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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2012 Los Alamos National Security, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
2016-10-11 23:28:16 -07:00
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel, Inc. All rights reserved.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
# globals
my $num_nodes = 2;
my $my_arg;
my $reps = 5;
my $usedvm = 0;
my $usesrun = 0;
my $usempirun = 0;
my $useaprun = 0;
my $useaprun = 0;
my $myapp;
my $runall = 0;
my $rawoutput = 0;
my $myresults = "myresults";
my @csvrow;
my @tests = qw(/bin/true ./orte_no_op ./mpi_no_op ./mpi_no_op ./mpi_no_op);
my @options = ("", "", "", "-mca mpi_add_procs_cutoff 0 -mca pmix_base_async_modex 1", "-mca mpi_add_procs_cutoff 0 -mca pmix_base_async_modex 1 -mca async_mpi_init 1 -mca async_mpi_finalize 1");
my @starters = qw(mpirun orterun srun aprun);
my @starteroptions = ("--pernode --novm",
"--hnp file:dvm_uri --pernode",
"-N 1");
# Set to true if the script should merely print the cmds
# it would run, but don't run them
2016-10-11 23:28:16 -07:00
my $SHOWME = 0;
# Set to true to suppress most informational messages.
my $QUIET = 0;
# Set to true if we just want to see the help message
my $HELP = 0;
"help" => \$HELP,
"quiet" => \$QUIET,
"showme" => \$SHOWME,
"reps=s" => \$reps,
"dvm" => \$usedvm,
"srun" => \$usesrun,
"aprun" => \$useaprun,
"mpirun" => \$usempirun,
"myapp=s" => \$myapp,
"all" => \$runall,
"results=s" => \$myresults,
"rawout" => \$rawoutput,
) or die "unable to parse options, stopped";
if ($HELP) {
print "$0 [options]
--help | -h This help message
--quiet | -q Only output critical messages to stdout
--showme Show the actual commands without executing them
--reps=s Number of times to run each test (for statistics)
--mpirun Use only mpirun (or its equivalent orterun)
--dvm Use only orte-dvm to execute the test
--srun Use only srun (if available) to execute the test
--arpun Use only aprun (if available) to execute the test
--myapp=s In addition to the standard tests, run this specific application (including any args)
--all Use all available start commands [default]
--results=file File where results are to stored in comma-separated value format
--rawout Provide raw timing output to the file
my $n = 1;
my $cmd;
my $starter;
my $test;
my $output;
my @lines;
my $line;
my @results;
my $res;
my $idx;
my $option;
my $havedvm = 0;
# see which starters are available
my @path = split(":", $ENV{PATH});
my $exists = 0;
while ($idx <= $#starters) {
$starter = $starters[$idx];
$exists = 0;
foreach my $path (@path) {
if ( -x "$path/$starter") {
$exists = 1;
unless ($exists) {
# remove this one from the list
splice @starters, $idx, 1;
splice @starteroptions, $idx, 1;
# adjust the index
$idx = $idx - 1;
} elsif ($usedvm && $starter ne "orterun") {
# remove this one from the list
splice @starters, $idx, 1;
splice @starteroptions, $idx, 1;
# adjust the index
$idx = $idx - 1;
} elsif ($usesrun && $starter ne "srun") {
# remove this one from the list
splice @starters, $idx, 1;
splice @starteroptions, $idx, 1;
# adjust the index
$idx = $idx - 1;
} elsif ($useaprun && $starter ne "aprun") {
# remove this one from the list
splice @starters, $idx, 1;
splice @starteroptions, $idx, 1;
# adjust the index
$idx = $idx - 1;
} elsif ($usempirun && $starter ne "mpirun") {
# remove this one from the list
splice @starters, $idx, 1;
splice @starteroptions, $idx, 1;
# adjust the index
$idx = $idx - 1;
$idx = $idx + 1;
# bozo check
if (scalar @starters == 0) {
print "No available starters\n";
# if they gave us an app, add it to the list of tests
if ($myapp) {
push @tests, $myapp;
if ($myresults) {
# open the results file
open FILE, ">$myresults" || die "file could not be opened";
# determine the number of nodes - doesn't
# matter which starter we use
$cmd = $starters[0] . " " . $starteroptions[0] . " hostname";
print "CMD: $cmd\n";
$output = `$cmd`;
print "$output\n";
@lines = split(/\n/, $output);
$num_nodes = $#lines + 1;
# collect the complete list of starters
my $mystarters;
$mystarters = $starters[0];
while ($idx < $#starters) {
$mystarters = $mystarters . "," . $starters[$idx];
$idx = $idx + 1;
# get the local date and time
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$yr19,@rest) = localtime(time);
# start by printing out the resulting configuration
print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n";
print "\nTest configuration:\n";
print "\tDate:\t" . "$day-".++$month. "-".($yr19+1900) . " " . sprintf("%02d",$hour).":".sprintf("%02d",$min).":".sprintf("%02d",$sec) . "\n";;
print "\tNum nodes:\t" . $num_nodes . "\n";
print "\tStarters:\t" . $mystarters . "\n";
print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n";
# and tag the output file as well
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "Test configuration:\n";
print FILE "Date:\t" . "$day-".++$month. "-".($yr19+1900) . " " . sprintf("%02d",$hour).":".sprintf("%02d",$min).":".sprintf("%02d",$sec) . "\n";;
print FILE "Num nodes:\t" . $num_nodes . "\n";
print FILE "Starters:\t" . $mystarters . "\n";
my $index = 0;
sub runcmd()
for (1..$reps) {
$output = `$cmd`;
if ($myresults && $rawoutput) {
print FILE $n . " " . $output . "\n";
@lines = split(/\n/, $output);
foreach $line (@lines) {
if (0 <= index($line, "real") ||
0 <= index($line, "elapsed")) {
# we know that at least one item of interest is
# in this line, so let's look for it - start
# by getting rid of any leading whitespace
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
@results = split (/ +/,$line);
$idx = 0;
foreach $res (@results) {
# we are only interested in the real or elapsed time
my $strloc = index($res, "real");
if (0 <= $strloc) {
# some systems put the number in front of
# this word, and some append the word to
# the number - consider both cases
if (0 == $strloc) {
if (0 == $idx) {
# it must be in the next location
push @csvrow,$results[1];
} else {
# it must be in the prior location
push @csvrow,$results[$idx-1];
} else {
# take the portion of the string up to the tag
push @csvrow,substr($res, 0, $strloc);
} else {
$strloc = index($res, "elapsed");
if (0 <= $strloc) {
# some systems put the number in front of
# this word, and some append the word to
# the number - consider both cases
if (0 == $strloc) {
if (0 == $idx) {
# it must be in the next location
push @csvrow,$results[1];
} else {
# it must be in the prior location
push @csvrow,$results[$idx-1];
} else {
# take the portion of the string up to the tag
push @csvrow,substr($res, 0, $strloc);
$idx = $idx + 1;
# we have now completed all the reps, so log the results
if ($myresults) {
my $myout;
my $mycnt=0;
while ($mycnt <= $#csvrow) {
if (0 == $mycnt) {
$myout = $csvrow[$mycnt];
} else {
$myout = $myout . "," . $csvrow[$mycnt];
$mycnt = $mycnt + 1;
print FILE "$myout\n";
# clear the output
@csvrow = ();
print "\n";
foreach $starter (@starters) {
# if we are going to use the dvm, then we
if ($starter eq "orterun") {
# need to start it
if (-e "dvm_uri") {
system("rm -f dvm_uri");
$cmd = "orte-dvm --report-uri dvm_uri 2>&1 &";
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "\n\n$cmd\n";
if (!$SHOWME) {
# wait for the rendezvous file to appear
while (! -e "dvm_uri") {
$havedvm = 1;
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "$starter\n\n";
my $testnum = 0;
foreach $test (@tests) {
$option = $options[$testnum];
if (-e $test) {
if ($myresults) {
print FILE "#nodes,$test,$option\n";
if (!$SHOWME) {
# pre-position the executable
$cmd = $starter . $starteroptions[$index] . " $test 2>&1";
$n = 1;
while ($n <= $num_nodes) {
push @csvrow,$n;
$cmd = "time " . $starter . " " . $starteroptions[$index] . " -n $n $option $test 2>&1";
print $cmd . "\n";
if (!$SHOWME) {
$n = 2 * $n;
if (0 != $num_nodes & $n) {
$cmd = "time " . $starter . " " . $starteroptions[$index] . " $option $test 2>&1";
print $cmd . "\n";
if (!$SHOWME) {
print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n";
} else {
print "Test " . $test . " was not found - test skipped\n";
print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n";
$testnum = $testnum + 1;
if ($havedvm) {
if (!$SHOWME) {
$cmd = "orterun --hnp file:dvm_uri --terminate";
if (-e "dvm_uri") {
system("rm -f dvm_uri");
$index = $index + 1;
if ($myresults) {