi_comm; return *this; }
Graphcomm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) {
pmpi_comm = (PMPI::Graphcomm)data; return *this; }
// inter-language operability
Graphcomm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) {
pmpi_comm = data; return *this; }
Graphcomm(const Graphcomm& data) : Intracomm(data.mpi_comm) { }
// assignment
Graphcomm& operator=(const Graphcomm& data) {
mpi_comm = data.mpi_comm; return *this; }
Graphcomm& operator=(const Comm_Null& data) {
mpi_comm = data; return *this; }
// inter-language operability
Graphcomm& operator=(const MPI_Comm& data) {
mpi_comm = data; return *this; }
// Groups, Contexts, and Communicators
Graphcomm Dup() const;
virtual Graphcomm& Clone() const;
// Process Topologies
virtual void Get_dims(int nnodes[], int nedges[]) const;
virtual void Get_topo(int maxindex, int maxedges, int index[],
int edges[]) const;
virtual int Get_neighbors_count(int rank) const;
virtual void Get_neighbors(int rank, int maxneighbors,
int neighbors[]) const;
virtual int Map(int nnodes, const int index[],
const int edges[]) const;
PMPI::Graphcomm pmpi_comm;