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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Helper script for gatekeepers: it marshals together a GK-worthy SVN
# commit message containing the CMR number(s) being closed and SVN
# commit log messages for the SVN r numbers referenced.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use XML::Parser;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;
use LWP;
use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /;
my $base_trac_url = "https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/%d?format=csv";
my $base_svn_url = "https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi/trunk";
# Command line parsing
my @cmr_arg;
my @r_arg;
my $svn_up_arg = 1;
my $help_arg = 0;
my $dry_run_arg = 0;
my $ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions("cmr|c=s" => \@cmr_arg,
"r|r=s" => \@r_arg,
"svn-up|s!" => \$svn_up_arg,
"dry-run|d!" => \$dry_run_arg,
"help|h!" => \$help_arg);
if (!$ok || $help_arg) {
print "$0 [--cmr=<list>|-c <list>] [--r=<list>|-r <list>]
[--[no-]svn-up|-s] [--dry-run|-d]
<list> is a comma-delimited list of integers.
If --dry-run is specified, 'svn up' and 'svn commit' will not be executed.
If --cmr is not specified on the command line, you will be prompted
interactively. Ditto for --r.
--no-svn-up inhibits running \"svn up\" before doing the commit.\n";
print "DRY RUN: no svn state-changing commands will be run\n"
if ($dry_run_arg);
# Parse the -cmr argument
my @cmrs;
if (@cmr_arg) {
foreach my $cmr (@cmr_arg) {
foreach my $c (split(/,/, $cmr)) {
push(@cmrs, $c);
# Parse the -r argument
my @rs;
if (@r_arg) {
foreach my $r (@r_arg) {
foreach my $rr (split(/,/, $r)) {
$rr =~ s/^r?//;
push(@rs, $rr);
# Make sure we're in an SVN tree
die "Not in a SVN tree"
if (! -d ".svn");
# If we didn't get cmrs on the command line, prompt for them
if (!@cmrs) {
print "Enter a list of CMRs closed by this commit.\n";
while (1) {
print "\nList so far: ";
if ($#cmrs >= 0) {
print "#" . join(', #', @cmrs) . "\n";
} else {
print "<none>\n";
print "CMR number (-1 to exit)? ";
my $cmrs = <STDIN>;
if (-1 == $cmrs);
foreach my $cmr (split(/[\s,]+/, $cmrs)) {
if ($cmr > 0) {
push(@cmrs, $cmr);
} else {
print "Invalid CMR number ($cmr); must be greater than 0 (ignored).\n";
if ($#cmrs < 0) {
print "Must supply at least one CMR that is closed by this commit\n";
# If we didn't get r numbers on the command line, prompt for them
if (!@rs) {
print "Enter a list of SVN r numbers included in this commit.\n";
while (1) {
print "\nList so far: ";
if ($#rs >= 0) {
print "r" . join(', r', @rs) . "\n";
} else {
print "<none>\n";
print "SVN r number (-1 to exit)? ";
my $rs = <STDIN>;
if (-1 == $rs);
foreach my $r (split(/[\s,]+/, $rs)) {
$r =~ s/^r//;
if ($r > 0) {
push(@rs, $r);
} else {
print "Invalid SVN r number ($r); must be greater than 0 (ignored).\n";
# Prettyprint
print "\nFinal list of CMRs closed by this commit: #" .
join(', #', @cmrs) . "\n";
print "\nFinal list of SVN r number closed by this commit: ";
if ($#rs >= 0) {
print "r" . join(', r', @rs) . "\n";
} else {
print "<none>\n";
# Retrieve subject lines for Trac CMRs
print "Retrieving Trac CMR summaries...\n";
my $cmr_summaries;
foreach my $cmr (@cmrs) {
my $url = sprintf($base_trac_url, $cmr);
# Recent (as of 3 Aug 2011) versions of LWP in Macports seem to
# have broken SSL certificate verification. The IU CA is in my
# Mac system keychain (and has been there for quite a long time),
# but after a recent ports update, LWP fails the SSL certificate
# verification. Fine. So we'll just turn it off, per
# http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-6.02/lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm.
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 0,
ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 });
# @#$@!$# LWP proxying for https *does not work*. So don't set
# $ua->proxy() for it. Instead, rely on $ENV{https_proxy} being
# set whenever we process requests that require SSL proxying,
# because that is obeyed deep down in the innards underneath LWP.
my $res = $ua->get($url);
if (!$res->is_success()) {
print("Failed to download Trac ticket #" . $cmr . "\n");
print $res->status_line . "\n";
my @lines = split('\n', $res->content);
my @fields = split(',', $lines[0]);
# The summary field may have a "," in it, so do the parsing with
# care. If it does, the value will be enclosed in quotes ("foo").
# If not, there will be no quotes.
my $summary = $lines[1];
$summary =~ s/^.*?,//;
if (substr($summary, 0, 1) eq '"') {
# Quotes are escaped in the string with double quotes
my $marker="===GK-COMMIT-DOUBLE-QUOTE===";
$summary =~ s/\"\"/$marker/g;
$summary =~ m/^\"(.+?)\",/;
$summary = $1;
$summary =~ s/$marker/\"/g;
} else {
$summary =~ s/(.+?),.+/\1/;
$cmr_summaries->{$cmr} = $summary;
# If we have r numbers to parse, get the SVN logs and parse them into
# a data structure
my $logentries;
my $logentry;
my $chars;
if ($#rs >= 0) {
print "Retrieving SVN log messages...\n";
my $cmd = "svn log $base_svn_url --xml ";
foreach my $r (@rs) {
$cmd .= "-r $r ";
print "Running: $cmd\n";
my $xml;
open(CMD, "$cmd|");
$xml .= $_
while (<CMD>);
my $x = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Subs',
Handlers => { Char => \&my_char });
# Run "svn up" just to get the tree consistent
if ($dry_run_arg) {
print "DRY RUN: skipping 'svn up' step\n";
} elsif ($svn_up_arg) {
print "Running 'svn up'...\n";
system("svn up");
} else {
print "Skipping 'svn up' step\n";
# Create a SVN commit message for the gatekeeper
my $commit_file = File::Temp::tempnam(Cwd::cwd(), "gkcommit");
open(FILE, ">$commit_file") ||
die "Can't open temp file";
foreach my $cmr (@cmrs) {
print FILE "Fixes #$cmr: $cmr_summaries->{$cmr}\n";
print FILE "\n";
# If we have r numbers, print them. Use a special line to make the
# pre-commit hook ignore all of these messages (i.e., so that it
# doesn't try to close some ticket twice, or something like that).
print FILE "---svn-pre-commit-ignore-below---\n\n"
if ($#rs >= 0);
foreach my $r (@rs) {
print FILE "r$r [[BR]]
# Now add all the files that changes so that the gk can examine them
print "Running 'svn status'...\n";
open(SVN, "svn status|") ||
die "Can't open svn status";
print FILE "--This line, and those below, will be ignored--
GATEKEEPER: If you wish to abort this commit, delete all content from
this file, save the file, and then quit your editor as normal. The
gkcommit script will see the 0-byte file and not perform the commit.
while (<SVN>) {
print FILE $_;
# Now allow the gk to edit the file
if ($dry_run_arg) {
# Dry run -- just show what would have happened.
print "DRY RUN: skipping edit of this commit message:
my $pager = "more";
$pager = $ENV{PAGER}
if ($ENV{PAGER});
system("$pager $commit_file");
} else {
# Let the GK edit the file
system("$ENV{SVN_EDITOR} $commit_file");
} elsif ($ENV{EDITOR}) {
system("$ENV{EDITOR} $commit_file");
} else {
system("vi $commit_file");
if (! -f $commit_file) {
print "Commit file no longer exists! Aborting.\n";
# Ensure that the file is >0 bytes long
if (-z $commit_file) {
print "ABORT: Commit file is 0 bytes long. Nothing committed.\n";
# Finally, run the commit
my $cmd = "svn commit --file $commit_file " . join(' ', @ARGV);
if ($dry_run_arg) {
print "DRY RUN: skipping '$cmd' step\n";
} else {
print "Running: $cmd\n";
if (0 == system($cmd)) {
} else {
print "Error during SVN commit!\n";
print "GK commit message left in: $commit_file\n";
# Helper functions
# Called for the first logentry tag in the XML parsing
sub logentry {
# The beginning logentry tag has arugments of the form:
# ($expat, 'logentry', attr1, val1, attr2, val2, ...);
while (@_) {
my $attr = shift(@_);
my $val = shift(@_);
$logentry->{$attr} = $val;
# Called for the last logentry tag in the XML parsing
sub logentry_ {
$logentries->{$logentry->{revision}} = $logentry;
$logentry = undef;
# Called for the last anchor tag in the XML parsing
sub author_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{author} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for the last date tag in the XML parsing
sub date_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{date} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for the last revision tag in the XML parsing
sub revision_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{revision} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for the last msg tag in the XML parsing
sub msg_ {
$chars =~ s/^\n*//;
$logentry->{msg} = $chars;
$chars = '';
# Called for general character data in XML parsing
sub my_char {
my ($expat, $tmp) = @_;
$chars .= $tmp;