2005-12-12 15:37:11 +00:00
Open MPI Authors
2006-06-23 01:54:48 +00:00
The following list contains the names and Subversion IDs of
individuals who have committed code to the Open MPI repository. Those
marked with (*) are no longer active in the project.
Username Name Affiliation(s)
----------- --------------------------- -------------------------
afriedle Andrew Friedley IU, SNL
angskun Thara Angskun UTK
bosilca George Bosilca UTK
brbarret Brian Barrett IU, LANL
casswell Laura Casswell (*) LANL
ddd David Daniel LANL
dgdimick Denis Dimick (*) LANL
edgar Edgar Gabriel HLRS, UH, UTK
gef Graham Fagg UTK
gingery Ginger Young (*) LANL
gleb Gleb Natapov Voltaire
gshipman Galen Shipman LANL
gwatson Greg Watson LANL
hpcstork Sven Stork HLRS
jjhursey Josh Hursey IU, LANL
jsquyres Jeff Squyres Cisco, IU
mitch Mitch Sukalski (*) SNL
mschaara Mohamad Chaarawi UH
mt Mark Taylor (*) LANL
pkambadu Prabhanjan Kambadur (*) IU
rasmussn Craig Rasmussen LANL
rhc Ralph Castain LANL
rlgraham Rich Graham LANL
rta Rob Awles (*) LANL
rusraink Rainer Keller HLRS
santhana Gopal Santhanaraman (*) OSU
surs Sayantan Sur (*) OSU
sushant Sushant Sharma LANL
tprins Tim Prins (*) LANL
twoodall Tim Woodall LANL
vsahay Vishal Sahay (*) IU
yuw Weikuan Yu (*) LANL, OSU
Affiliaion abbreviations:
Cisco = Cisco Systems, Inc.
HLRS = High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart
IU = Indiana University
LANL = Los Alamos National Laboratory
OSU = The Ohio State University
SNL = Sandia National Laboratory
UTK = University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Voltaire = Voltaire