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Исходник Обычный вид История

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 The University of Tennessee and The University
# of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Inria. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyrights may follow
# Author Emmanuel Jeannot <emmanuel.jeannot@inria.fr>
# This script aggregates the profiles generated by the flush_monitoring function.
# The files need to be in in given format: name_<phase_id>_<process_id>
# They are then aggregated by phases.
# If one needs the profile of all the phases he can concatenate the different files,
# or use the output of the monitoring system done at MPI_Finalize
# in the example it should be call as:
# ./aggregate_profile.pl prof/phase to generate
# prof/phase_1.prof
# prof/phase_2.prof
# ensure that this script as the executable right: chmod +x ...
die "$0 <name of the profile>\n\tProfile files should be of the form \"name_phaseid_processesid.prof\"\n\tFor instance if you saved the monitoring into phase_0_0.prof, phase_0_1.prof, ..., phase_1_0.prof etc you should call: $0 phase\n" if ($#ARGV!=0);
$name = $ARGV[0];
@files = glob ($name."*");
%phaseid = ();
# Detect the different phases
foreach $file (@files) {
($id)=($file =~ m/$name\_(\d+)_\d+/);
$phaseid{$id} = 1 if ($id);
# for each phases aggregate the files
foreach $id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %phaseid) {
sub aggregate{
$phase = $_[0];
print "Building $phase.prof\n";
open OUT,">$phase.prof";
@files = glob ($phase."*");
foreach $file ( @files) {
open IN,$file;
while (<IN>) {
print OUT;
close IN;
close OUT;