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Short version: This script automates the tedious task of updating copyright notices in the tops of OMPI/ORTE/OPAL source files before committing back to the respository. Set the environment variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_SEARCH_NAME to a short (case-insensitive) name that indicates your copyright line (e.g., "cisco"), and set the env variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_FORMAL_NAME with your organization's formal name and copyright statement (e.g., "Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.") before running the script. More details: This is a simple script to traverse the tree looking for added and changed files (via "svn st ." or "hg st .", depending on what meta directory is found in this tree). Note that the search starts in the current directory -- not the top-level directory. All added and changed files are examined. If the special "$COPYRIGHT$" token is found, then lines above that token are examined to find the "search" copyright name. - If the search name is found, that line is examined to see if the current year is in the copyright year range. If it is not, the line is modified to include the current year. - If the search name is not found, a new line is created in the copyright block of the file using the formal name and the current year. NOTE: this script currently doesn't handle multi-line copyright statements, such as: Copyright (c) 2010 University of Blabbityblah and the Trustees of Schblitbittyboo. All rights reserved. Someone could certainly extend this script to do so, if they cared (my organizations' copyright fits on a single line, so I wasn't motivated to handle the multi-line case :-) ). This commit was SVN r23742.
2010-09-12 10:42:05 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2010-2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Short version: This script automates the tedious task of updating copyright notices in the tops of OMPI/ORTE/OPAL source files before committing back to the respository. Set the environment variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_SEARCH_NAME to a short (case-insensitive) name that indicates your copyright line (e.g., "cisco"), and set the env variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_FORMAL_NAME with your organization's formal name and copyright statement (e.g., "Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.") before running the script. More details: This is a simple script to traverse the tree looking for added and changed files (via "svn st ." or "hg st .", depending on what meta directory is found in this tree). Note that the search starts in the current directory -- not the top-level directory. All added and changed files are examined. If the special "$COPYRIGHT$" token is found, then lines above that token are examined to find the "search" copyright name. - If the search name is found, that line is examined to see if the current year is in the copyright year range. If it is not, the line is modified to include the current year. - If the search name is not found, a new line is created in the copyright block of the file using the formal name and the current year. NOTE: this script currently doesn't handle multi-line copyright statements, such as: Copyright (c) 2010 University of Blabbityblah and the Trustees of Schblitbittyboo. All rights reserved. Someone could certainly extend this script to do so, if they cared (my organizations' copyright fits on a single line, so I wasn't motivated to handle the multi-line case :-) ). This commit was SVN r23742.
2010-09-12 10:42:05 +00:00
# Short version:
# This script automates the tedious task of updating copyright notices
# in the tops of OMPI/ORTE/OPAL source files before committing back to
# the respository. Set the environment variable
# OMPI_COPYRIGHT_SEARCH_NAME to a short (case-insensitive) name that
# indicates your copyright line (e.g., "cisco"), and set the env
# variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_FORMAL_NAME with your organization's formal
# name and copyright statement (e.g., "Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights
# reserved.") before running the script.
# More details:
# This is a simple script to traverse the tree looking for added and
# changed files (via "svn st ." or "hg st .", depending on what meta
# directory is found in this tree). Note that the search starts in
# the current directory -- not the top-level directory.
# All added and changed files are examined. If the special
# "$COPYRIGHT$" token is found, then lines above that token are
# examined to find the "search" copyright name.
# - If the search name is found, that line is examined to see if the
# current year is in the copyright year range. If it is not, the line
# is modified to include the current year.
# - If the search name is not found, a new line is created in the
# copyright block of the file using the formal name and the current
# year.
# NOTE: this script currently doesn't handle multi-line copyright
# statements, such as:
# Copyright (c) 2010 University of Blabbityblah and the Trustees of
# Schblitbittyboo. All rights reserved.
# Someone could certainly extend this script to do so, if they cared
# (my organizations' copyright fits on a single line, so I wasn't
# motivated to handle the multi-line case :-) ).
use strict;
use Cwd;
# Defaults
my $my_search_name = "Cisco";
my $my_formal_name = "Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.";
# Override the defaults if some values are set in the environment
print "==> Copyright search name: $my_search_name\n";
print "==> Copyright formal name: $my_formal_name\n";
# Get the year
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$year += 1900;
print "==> This year: $year\n";
# Find the top-level OMPI source tree dir
my $start = cwd();
my $top = $start;
while (! -f "$top/Makefile.man-page-rules") {
$top = cwd();
die "Can't find top-level Open MPI directory"
if ($top eq "/");
print "==> Top-level Open MPI dir: $top\n";
print "==> Current directory: $start\n";
# Are we hg or svn? If we're both hg and svn, assume svn.
my $cmd;
$cmd = "svn st ."
if (-d "$top/.svn");
Short version: This script automates the tedious task of updating copyright notices in the tops of OMPI/ORTE/OPAL source files before committing back to the respository. Set the environment variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_SEARCH_NAME to a short (case-insensitive) name that indicates your copyright line (e.g., "cisco"), and set the env variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_FORMAL_NAME with your organization's formal name and copyright statement (e.g., "Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.") before running the script. More details: This is a simple script to traverse the tree looking for added and changed files (via "svn st ." or "hg st .", depending on what meta directory is found in this tree). Note that the search starts in the current directory -- not the top-level directory. All added and changed files are examined. If the special "$COPYRIGHT$" token is found, then lines above that token are examined to find the "search" copyright name. - If the search name is found, that line is examined to see if the current year is in the copyright year range. If it is not, the line is modified to include the current year. - If the search name is not found, a new line is created in the copyright block of the file using the formal name and the current year. NOTE: this script currently doesn't handle multi-line copyright statements, such as: Copyright (c) 2010 University of Blabbityblah and the Trustees of Schblitbittyboo. All rights reserved. Someone could certainly extend this script to do so, if they cared (my organizations' copyright fits on a single line, so I wasn't motivated to handle the multi-line case :-) ). This commit was SVN r23742.
2010-09-12 10:42:05 +00:00
$cmd = "hg st ."
if (-d "$top/.hg" && ! -d "$top/.svn");
die "Can't find SVN or HG meta dirs"
if (!defined($cmd));
Short version: This script automates the tedious task of updating copyright notices in the tops of OMPI/ORTE/OPAL source files before committing back to the respository. Set the environment variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_SEARCH_NAME to a short (case-insensitive) name that indicates your copyright line (e.g., "cisco"), and set the env variable OMPI_COPYRIGHT_FORMAL_NAME with your organization's formal name and copyright statement (e.g., "Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.") before running the script. More details: This is a simple script to traverse the tree looking for added and changed files (via "svn st ." or "hg st .", depending on what meta directory is found in this tree). Note that the search starts in the current directory -- not the top-level directory. All added and changed files are examined. If the special "$COPYRIGHT$" token is found, then lines above that token are examined to find the "search" copyright name. - If the search name is found, that line is examined to see if the current year is in the copyright year range. If it is not, the line is modified to include the current year. - If the search name is not found, a new line is created in the copyright block of the file using the formal name and the current year. NOTE: this script currently doesn't handle multi-line copyright statements, such as: Copyright (c) 2010 University of Blabbityblah and the Trustees of Schblitbittyboo. All rights reserved. Someone could certainly extend this script to do so, if they cared (my organizations' copyright fits on a single line, so I wasn't motivated to handle the multi-line case :-) ). This commit was SVN r23742.
2010-09-12 10:42:05 +00:00
# Run the command, parsing the output. Make a list of files that are
# added or modified.
print "==> Running: \"$cmd\"\n";
open(CMD, "$cmd|") || die "Can't run command";
my @files;
while (<CMD>) {
if ($_ =~ /^M/ || $_ =~ /^A/) {
my ($state, $filename) = split(/\s+/, $_);
push(@files, $filename);
if ($#files < 0) {
print "No added / changed files -- nothing to do\n";
# Examine each of the files and see if they need an updated copyright
foreach my $f (@files) {
print "Processing added/changed file: $f\n";
open(FILE, $f) || die "Can't open file: $f";
# Read in the file, and look for the "$COPYRIGHT$" token; that's
# the end of the copyright block that we're allowed to edit. Do
# not edit any copyright notices that may appear below that.
my $i = 0;
my @lines;
my $my_line_index;
my $token_line_index;
while (<FILE>) {
push(@lines, $_);
$token_line_index = $i
if ($_ =~ /\$COPYRIGHT\$/);
$my_line_index = $i
if (!defined($token_line_index) && $_ =~ /$my_search_name/i);
# If there was not copyright token, don't do anything
if (!defined($token_line_index)) {
print "==> WARNING: Did not find the \$COPYRIGHT\$ token!\n";
print " File left unchanged\n";
# Figure out the line prefix
$lines[$token_line_index] =~ m/^(.+)\$COPYRIGHT\$/;
my $prefix = $1;
# Now act on it
if (!defined($my_line_index)) {
print "--- My copyright line not found; adding:\n";
my $str = "${prefix}Copyright (c) $year $my_formal_name\n";
print " $str";
$lines[$token_line_index] = $str . $lines[$token_line_index];
} else {
print "--- Found existing copyright line:\n";
print " $lines[$my_line_index]";
$lines[$my_line_index] =~ m/([\d+\-]+)/;
my $years = $1;
die "Could not find years in copyright line!"
if (!defined($years));
# If it's a range, separate them out
my $first_year;
my $last_year;
if ($years =~ /\-/) {
$years =~ m/(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)/;
$first_year = $1;
$last_year = $2;
} else {
$first_year = $last_year = $years;
# Sanity check
die "Copyright looks like it extends before 1990...?"
if ($first_year < 1990);
die "Copyright in the future...?"
if ($last_year > $year);
# Do we need to do anything?
if ($year > $last_year) {
$lines[$my_line_index] = "${prefix}Copyright (c) $first_year-$year $my_formal_name\n";
print " Updated to:\n";
print " $lines[$my_line_index]";
} else {
print " This year already included in copyright; not changing file\n";
# If we got this far, we want to write out a new file
my $newf = "$f.new-copyright";
open(FILE, ">$newf") || die "Can't open file: $newf";
print FILE join(//, @lines);
# Now replace the old one
rename($newf, $f);